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I do not own Naruto, or any of the characters. I only own the plot and personality changes. Naruto was created by Masashi Kishimoto. If I owned Naruto, it'd be gay.


-Foul language

-Dark humor

-NSFW moments

-Male x Male

-Mentions of blood/rape


3rd POV

It was officially Naruto's birthday. His progress has skyrocketed, though he needs some work on his Taijutsu. Madara, Tsunade, Kakashi, Ibiki, Anko and Neko were prepping the house. Tsunade was bossing everyone around while Hiruzen tested naruto, though really the old man was just buying time.

"Okay! Is the cake done?! Is the table set?! Does everyone have their gifts?! Are we good to go?!"

Tsunade asked, frantic and excited. Ibiki nodded and she let out a long sigh.

"Good. Now, everyone go change! Naru-chan should be here soon!"

Everyone scurried off to go get ready. Naruto on the other hand was being worked.


Hiruzen said. Naruto looked at the man with an angered expression.

"Why?! I wanna go home and sleep! It's the one thing I can do on this dreadful day!"

Naruto shouted. Hiruzen was taken back but frowned at the boy.

"And why may that be?"

The old man asked. Naruto looked at the old man then the ground. His chakra was sad and lost.

"Fox hunt...the festival and the fox hunts.."

Hiruzen walked to the boy and smiled at him. The two sat under a sakura tree and the old man reached into his cloak, pulling out a small box.

"What's that Jiji?"

Hiruzen turned to the blonde and held out the box.

"It's your birthday gift. I was gonna wait, but I think now is as good a time as any."

The old man smiled at the boy. Naruto took the box and opened it with caution. Inside were two beautiful fox and wolf necklaces. They were interlocking in what looked like a yin and yang symbol. Naruto gasped and admired the piece.

"I had them custom made from the earth kingdom. I have a metal jutsu specialist who made them for you."

Naruto looked up at the man and jumped at him, enveloping him in a warm hug.

"Thank you so much Jiji!"

Naruto cried. Hiruzen laughed and hugged the boy.

"Who're gonna give the other half to?"

Naruto pulled away and smiled.

"Madara-sama gets the fox! So he has something that reminds him of me, and I want the wolf. Seeing as a wolf reminds me of him!"

Hiruzen sighed with a smile.

"So innocent...that man.."

Hiruzen mumbled. Naruto tilted his head.

"Who's innocent? What man?"

Naruto asked, clearly not putting the pieces together. Hiruzen shook his head and smiled.

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