Chapter 9

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    "Princess, are you ready?" Beckett asked, poking his head in the door. I sighed and nodded.
    "Yes unfortunately. Let's go." I started to walk towards him and noticed him looking at me. Really looking at me. My heart fluttered at that. I was wearing a long, dark red gown, cut to fit well with long lace sleeve. The heels made me nearly eye to eye with him and were visible due the slit that went to my thigh.
He cleared his throat and looked away. I smiled slightly, giddy at the fact that I got that reaction out of him. He opened my bedroom door and offered his arm. I linked my arm with his and together we walked down to the throne room. We only ate here when we were entertaining outsiders. The rest of his unit was waiting outside the doors of the throne room. He briefed them on what was going on tonight and they figured out this wasn't something I wanted to do. So they decided to do the big brother thing and show the prince that I wasn't someone to be messed with. I told them earlier in the day that the last guy tried to get a little handsy with me.
I smiled at them and then nodded. The doors opened and I walked in. They trailed in after me, taking various seats at the table. Beckett sat to my left and Zane was to my right. His twin Zach directly in front of him with the prince directly in front of me. One of the other men, Cade, sat on his other side. Right in between the prince and my father. This wasn't how it was normally done but I told my father I would only be cordial if Beckett and his men could be here. It's been nearly a month and I'd gotten to know them all well. I found myself excited to get up each day. They'd all become my friends. They told me more than once that they saw me as a little sister to them.
    "Hello dad." I said, sitting down.
    "Kyla, this is Prince Dain." He said, gesturing to the man in front of me. "Your highness, this is my daughter, Princess Kyla."
    We studied each other for a moment and then nodded at each other. His attention immediately went back to my father. I looked at Beckett and gave him a knowing look. He tried to hide his smile but I knew it was there. One of his dimples was showing.
    Soon, the staff brought out our food and the room was full of conversation. I kept laughing because Zane kept trying to sneak food off my plate while Zach tried to scold him. Beckett just laughed and kept eating. I noticed Cade kept putting himself in the middle of the conversation between my dad and the prince. This was probably the most I ever heard him speak.
"So, Princess," Dain finally turned to me. Here we go. "I heard you have a soul bound dragon."
"Yes I do." I said slowly.
"That's amazing." He said, putting a piece of steak in his mouth. "I didn't think women had dragons. Also I'd like to have a private dinner with you tomorrow. You know, just the two of us." He had a smug smiled on his face.
"Wait, what?" I asked stupidly. I could see each of the guys stiffen up. I completely ignored the invite. "Why wouldn't women have dragons?"
"That's just not how it's done where I'm from." He said while he chewed loudly. "The women tend to stay home and raise their children. What would they need dragons for?"
"A lot of reasons, actually." I replied, getting defensive. "We don't play gender roles here. If a women wants to stay home and raise her kids then she can. If a man wants to stay home then he can. If they both want to be warriors then they can. We don't meddle in peoples lives."
"But there are things that men can do that women can't. It's a fact." He said, genuinely confused. "I mean, let's take tonight for example. You're surrounded by guards because you need to be protected. All these men here are to keep you safe because you can't protect yourself. It's just the way things are."
Nobody moved. Nobody breathed. But everybody just stared at him. Even my father was trying to figure out what to say. Zane was the one who broke the silence and started laughing so hard, tears were streaming down his face. Soon enough, just about everyone was laughing, except me, my dad, and Beckett.
"I'd love to see how you do in the training ring with her." Zane said, still laughing. "She doesn't need us protecting her all the time. In fact, she's gonna start training us."
"Princess, you can't deny that some jobs are meant for men." He said. Ignoring Zane altogether.
"Oh you're absolutely right." I said, shutting everybody up. "Someone has the be the family asshole and that job is typically taken by men. It's a hard job too, right Prince Dain?"
There was another moment of silence while I took a sip of my wine. Then the table erupted again. This time, even my father laughed along with them. Dain looked furious.
"Princesses shouldn't say curse words like that." He said, through gritted teeth.
"Piss off." I said sweetly. He rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to my father, who was still laughing.
Beckett stiffened and started looking around frantically. I knew that look.
"Beck." I whispered. "Is it time?" He nodded and started getting up. He didn't say a word as he took off running out the door.
"Dad, the egg is about to hatch." I told him. "May I be excused for the night?"
"Of course dear." He said with a sympathetic smile. I knew he'd apologize about this guy later. "Tell Beckett I said congratulations."
I nodded and took off running to catch up with Beckett. Excitement thrumming through me.

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