Chapter One

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In my 3,000 years of living, my boredness never left me. I mean the first few years were nice, you know. I traveled the world, helped people, learned all of the languages, but it was never enough. Eventually, I stop and disappeared from the outside world. There was nothing for me to learn anyways. I started living in this supposed dangerous forest and still am. 

Now, I'm just laying on a tree and looking a the dark sky filled with stars. I'm emotionally numb and to be honest, I don't mind. Feeling are just too much, and I can't handle them. I also hate drama, so I'm not complaining about my current form of living. After all, I gave up on helping people. People are too greedy, and some just wanted to enslave me. So I hid. Were there was people, there was drama, and I don't like that. 

But, then I heard through my telepathy, 'We're going to the legondary forest, and find the person who knows it all.' 

This is when I knew that my life was going to change. I didn't want that, but over the years I've gotten lazy, so I stayed in my bueatiful forest. 

I kept track on the humans and when they were going to arive, but I couldn't care less. I predicted that they were going to get here in about a week, so that give me more time to sleep. I slept most of the time and when I was not I was just spacing out. That is my usual routine. 

A week came by way to fast. I wanted to sleep more, and I was right the humans arived at the forest. I'm in the center of the forest, so it would take them a while to find me, or so I guessed. They found me right away, like they just went straight, and never turned or anything like that. I heard someone say, "Who are you?"

I 'woke up' and looked at them with my bored crystal blue eyes, "No one in particular. What are you doing in this forest?"

They looked enchanted, just staring until one of them asked, "Please, if your the person who knows it all, I beg of you to help my wife. She is in critical condition, and might die any second. Please help me."

This old man was on his knees begging me to help his wife. I presumed that he was a king of a nation because of his fancy clothes and all the knights. I also read his thought, so that another reason I knew. "Get up, old man, I don't like when people beg."

The knights took that as an offence, "You can't speak to our king like that!"

"Calm down, Callum, it's fine." The king said while standing up.

The soldier lowered his weapon, and so did the others. The king spook again, "Please, help my wife."

I thought about it. I don't want to go back to the outside world; bad things will happen if I do. I answered, "Sorry, but I don't feel comfortable with leaving this forest."

"Is that so? Well are you willing to take a look at my wife if we bring her here?" He said determiningly.

I shrugged, "Sure, if your willing."

He nodded, "Ok, then can we make a teleportation circle here, so we can come here quickely?"

I nodded. They started to make the teleportation circle and it hasen't changed a bit. When he finished, the circle started to glow and all the knights and the king were gone. I sat down on the ground because my feet got tired on standing. A minute later, the circle started to glow again, but this time the king, his wife, and this young guy came through. Right when the teleportation finished, I imeadiatly felt a wave of dark energy, and it was coming from the wife. I still had my broed look tho. I walk towards the bed where the wife was laying at, and stopped when I was by her side. 

"Can you help her?" asked the king.

I nodded and said, "You should stand back. If something goes wrong you or your wife could die." 

They both had a look of fear and worry; they both took a step back. I checked her pulsed, and they were right, she could die any minute. The dark energy is destrying her inside out and its not looking good. My hands glowed a bright bule color, and I put them on her chest. When my energy reached the dark energy and pulled up and pulled out the dark energy. It looked like a cloud of dark mist until it transformed into a tiny black ball. I covered the ball with my ice and cracked it into nothing. I checked her pulse again, and it seemed to go back the the normal rate. I looked at the king, "She should be fine now." I walk back to my tree that was a few feet away. 

The king stopped me, "Wait! Why was she sick?"

"Someone tried to kill her by using dark energy." I responded.

They looked shocked. "Yea, so y'all can leave now."

"How do we repay you? We can give you money or-" The king asked.

I cut him off and requested, "Instead of money, are you willing to give wine as payment?"

He was surprised, "Yes, of course. I'll order it right when I get back."

I nodded, "Also, when she wakes up, she has to be in bedrest for about a week. After that she can walk little by little until she is fully recovered. Make sure she gets proper food and sleep." 

"Ok, will do. Thank you very much, your kindness shall be repaid." The king said with gratefulness. The young guy didn't really say anything, he just stared at me but you could tell that he too was grateful. They left through the teleportation circle and I was left alone again. 

I hope that they keep their promise to bring me wine because I've been running low on supply. Wine is the only thing that I can taste. Over the years my taste buds dulled until they were completely gone. Luckly, I can still taste wine because wine is my life. I love it, but if they do bring me the wine, I hope that they don't come back. They'll just bring drama if they keep coming.


-about 1078 words-

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