Chapter 19

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We flew for hours that day. My parents stayed behind me while I stayed behind Beck. We flew in comfortable silence. We let Beck and Drake go off on their own, letting them have alone time. At some point, my parents ended up in front of Tanwen and me. I watched the two of them together and my heart felt full. They kept looking at each other and smiling. Mom was already starting to look better now. I still couldn't believe she was back.

We made our way back to the castle to get ready for dinner. Once back, my father called for celebration. Soon, the castle was alive with music and laughter. It didn't take me long to get dressed and join in on the fun. Beckett hadn't returned but I didn't expect him to. So much had happened in what seemed like an instant. My mom was home, Beck was full fae, and now Drake being a fully grown dragon. Life couldn't get better than this.

After an hour, we all sat down to eat. The laughter and conversation floated around the room. I smiled, looking out at my people. At Becks team, who had become apart of the family here. Everything was finally in place. It couldn't get better than this. Or so I thought.

The room went crazy as Beck walked in. He smiled but didn't slow his stride. My heart leapt at the sight of him. He didn't stop until he was right in front of the dais, looking directly at me. I found myself leaning forward, pressing against the table. Before I could get up, he turned his attention to my father. I glanced at my father and noticed his face was serious but there was a gleam in his eyes. I looked at Beck and watched as he went down on one knee and bowed his head.

"Your majesties, I beg a moment of your time." He said, voice clear. The entire room was silent. It seemed as if we all held our breath.

"Of course, Beckett. You have our attention." My father told him. My mother gently reached over and took my fathers hand.

"When I first came here, I had one job. Protect your daughter." Beck started, his head still bowed. "That job was easier than I thought it would be, seeing as how I fell in love with her."

The moment the words left his mouth, gasps sounded around the room, but nobody dared moved.

"Your daughter is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She loves fiercely and lives freely. I see the world through her eyes and what a beautiful world it is. Every time she laughs, it breathes new life into me." He spoke with confidence and never looked up. Tears sprang to my eyes at his words. "I vow to protect Kyla with everything I am. I vow to protect her body, mind, and soul. I love your daughter and will try, every single day, to prove that I'm worthy of her. I ask for your blessing, your majesties, to marry your daughter."

Nobody moved. Nobody so much as blinked as my mother stood up slowly and made her way down to him. She stopped in front of him and kneeled down in front of him. I watched as she reached up, put her hand under his chin, and gently lifted his head. I watched him shudder as he met her eyes. There was a certain vulnerability in his eyes.

"I would be honored to have you as a son." She said, quietly. He let out a breath and smiled at her. She smiled back and pulled him into a hug. After a few seconds, they stood up. She turned to me and beckoned me to come down. I scrambled out of my seat and heard a few chuckles. I stopped as soon as I was in front of them both. "You have our blessing. But now I think it's up to her what happens next." With that, she stepped back.

"Oh. Of course." Beck said, nervously. He started patting his pockets, shaking slightly.

"Jacket pocket, buddy." Alec whispered, leaning forward. A few more chuckles rang throughout the room. I'd never seen him this nervous before.

"I knew that." He said, laughing quietly. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a ring. Tears spilled down my face as he got back down on one knee. This time he didn't bow his head. "Kyla, I know I'm only a soldier. I'm not a prince or a lord. But I promise I will give you the life you deserve. I promise to make you as happy as you make me. Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" I practically yelled, nearly before he was finished speaking. He smiled wildly and slipped the ring on my finger. I laughed as he stood, wrapped his arms around me, and spun in a circle.

"It seems as if we have yet another thing to celebrate tonight!" My fathers voice rang out. I looked at him as he raised his glass. "My daughter and soon to be son in law!"

At his words, the room exploded in cheers. We were surrounded in an instant. Some people laughed and others cried. Hugs were given and people congratulated us. Beck never let go of my hand. When I looked at him, his smile lit up the room. Nothing could bring me down from this high.

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