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I do not own Naruto, or any of the characters. I only own the plot and personality changes. Naruto was created by Masashi Kishimoto. If I owned Naruto, it'd be gay.


-Foul language

-Dark humor

-NSFW moments

-Male x Male

-Mentions of blood/rape


3rd Person

Naruto scorned himself as a bubble formed in the pit of his stomach.

'He's older than you by decades...You shouldn't feel this way.'

Naruto told himself. Kurama however felt different and spoke their mind.

'I could make your lifetime longer like Madara's...I mean..if you want that is...'

Naruto sputtered quietly before going into the mindscape. The blonde looked up at the large orange fox with wide eyes.

"R-really? You can do that?!"

Naruto asked, astonished. Kurama nodded and nuzzled Naruto.

"I know you find him attractive~"

Naruto blushed at the thought and turned away from the fox.


Kurama laughed and the two got lost in thought.

"I wonder how soft his hair is.."

"I wonder how soft his hair is.."

The two spoke at the same time. They laughed and Naruto spoke.

"Why don't I find out?"

Kurama grinned.

"That's up to you Kit, just don't get caught~"

Naruto giggled and left the mindscape. He looked down at the sleeping Uchiha on his lap. The blonde blushed but smiled. He moved his hand and brushed the Uchiha's hair out of his face. The man snored lightly but remained asleep. Naruto placed his hand on Madara's hair and ran a gentle hand through it. He was amazed at how soft it was even though it looked rough. He enjoyed playing with the Uchiha's hair. It went on for a solid 4 minutes before the black haired male spoke.

"You've been playing with my hair for almost 5 minutes, what is the meaning of that?"

Madara asked as he opened his eyes and looked at the blonde. Naruto yelped when Madara started speaking and pulled his hand away. The blonde's face was red and he was wide eyed.

"Y-you were awake?!"

Naruto squeaked. Madara smiled and nodded.

"W-why didn't you do or say anything?!"

Naruto blurted, still obviously embarrassed as he covered his face with his hands. Madara frowned at not seeing the boy's face. He reached up and pulled Naruto's hands down. The blonde didn't make eye contact but still kept his hands down. Madara smiled and sighed.

"Because I wanted to see how you'd react."

Madara paused and looked Naruto in the eyes before continuing.

"You do know that touching someone's hair is very intimate, right?"

With those words Naruto got as red as a rose. Madara chuckled and sat up. He looked at the coffee table and smiled.

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