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Some days had passed leaving only Peeta, Olivia, Cato, Clove, Foxface, Tresh and Katniss. "Attention all tributes... we will have a slight rule change..." Claudius' voice trembled through the arena.

"The rule of only one victor is forgotten... now instead two victors may be crowned if both coming from the same district." He says. The voice ended. Peeta and Olivia looked at each other for a few moments before tears starts spreading over her cheeks. Peeta looks confused but when he sees her hand move slowly to a knife he jumps up.

Olivia pick up the knife but Peeta grabs her wrist and holds it away from her body. "Let me do this." She says through tears. He held on tighter.

"I won't let you kill yourself!" He says immediately, cupping her cheek with his other hand.

"You heard him, you and Katniss can survive this, you can go home." Olivia replies sobbing.

"No! I won't let you kill yourself, if I make it out without you ... I wouldn't want to live with myself!" Peeta replies now taking the knife out of her hand and throwing it backwards. "I just can't." He says.

What they didn't know however, everyone in the capitol looked at the screen, holding their breath while staring at the two teenagers completely in love with one another. Peeta rests his forehead against hers. "Or we both get out or die together in here." He whispers but everyone heard it.

"Peeta." She says softly, he looks up at her. "I don't want to take away your life." She says softly.

"You won't, the capitol already did that." Peeta says holding onto her wrist. He doesn't want to let go. She nods and he kissed her one more time before letting go. They decide to get out and hunt for dinner and they split up. Olivia tries to catch some squirrels.

Peeta gets approached by Katniss. "Are you here to kill me?" Peeta asks confused. He knows he wouldn't win a fight against Katniss but he won't admit it.

"No, you heard the rule changing, we can survive together, live together." Katniss replies smiling.

"I thought you didn't want to team up with me." Peeta replies. She looks at him full hatred.

"Peeta be realistic, we can make it out, both of us." She replies making it sound like a desperate call for help but he doesn't buy it.

"No, I won't team up with you." Peeta replies. Katniss takes an arrow and holds onto her bow.

"If that's what you chose, accept you fate then." She says pointing her bow and arrow at him. Before she could launch it however Olivia jumped out of the woods and attacked Katniss. Olivia throws a knife at her but Katniss' arrow lose, hitting Peeta in his leg.

He collapses to the ground trying to take on the pain. Olivia throws another knife hitting Katniss' rib. She runs away in pain and Olivia fails to throw another one. She runs up to Peeta and takes out the arrow which sting into him to the bone. "Peeta, Peeta it will be okay, you will be okay." Olivia says softly but she clearly panics.

She helps him up again and brings him back to the cave, she lays him down and holds onto his bloody leg. "At least you hit her." Peeta says softly.

"How can you say that, you're dying!" Olivia replies crying. Her body shivers from the thought of being helpless. Peeta tilts his hand up to her cheek and smiles weakly.

"So be it." He whispers. She rests her head against his hand and places one of hers against it. They stay in the cave for about four hours before the voice sounds through the speakers again.

"We have decided to be generous, everyone needs something they desperately need. Come and get it at the feast tomorrow night at the cornucopia." That's the only thing Claudius says. Olivia looks at Peeta's leg.

"You're medicine." She says gathering her knifes. Peeta holds her and pulls her back down.

"You're not going in there you're not risking your life!" Peeta says immediately.

"What do you want me to do! You would do the same for me wouldn't you?" Silence. "If I don't go you die, and I won't let that happen." She replies.

"I will follow you, I will struggle behind you and scream everyone together." Peeta says confidently.

"What do you want me to do?" Olivia asks.

"Come here." He replies. She hesitates but leaves the knifes down and lays her head against his chest while he wraps his arm around her. He slowly falls asleep like that.


"She is just going to sit there? They have a chance in a lifetime to safe Peeta." Haymitch says annoyed.

"She won't, I know my daughter and she rather dies while trying to get that bag then sitting there leaving him to die. She's going." Jane replies.

"But what if she dies trying to get the medicine? Then both are death." Arthur adds.

"Listen, they can make it, they're obviously death anyways... their from different districts." Jane says.

Together - Peeta MellarkWhere stories live. Discover now