Chapter Eleven

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The next class is fighting monsters. The whole class gets assigned into groups and goes into the forest that is close by (not Kaza's forest) to fight low-level monsters.

I got assigned with the same green haried kid, a light blue haired dude, and a girl with light purple hair. "So my name is Daiki and my affinity is wind."

"U-um my name is Ena and I can talk to animals along with non-living objects." Said the shy purple headed girl.

"My name is Namiko and my affinity is water!" said the energetic boy. "What's your name?"

"Kaza." I said while yawning.

"Nice to meet y'all!" Namiko smiled brightly.

I nodded. We went in the forest, being highly cautious of our surroundings. After about 30 minutes, we didn't find any monsters and I was honestly disappointed. I mean, I could easily go to the monsters myself but I was too lazy to find one. 'I want to sleep'

We were about to go back but suddently a monster ran towards us at full speed. Luckly I spotted it coming toward us so I dodged in time, and the others surprisingly also saw it so they also dodge. The monster was a pretty high-level monster and in my opinion they had no chance. Daiki tried to injure it with one of his wind tornadoes but it didn't even scratch it. Namiko went head on and tried a water slash attack and it left a slight scratch but barely. 'Oh, so it's weak to water.' Ena tried to talk to it but the monster was to infused with dark energy that it didn't hear her.

The monster tried to attack them but they have good reflexes so they were dodging. They were doing well but they were also getting tired. Namiko was going to jump back but he tripped over a tree root and fell. The monster saw this as an opportunity to attack him so he did, but I intercepted it and blocked it's attack with Kuro. I then ran fast towards the monster and slashed him in half with a water attack. The monster died and faded away and it left a black gem.

Normally monsters evolve when they are infused with dark energy, so they turn into ugly beings. When someone kills them, they fade away into dust and leave behind a gem. The gems can be exchanged for coins (aka kunars). The amount of coins depends on the color and size of the gem. The darker and bigger the gem is the more money you get; the lighter and smaller the gem is the less money you get. It revolves around how dark/light and big/small the gem is.

Since we defeted a high-level monster, we got a dark gem because the monster was strong.

"Wow! You're a water user. Can you teach me, please?" Namiko pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

"Uhh...sure, I guess." I grabbed the gem and put it inside my pocket. "Let's go back. Class is going to finish soon."

"S-sure." Ena agreed.

"Alright." Daiki shrugged.

"Awww...ok, fine." Namiko pouted.

We walked back to the school, which took about 20 minutes. By the time we got there, I was exhausted. "Oh, y'all are the first ones back. How was your journey?"

"Oh, we fought a monster." Daiki said with confidence.

The teacher looked disappointed, so I showed her the gem. "Here's what we got." Her eyes widened.

"This-this gem is pitch black. That's impossible. How did y'all defeated it? Y'all are barely in the first-year, it's practically impossible for y'all to beat this high of a level monster." She asked while inspecting the gem.

"Oh, ya, Kaza over here was the one who defeated it." Namiko pointed to me while smiling.

"Wait, only him?" She asked.

"Y-yes. At first we tried but we couldn't even put a scratch." Ena stated.

"Is that so? Kaza, what spell did you use?" She questioned.

"*yawn* Mizuwokiru." I responded.

(A/N: totally not me just using the japanese word for 'cut water' :p)

"W-what?!? But that's one of the weaker incantations for water!!" She looked at me with disbelief.

"I know."

"That's impossible." She mummbled.

"It's true. I saw it with my own eyes, and as a water user I would never get a spell wrong." Namiko exclaimed.

"Is that so? Well, enough talk, the others are about to get here. How about you guys go inside and wait for them there." She told us.

The other three agreed, "Ok!"

I just followed them back to the classroom. The rest of the class came in a couple minutes later and the bell rang right when they sat down. "Good job, class, see y'all tomorrow." The teacher said while we were getting up to go to the next class.

The other classes are boring; we just study and learn about the history of the country and other countries. We also learn how to do potions. I don't really like that class, not that I like any, because first-years just learn the basics. The second-year is when we actually get to mix ingredients and go out to look for ingredients ourselves.

Before potions, we have lunch. Since we are the gold class we usually have fancy meals and everything.

I sat down on a table about to eat when I felt other people sit beside me and in front of me. It was Ena, Daiki, and Namiko. "Hey, Kaza." Daiki greeted.

"Hn" I greeted back.

"Hey, hey, Kaza, will you teach me some spells later?" Namiko asked.

"I can't later." I explained.

"Aww, why not." He asked.

"Because I have to do something important." I actually wanted to spend time with Kai.

"Ok, fine. But you have to promise me that we will train together."

"Fine, whatever."


"H-hey, can I train with y'all too." Ena asked.

" too." Daiki joined.

"Yea, yea alright." I accepted.

"Yes!" They both said at the same time. Daiki laughed and Ena blushed. 'Interesting. Either she blushed because she likes him or because she was embarrassed.' I know which one it is, but that's for another time.


-about 1020 words-

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