Chapter Thirteen

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The doors, big and wide opened. I heard my name being announced, 'I present Kazahana Fuyu, the person who is going to rule over the kingdom with our future leader, Yaketsuku.' I entered the ballroom and all eyes were on me. I bowed, then went down the stairs. Everyone was looking, trying to find any flaws or mistakes, but there was none. I saw Suki waiting at the bottom staring at me as well. He was blushing...a lot.

I decided to tease him so I looked directly at him while walking gracefully down the stairs. When I got at the bottom Suki said, " look enchanting."

"Why thank you. You look very enchanting yourself." He hold out his hand so I took it. He lead me to the king or the old man. He and I bowed and went up to him. Suki humbly said, "Father, me and Kaza are going to greet the guests."

The old man responded, "Ok son, that's fine. And Kaza speak more respectfully, some of these nobles get offended and think they're being disrespected."

"Whatever, old man, but I guess I can do that."

"Good, y'all may leave now."

Me and Suki walked around, greeted some guest...well more like all of them. 'I'm exhausted' I suddenly saw glasses of wine being distributed by the butlers. 'Just what I needed' I went up to one and asked for a glass of wine. The butler responded, "Yes, young master." He lowered the tray, so I grabbed a glass.

"Thank you." I walked away while taking a sip of my wine. 'This is some fine wine'

There were many nobles but I didn't expect to see her, Iris. She turned around and we made eye contact. She suddenly turned all happy and finished her conversation with someone then started to walk towards me. 'I smell trouble' She caught up to me, "Kaza, you look marvelous."

I didn't want to cause problems not like I care but I answers respectfully with a compliment, "You love very lovely yourself."

She smiled brightly, "Thank you!"

"Well I'm going to go catch up with Suki."

I turned around and read her thoughts at the same time, 'I'll make you suffer Kaza just you wait.' I walk away and made my way to Suki. I saw him talking to this nobleman; I went up to him and the nobleman noticed me first. "Kazahana, it's an honor to meet you."

I nodded, "The honor is mine."

Suki turned around, "Kaza, ah I see you've found the wine."

"Yes, I have." 'Talking formally is so troublesome' I took a sip from my wine.

"Kazahana, I assume you have met my daughter, Iris." He said while calling or motioning Iris to come over here.

"Ah, yes I have. We actually have classes together at the academy."

"Yes, I've heard." Iris came over with the thought, 'it's my time to shine'

She had this whole plan that I honestly did not care about. Iris said while batting her eyes, "Yaketsuku, this might sound disrespectful but can you show me the way to the lady's room?"

Suki sighed, "Follow me. I wouldn't dare for something to happen if I sent one of the servants."

She smiled, "Of course, thank you."

Suki lead Iris towards the lady's room. The nobleman or Iris's father kept me busy by talking about nonsense. A few minutes went by and Iris's father suddenly said, "They are talking an awful amount of time. Should we go and check on them."

I shrugged. I knew what they were planning and since Suki knows about my mind reading, I told him about it. "Sure." I followed the nobleman through the hallways and finally reached the bathroom. We heard a thump and crying. We entered the bathroom and saw Iris floating in the air and Suki looking really mad. The nobleman exclaimed, "What happened here!?!? And put my daughter down!!"

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