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Olivia is the first to wake, it's early morning and she looks down to where Peeta is sleeping. "Peeta, wake up." She says as soft as possible. He slowly opens his eyes and looks up. "We survived one day and night."

They untie themselves and get down. "Yes but we still have a lot to go." Peeta replies softly. They hear something above them, they look up to see one of the tributes, probably the girl from eleven, jump from tree to tree. "She is fast." Peeta says.

"Yeah, let's go." Olivia replies and they take off. After a while they hear water. Olivia looks around and gets the bottle that was in her bag out. They walk upon the sound and see a river. "Yes!" Olivia says happily. They fill the bottle and drink some of it. "Now let's get breakfast." Olivia says softly.

They walk around and after a while she spots a squirrel. Her grip gets tighter around the knife and she throws it right into the squirrel, making him fall to the ground. Olivia picks it up and smiles.

Without saying a word they cook the squirrel over a small little fire that is impossible to spot for other people. They cooked the squirrel and eat it. "You know, without you I would've been dead already." Peeta says breaking the silence.

"Don't think about that." Olivia replies. When they ate the squirrel they put out the fire and walk some more, trying to find a way to be safe. Suddenly some fireballs shoot from out of nowhere at them. "Run!" Olivia screams. They start running but split up by one of those fireballs. Olivia jumps over her way to the end. With one last explosion behind her she falls of the hill.

She groans softly and gets up again looking around hoping she would see Peeta but nothing. A sound from the bushes makes her turn and grab her knife again. A girl jumps out and looks at her in pure fear. It's the girl from five. "I'm not gonna kill you." Olivia says putting away her knife.

"Thank you." The girl replies softly smiling. They both end up on different ways. Olivia needs to know if he's safe, she needs to. It becomes dark but she needs to know. Her head is filled with questions most about Peeta.

She decides on climbing in a tree and rest for the time being. She looks around in the darkness hoping to catch a glimpse of Peeta. But nothing. After some time she hears a canon, it makes her jump. Twelve have died, Peeta... she sat there in fear for thirty minutes before the song started playing and the logo of Panem appeared.

A girl died that night, someone she didn't know. Relief filled her and she could finally fall asleep in peace.


"No! They split up!" Haymitch says irritated. He points at the screen and sighs.

"I know, but maybe they'll find each other, have you seen the face of relief Olivia had when that girl appeared on the screen?" Arthur asks.

"She must really like Peeta." Jane replies smiling at herself.

"Maybe history is gonna repeat themselves." Arthur says nodding at Jane. Her mouth falls open.

"What! You won't think that she..." Jane gets cut off.

"Not yet." Haymitch says smiling. Both men start laughing and shake their heads. "No we'll just wait."


The sun starts shining waking Olivia up. It's a wonder she can sleep here at night. She gets down the tree and starts walking. She needs to find him. After walking around for about one hour, she feels hungry and decides on taking a break. She walks over to the river and looks for animals. She sees one and kills it instantly. She picks the bird up and walks to somewhere safer with it.

"Olivia." A male voice sounds from the bushes. She looks around but can't seem to find the person. "Olivia, right here." It sounds again, she looks closer to see Peeta in the bushes totally camouflaged.

"What in the world... PEETA!" She says happily. Olivia pulls away the branches and helps him out of there. She pulls him into a hug and hold him tight. "I was scared yesterday, that canon sounded and I thought it was you..." Olivia rambles quickly.

"I thought exactly the same but then I was like, she wouldn't go down that quickly." Peeta replies holding her tight as well. Tears had formed into her eyes already. "Why were you scared for losing me?"

Olivia pulls back and looks at him confused. "What? You mean that I should be happy if that were you? Peeta I would've given up if that canon was your death! I can't do this without you." She says.

"No you're wrong, you can win this Olivia... your strong, fast and know how to hunt. You're smart and I wouldn't survive without you." He says looking down.

"Really? I didn't even see you in this stupid bush, we need each other." Olivia replies. They walk a little further to cook the bird. He was right, it's him that needs her but the last night she was so miserable to think that he died that she couldn't function normal anymore. She needs him too, in different ways.


"Yes! They found each other! Now that's love!" Haymitch says smiling and jumping up and down.

"We can make this together, tell their story." Arthur says and winks. Both him and Haymitch take off to the cameras and tell people lies about Olivia saying that she really likes him and lies about the girl Peeta talked about in the interviews was her.

Everyone seems to buy it cause no one is blind, the connection on screen is honestly the most beautiful thing they could wish for.

Together - Peeta MellarkWhere stories live. Discover now