Chapter 13

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The woman suddenly saw herself inside her home, no clown, no dead child and no blood. She sighed slowly, letting more tears fall from her eyes, she felt her knees go weak, then her legs gave in. She slammed her knees on the floor, sitting on her legs, feeling the weight her body carried at that moment.

She felt tired, sad, angry, betrayed and, most importantly, alone. She never felt so alone before, even when she fell on Earth at the beginning of times.

It betrayed her, it knew what she wanted and it knew that it could become better. But it decided to follow its own plan, making her believe that it would actually change, live peacefully with her by its side, forever. The woman didn't know what to do anymore. She thought about letting it all go, just let it kill every person alive, maybe she would have peace that way at last.

(Y/n) got up from the ground, dragging her legs with her, she was shaking and sweating. She decided that a bath would be good for her, to take her mind off of things. When she got to the bathroom, she looked at herself in the mirror, the first thing she noticed was that she had splotches of blood on her face and chest. She hadn't felt the liquid falling on her face, maybe by the shock she was in at the moment.

She started breathing faster, feeling the need to scratch her body until she couldn't feel her skin anymore. She began grabbing at her clothes, taking them off as fast as she could, almost ripping her shirt and panties. She turned on the shower, shaking even more than before, entering it without waiting for it to get hot or even lukewarm. She grabbed a bath sponge, barely putting any soap in it, and began trying to take the residue off her body desperately. She rubbed it until her skin was red, breathing hard with each part she would wash, beginning to feel a lot cleaner.

However, when she looked down, at the bottom of the tub, she wasn't expecting so much red water. More tears helped fill the tub and mix up with the water. She slowly let her body enter the rising murky water, she hugged her legs up to her chest, pressing her head on her knees, hiding her face away from all the blood.

She could feel the water, now extremely hot, pour down her head, shoulders and back, wanting to feel something other than sadness and anger. She wanted to feel pain, feel anything other than the loneliness the thing would leave when it wasn't near. She wanted to feel guilt for the kids she couldn't stop it from killing.

Suddenly, she felt its presence, a sudden pull on her stomach and the loneliness was gone. She didn't dare look up, she couldn't look it in the eye, or even at its body, it was probably still covered with the little girl's blood. SHe hugged her legs tighter while she said her next words.

"Go away." she whispered, knowing that it heard her loud and clear.

It didn't respond, it didn't even move. It continued to stare at her in the tub, curiosity getting the best of it. It was crouched down next to her, its hands grabbing the side of the bath (it almost looked like a cat), its eyes tracing the woman's body.

"I'm serious, Pennywise." she sobbed, shaking her head a little, her nails digging at the flesh of her thighs.

It extended its arm, completely ignoring (Y/n)'s demand, and grabbed at her head, trying as gently as possible, in its own clumsy way, to turn her face at itself. She slowly looked at it, but her puffy cheeks and blurry eyes didn't help much. It had the same face as ever, that blank and emotionless stare. However, this time she could feel a difference in its posture (or in its eyes, she couldn't tell). She could feel something other than hunger or fear, it seemed like care or lust, or a mixture of both.

She blinked her tears away, looking curiously at it, as if asking what it wanted. As an answer it looked down at its chest, showing the lights inside of it. It looked at her, but she couldn't tell what it wanted. At that moment she wished that she could read minds as well.

"You wanted us to be together forever." it begins talking, getting up slowly while doing so, holding its open gloved hand at her "I'll give it to you."

"G-give what?" she asks, taking its hand and supporting herself up, still inside the tub. The feeling of the soft glove made her realize that she was still naked. Yet she calmed down pretty fast, she remembered it not being inclined to sexual acts, or it didn't seem to mind them.

"Immortality." it says, getting its face closer to hers, then looking down at her chest, making her cover her breasts instinctively.

It pulled her closer to itself, making her get out of the bathtub, making her look up at it. It was pretty taller than her, it looked down and even crouched a little when she was too close. Its ginger hair shone against the bathroom's light, casting a red shadow on some parts of the room. (Y/n) was so distracted by the details of the creature that she almost didn't notice it opening its mouth like a whale, showing the needle like teeth and the Deadlights, which were still down its throat, waiting for hers to join them.

She let out a breath slowly, feeling her own light tremble from excitement. She opened her mouth, looking up at the ceiling waiting for the phenomenon to happen. The woman felt warmth pool at her chest and moving up her throat, then she could breathe again, but still wasn't able to close her mouth. She tried to look at the lights, but they were almost blinding, she couldn't even see the thing anymore. Out of panic for not seeing it or feeling its touch, she searched for its hands, finding it beside its body. She grabbed them and squeezed them tight, asking for reassurance. Thankfully the clown squeezed her hands back, as if saying that everything would be fine.

For some seconds they were stuck like this, just waiting for it all to end. When it stopped, she wished it didn't, it was like a trance, like a warm hug or a kiss from true love. It was all pure and sincere. She felt happy, cared and, most importantly, loved.

She looked down at the lights again, seeing them drift apart and enter their rightful places. When she closed her mouth, a smile was playing at her lips, some tears building up on her eyes. However, the most surprising thing to her was the clown's face. It had already closed its mouth, but it had a face that she had seen before. It was in shock, just like the last time their Deadlights interacted.

It wasn't expecting to feel such a way when finally connected with its other missing part. It was fulfilling, almost the sensation of peace, and maybe what humans called Heaven on Earth. Still, that didn't change its plans.

"What happened?" she asked, taking the thing out of its own thoughts.

"Now, your light is with mine." it simply said, still a little bit tranced with the occurrence.

"But, why do I still have it inside of me?" she continues, yet the smile was still clear on her face.

It now really looked at her, paying attention to what was being said. It took its hand and placed it on the center of her chest, in between her breasts. She blushed heavily, but tried ignoring it for now.

"It's a safe place down there." it explained vaguely "Your brain would melt just from beginning to understand the concept of our lights."

Silence reigned after its sentence, but didn't make the woman less curious.

"So, this was like a conjunction of our bodies and souls in your- our species, right?" she grabbed its pulse that was still pressed on her chest.

"Humans would call it that." it said, turning its head like a puppy, trying to understand what she was getting to.

"I want to show you how humans do it." she says, looking up hopefully at it, her (e/c) eyes brighter than ever.

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