Chapter Eight

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~Kaza's Dream~

"Big brother! Let's play." ??? said to me.

"Hehe, you always wanna play." I replied.

"Of course, who wouldn't want to play with big brother" ??? responded with excitement in his voice.

"He's right, you know. You're very fun to have around." ### said to me while coming in the room.

-Some time later-

I was coming home from hunting the food we were going to have for dinner tonight. But I saw somthing unexpected...the village wasn't there anymore; the only thing left was fire and ashes. "W-what happened?" I ran towards my home, or rather were my home was.

I saw there, standing on a pile of ash--where my home is supposed to be--my lover. "### what are you doing?"

He smiled an evil smile, "Oh~ your here, Kaza. Do you like my art, it's very beautiful if I do say so myself."

I realized that this man, my supposed lover, has been deceiving me from the start. For what? I don't know. "W-why?" I mumbled.

"Why? Do you ask. I did it because I wanted your power. I wanted you to give me your immortality seal, so I can become immortal. But you never told me about it even after 5 years we've been together." He replied.

"H-how do you know about that?"

He laughed, "Hahaha, why do you think I got with you in the first place. I know about your immortality because I heard you talk about it with your little brother before I met you."

My eyes widened. 'It was that time in the forest.' "If you wanted immortality then why did you...kill them?"

"I was tired of waiting. And let me tell you, it was quite fun. I mean, the look of dispare in your families eyes was delicious. I loved it!" His eyes had this crazy look.

'I was stupid...I'm sorry for not being able to protect you, little brother.' I ran up to him--in the process grabbing a sharp stick--and salashed him across his chest.

His eyes widened and whispered, "I-im sorry, Kaza. I did what I did, but I really did love you. Y-you made me feel whole again and I appreciate it. T-thank you." He smiled a weak smile and coughed up blood. Next thing I knew was that his heart stop pulsing and he stopped breathing.

The pain in my heart was unbearable...and I broke. I cried until I couldn't anymore and screamed all the anger and sadness I had. After I calmed down, I froze the area with my Ice, which doesn't melt, and left to the 'dangerous' forest.

~End dream~

I woke up with a cold sweat. I was breath fast...I couln't breath. 'I-i can't breath' I tried and tried but no matter what I couldn't suck in oxygen. Kai woke up and when he saw my state he ran out the door.

The door open and in came Suki. He ran to me and hugged me. He whispered sweet things and breathing exercises. "It's okay, Kaza, I'm here and no one will hurt you."

I did the breathing exercises and my breath came back slowly. 'I haven't had a panick attack since forever.'

Once I calmed down, Suki asked, "Now, do you want to talk about it?"

I was scared but for some reason I felt like I could trust him so I did. I told him the incident that happened 2,000 years ago. "Um, so 2,000 years ago, a family adopted me. They had a son, Yuri, who was still a baby and who I considered a younger brother. After a few years, I started to date this guy. His name was Yami. Great guy, you know, sweet, kind, helpful, but thats what I thought at first. After we dated for about 5 years, he- he did something terrible. H-he killed my whole village/family by burning them. At the time I was hunting for food. He told me that he did it because he wanted my inmortality mark and he was tired of waiting, so he killed them. Because of that I killed him and froze the land. I cried after that and that's why y'all found me in the forest. I've been living in that forest for 2,000 years until now."

He hugged me, "Oh my, I'm so sorry that happened to you. I didn't know."

I smiled at him, "It's fine, and I'm sure you have questions, so go ahead and ask."

"Ok, so you said immortality mark, what is that?"

"So, um, the immortality mark is a mark I can give once in my life so that person can live with me forever."

"I see. Also I may be wrong, but I had this theory that you could read minds. Can you?"

"I can but in my younger years, my powers were still lacking and since I was hunting very far away, my telepathy couldn't reach all the way to the village."

"Mmm, ok, but what about the thoughts of the guy. You know, like why didn't you know about his plan?"

"He never thought about it. When he was around me he always thought about how pretty I was or somthing like that. And when he was alone he thought about what to do or what games he could play with Yuri."

"Is that so? Thats weird. So, have you always suffered from the dreams?"

"No, I first had them for a month and then they went away, but they never came back till now."

"Interesting. Ok, last question. Can I sleep with you tonight? It'll ease my worry and I don't want you to have another panick attack."

I smiled a little, "It's fine."

"M-mommy are you okay?" I heard Kai ask.

"I'm fine Kai, just a bad dream."

"Okay, but I want a hug." He gave me a pouty face.

I slightly laughed, "Ok, come here." I opened my arms and he jumped into them. 'This is nice.'

We went under the blankets, me and Kai hugging while Suki hugging me from behind, and went into a blissful sleep. 


-about 1013 words-

~Thanks for reading! I honestly thought that people weren't going to read this so it means a lot.~

Notes: ###- Yami and the ???-Yuri (in dream). Wanted to clear it up just in case some people didn't understand. 

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