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"I saw a cave on my way to those bushes, maybe we can take shelter in there?" Peeta asks softly while walking. Olivia stops and turns to face him.

"That may be the smartest thing to do..." they get interrupted by a boy jumping out of the bushes and attacking Olivia. She lays underneath the boy who's holding a knife to her throat. Peeta pushes the boy from her, and kicks him. Olivia jumps up and throws a knife into the boys chest, the boy collapses and they hear a canon shot.

Both Peeta and Olivia look at the body on the ground. "Peeta..." she whispers before falling down, before hitting the ground Peeta had caught her.

"Olivia, hey wake up, stay with me." Peeta says laying her down softly. He walk over to the boy and takes out the knife they might still need. He walks back to Olivia seeing a huge cut in her neck. "Olivia." He says tears forming his eyes. She is still alive and he needs to protect her. He picks her up, and carries her to the cave he had seen.

He lays her down not knowing even there were cameras. He softly straddles her forehead and takes his shirt off to hold it to her neck hoping the bleeding would stop. He holds her hand tightly and sighs. "Please stay with me, I ..." he hesitates but says it. "I can't have you dying, that would kill me." He says softly. Tears dropping down.

Everyone in the capitol melt down by this view. And sponsors want to go in and send medicine they need. It all works out how Haymitch and Arthur had planned but this wasn't just something they could make up, this was real. They send in a parachute and waited for it to be seen.

Peeta hears some weird noice and walks outside. The parachute lands not far away and he walks over there. He picks up the parachute and opens it, seeing some medicine which will heal the wound in her neck. He reads the little piece of paper.

Good job, star crossed lover.

Peeta rolls his eyes and runs back when he hears two canons. His gaze drops and he looks up. "Olivia." He says running into the cave to see her lay down. He runs up to her and places the medicine down, taking her wrist in his hand to still feel a heartbeat. He lets out a breathe he didn't know he held in.

Peeta applies the cream softly onto her neck hoping it wouldn't hurt her too much. After he applied it, he holds her hand and rubs with his thumb on the back of her hand. "You will be okay." He takes his shirt and pulls it back over his head, he doesn't care about the blood onto it, at least it smells like her now.

The whole night he was sitting like that, awake and hoping she would wake up, he didn't even bother to look at the logo of Panem that night. Before the sun went up, she finally opens her eyes and coughs softly. Peeta leans over her and smiles. "Welcome back." He says softly, cupping her cheeks.

"What happened?" She asks in a cracked voice. He smiles and helps her sit up before replying.

"The boy from six thought it was fun to cut your neck, don't worry, you killed him." Peeta replies.

"You saved my life." She mumbles softly holding her hand over the cut that healed good that night. Peeta looks at her and she turns her face to look at him. "Thank you." She says softly.

"It was no big deal, luckily someone cared as much as I did to help you with the medicine." Peeta says.

"But you kicked him off me, you applied it... your shirt is bloody, what happened?" She freaks out seeing the blood for the first time. He cups her cheeks once again and tells her to calm down.

"This is your blood." He eventually says. Her eyes widen looking at it. It's a lot of blood. "I had to take something to press against the cut you know." Peeta says. Olivia smiles out of relief. They sit like that for some while longer.

"I guess it can be over quickly." She says. He takes his hands off her cheeks. "Peeta?" She asks, he looks at her and nods. "When you said in the interviews, you liked someone... who were you referring to?" Olivia asks, not knowing whole Panem wants to hear his answer.

"Why do you wanna know?" Peeta asks chuckling from nervousness. He is in a bloody arena with nine other kids in a battle to life and death but he is nervous to tell her his feelings.

"Because we can die tomorrow or in a few hours and does it really matter anymore?" She replies softly.

"It was you..." Peeta says softly looking down. "It was you, when I saw the reaping again, I thought you were really pretty and I admired the fact you stayed fearless. During the parade, you looked at me and I saw you smiling for the first time, my heart stopped. During the trainings I couldn't believe my eyes when you only missed one knife and the climbing you do... It's always been you." Peeta says.

Olivia smiles brightly, her cheeks flushing red. "You wanna know why I smiled when I saw you at the parade?" She asks, he looks up and smiles too, he nods. "I don't know either, it just happened, and every time you looked at me or someone brought you up, I smiled like an idiot again, and I couldn't stop smiling. Even Aaron knew what was going on before I saw it myself... the reason I wouldn't survive without you is because... because I would be miserable knowing I would live a life without you. Cause the moment I first saw you, I knew no one would ever make that difference on me again." She says.

"So if I understood this correctly..." he says making both laugh. "I like you and you like me?" He asks. Olivia slowly nods. He leans in and kisses her softly. She kisses him back, it feels like everything changed. The feeling of butterflies waking up in her stomach and the feelings of fireworks exploding in the sky. They pull away and smile at each other. "I'm glad I did that before I die." Peeta says.

"Great you just ruined the moment." Olivia replies jokingly.


"I knew it! I knew he talked about her!" Haymitch screams happily at the screen.

"Guys..." Janes says in pure sadness. "We all know that this means the end of both. If one dies, the other kills themselves..." Jane says before walking away.

Together - Peeta MellarkWhere stories live. Discover now