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I do not own Naruto, or any of the characters. I only own the plot and personality changes. Naruto was created by Masashi Kishimoto. If I owned Naruto, it'd be gay.


-Foul language

-Dark humor

-NSFW moments

-Male x Male

-Mentions of blood/rape


This chapter isn't as long as I thought- sorry...

For those of you who are waiting for another chapter of Basking in the Sun my ShikaNaru story, I will be working on that and posting it soon! So, no need to worry!

(I just realized I haven't posted a chapter of my Asanoya story in a while....)


3rd person

Naruto did just as Kakashi asked and cut the wood into three pieces with the chakra whip.

"Good job, Naruto-kun!"

The blonde grinned at his sensei's praise.

"What's next?"

Naruto asked. Kakashi shook his head and Naruto tilted his head in confusion.

"We need to take a break, how about some early dinner?"

Naruto knew this was just a ploy to taste his cooking again but went with it.

"That sounds good!"

Naruto turned on his heels and walked towards the backdoor.

'I wonder what Madara-san is doing...'

The blonde wondered as he walked up the steps. When he opened the doors he was met with the smell of Madara and toad..?


Naruto ran towards the scents and was not surprised to find Madara and Jiraiya glaring bullets at one another.

"Why are you in my grandson's house?!"

((. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) No Tsunade and Jiyaiya are not dating/married...yet.)

"I am not obligated to tell?! And are you Tsunade-kun's husband or something?!"

Madara growled at the man. The sage blushed but kept on with the argument, ignoring the two new chakra signatures.

"No! Now answer!! Where is my grandson?!"

Naruto coughed and the two shot their gazes at him. Madara calmed drastically and Pervy-sage calmed, to an extent.

"Madara-san calm down please..Jiyaiya-san, I let him in my home. He saved the night I was raped."

Jiraiya was taken back at the fact Naruto hadn't called him, 'pervy-sage' but left it alone.

"Okay..but why does he know Tsunade-chan?"

Naruto smirked at the man.


Kakashi and Madara choked on the air. Pervy-sage blushed again.

"N-no! Be quiet y-you damn child..."

The man pouted and crossed his arms.

"You're jealous."

The other two snickered at the Sannin and Naruto walked over to Madara. The Uchiha smiled and turned to the boy. The blonde hummed and leaned on him. Madara chuckled and ruffled Naruto's hair.

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