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I do not own Naruto, or any of the characters. I only own the plot and personality changes. Naruto was created by Masashi Kishimoto. If I owned Naruto, it'd be gay.


-Foul language
-Dark humor
-NSFW moments
-Male x Male
-Mentions of blood

Naruto POV

Fear, the one thing I can feel. Pure and utter fear. I was tied up in an unknown area. The floors were damp. My eyes were shadowed by a blindfold.
"Help! Please! Anyone!!"
I screamed, knowing no-one was going to save me. Everyone I knew despised me...other than Jiji and the ANBU of course. Though they had no idea where I was. I had gotten good at losing them over the years. I was crying at this point, until I heard a heavy door open.
"You just can't shut up! Can you?"
A gruff voice called. I heard feet drag over to where I was chained.
"Seeing you cry like that is a real turn on~"
The man's voice drew closer, as did the sound of his feet.
"Why don't I have some fun while I can~?"
The man stated. My wrists were chained together, though my ankles were chained separately. The man messed with something that made the chains move. My hands were now above my head, my legs spread apart.
"W-what are you-?!"
I tried to get him to stop, but the man moved quickly. His mouth pressed against mine, his lips were rough. I bit down, not allowing entrance, but he bit my lip. His action caused me to gasp, giving him the moment he needed. He slipped his tongue into my mouth. I pushed against his touch, but nothing worked. I felt his hands slip down to my pants.
I screamed, but this only aggravated him more. The man slipped my pants off and I felt him remove his.
"I was gonna be gentle~ but this kind of resistance does not go unpunished."
The man chuckled before slamming his cock into me. It hurt. Oh, god, did it hurt.
A scream ripped through my throat. The man pounded into me, I felt my skin rip at the force. He did this for a solid 14 minutes before he cummed and pulled out. I could feel his smug aura as he dressed himself. He kicked a blanket at me and I did my best to wrap it around myself. I was exhausted.
I was afraid to sleep, but decided that if I was to get out of here, I needed my energy. I closed my eyes and awoke to a dark, damn area, a large Torii gate consuming half of the room.
"What are you doing here?"
A cynical voice spoke. I looked up and through the Torii gate to see a huge fox.
"D-Don't hurt me!"
I squeaked. The fox seemed surprised at my words, but laid it's head down on its claws and shut its eyes. I watched as it's eyes glowed through it's lids. A few moments later, it sat up and looked at me with a troubled look.
"That is terrible..how could humans do this...especially to someone so young..."
The fox said. I cocked my head to the side.
"What or...who..are you?"
I asked. The fox stared down and put his nose to the edge of his cage.
"My name is Kurama, I am the kyuubi no kitsune."
Answered the fox. I looked around and saw I was still naked.
"W-where am I?..and can I have clothes please?"
I asked, worried and self conscious.
"You are in our shared mindscape. If you wish, I can give you some clothes while you are here, but they will not be visible nor useful outside the mindscape. Does that sound good?"
Kurama smiled, a coy smile.
"P-please do..."
I replied. The fox nodded and in a flash I had clothes on.
"Thank you!"
I cried out, hugging the fox's nose.
"O-oi! Hands off kid!"

The fox pouted, I pulled away and stared at it.

"How did I get here?"
I asked. Kurama sighed and grumbled under its breath.
"Too many questions. Sleep."
The fox picked me up with a tail and set me beside it. I sat in awe for a moment before hearing a low growl. It wasn't threatening, but caring and protective.
I nodded at Kurama's request and slowly closed my eyes, resting my head gently on it's inner shoulder.

When I came to, I was still chained up. I looked around and noticed I didn't have my blindfold on. I looked at my surroundings. It was a small, but dimly lit room. The floors were cobble and there was a leak on the North wall. The walls seemed to be concrete and there was a chair in the NorthEast corner. The door was in the NorthWest corner of the room. To the West of me was a small tray with a piece of bread and some rice, and to the East a chest. I wondered what the contents were, but my stomach grumbled.
'Eat it kit.'
I heard Kurama's voice ring through my ears.
'How do I know it isn't poisoned?'
I asked, unsure if it could really hear me or not.
'I've enhanced our sense of smell, it's fine'
Kurama replied. I was momentarily shocked, but began to eat the food quickly. I sighed in content while leaning on the concrete wall. That slight joy was soon overridden by fear as the door opened again. Instead of one man this time, it was three.
"Well well well, you weren't wrong (name). He is cute~"
The tallest of the three said. I swallowed hard as they all approached me. The man's whos voice I recognized picked me up by the chains on my wrist, causing me to wince in pain. I squirm and try to kick him away.
The one blonde guy smirks. My eyes widen as they close in on me. They take turns with me, one kissing me while I'm getting fucked in the ass by another, and the third is either watching or sucking on my not-yet-matured dick. I cried as they used me, but this only seemed to turn them on more.
'Why do they do this?!'
I screamed into my mind, not expecting an answer.
'Because of me... The grudge they hold against me...was placed on you when I was sealed into you..'
Kurama told me.
I was about to respond when the blonde switched positions and was fucking me like I was a bitch(female dog). He was pounding faster and faster. A scream cut through my throat as he cummed inside me.
The men cleaned up with smirks on their faces and left me. I was trembling in fear and unmeasurable pain.
'I hope Jiji has ANBU looking for me...'
I thought.
'I bet he does kit..I bet he does..'
Kurama reassured.

3rd person

4 Hours after the kidnapping

"You lost him?!"
Hiruzen screamed at his ANBU. They nodded hesitantly.
"Find him! It's near his 9th birthday! If the villagers got their hands on him..."
Hiruzen shook himself.
"Find him! I don't care what you have to do! Just..find him please.."
Hiruzen sat back down as he said the last part. The ANBU in front of him nodded and flickered away. He was way too old to be stressing this much. He looked over to Koharu, his advisor.
"Koharu..get me a bottle of Sake please."
Hiruzen demanded.
"Is that wise-"
He cut her off.
She quickly went and got him a bottle of Sake and poured him a cup.
"Thank you.."
Hiruzen said before downing the cup and the bottle.


With the ANBU

"Dog and Weasel. You will search the shadows of the village homes. The rest of you will scout the perimeter. Got it?"
 The commander said. All the ANBU nodded and flickered away. Dog and Weasel had searched all but six houses within a matter of eight hours.
 "Six Houses...Do you think he might be in one?"
Dog asked, worried. Weasel was worried as well, but didn't show it.
 "Let's hope not."
Weasel said before leaping into a shadow. The house they searched was normal and they didn't find any secret passages so they continued on, but the next house they searched was...off.
"There's a secret basement"
Weasel stated quietly, pointing under a rug. The two jumped into the shadow and slid down. What they saw was horrible. Naruto was chained to the wall, he had scars and bite marks, hickeys and clear penetration marks. He looked asleep, and well fed, but still seemed so frail...
"Oh my god.."
 Dog whispered. Weasel quickly ran to the boy and checked him thoroughly, before sighing.
"Nothing too bad...but he will probably have a few scars.."
Weasel looks away, looking sick through his mask.
"Poor kid..he didn't deserve this..."
Weasel said, turning back to Naruto who was waking. He looked up and his eyes were red, like those of the Kyuubi's. Though they softened as he realized who they were.
"W-weasel? D-dog?"
 Naruto stuttered before the door seemed to be opening. Fear clearly written on the boy's face, the two ANBU hid and watched from a distance.


Naruto POV

I passed out not long after they had raped me once again. I awoke once again in Kurama and I's mindscape. I cried and cried into his fur, not releasing my tight grip.
 "I'm sorry you have to go through this Kit..."
Kurama apologized. I sniffed and hugged the fox, or, what I could of the fox's fur.
"It's fine Okaa-san, you didn't ask to be inside me, so it isn't your fault,"
 I smile at Kurama and its eyes widen.
"Why am I your mother?"
 Kurama asks and I smile.
 "'Cause you worry like one!"
 I smile and walk over to Kurama's nose before booping it.
 "Someone's coming."
Kurama warns.
"Is it those guys again?"
 I ask, scared, but Kurama shakes their head.
"No, it's 2 ANBU, they are lurking in the shadows above but seem to be coming here. Want me to make sure?"
Kurama asked.
"Yes please..."
 I responded, hugging Kurama tight. A few moments later, Kurama opened his eyes again.
"It's Dog and Weasel, but those as- *coughs* guys are coming back..You have to go.."
Kurama informs me.
"Thank you Okaa-san.."
I smile and fade out as I hear Kurama sigh. I open my eyes and look up at the two figures in front of me with worried and anxious looks.
"W-weasel? D-dog?"
 I stutter out before hearing the door open and my eyes widen. The two ANBU jumped into the shadows, and the original guy had brought one more. The two men grabbed me and attempted to rape me again, but this time, a clearly angry Weasel and Dog were there to stop them. Dog jumped out with Kunais in hand, Weasel had his Katana ready and they charged. Dog held the two off for a second so Weasel could cut my restraints. He cut my wrist restraints with ease, but he used two swings to cut my ankle restraints.
 "Run. The door leads up to the main area, take a left and run out the back door towards the forest as fast as you can. We'll find you, I promise."
Weasel said and he tossed me the blanket and ushered me away. I ran and ran and ran. My legs began to give out but I didn't stop. I wanted to rid myself of all of this! I dropped the blanket and kept running. I started feeling a bit light headed.
'At this point kit, you'll pass out of exhaustion'
Kurama warned.
'I'd rather pass out than go back!!'
 I screamed at Kurama in response. I noticed my speed decreased and I was beginning to feel a little light headed. I began to fall towards the ground, but was held gently by strong arms.

Face of the day


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