Seraph Uriel

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This chapter is basically the prologue. Anything in all caps is emphasized, and vivid thoughts are italicized. This is the key for all future chapters unless informed otherwise. I will also be quoting the bible on occasion. Enjoy!

When I was a normal human, I would pray to God every night. I was born and raised as a Catholic, one of the only things my parents did right. Other than taking me to church every week, they would essentially ignore me. I never saw them at home, we never ate dinner together, and they never told me they loved me. 

I was always alone.

Even at school, no one would acknowledge me. For some reason, everyone simply avoided me altogether, like there was something about me that everyone else but me saw and wanted to shun. 

I was used to it. 

All I had was the Lord.

So, I worked hard to know and follow God's ways. I read and memorized all the passages of the bible. I went to confession as often as I could, though there was little I could do wrong with my limited contact with people, and I would do good wherever I could. 

Many nights I would spend at the homeless shelter, which is where I learned to cook. I like to think I'm a fairly decent chef now. I would also go to the local orphanage and play with the children, donating some of my old toys and clothes when I could. I always did my best to follow Gods commandments and serve him as his humble servant. 

I didn't have the best life, but I had God the father to help me through.

Well, God and my other saving grace, animation. Since I was usually alone, I didn't have any friends to hang out with, and I knew I couldn't pray ALL the time, so I found a hobby. Animation. Not just watching anime, but also TV shows; I loved one in particular: Young Justice. 

The teen heroes were all so amazing. Some of them had rough starts, but they pushed through and look at them, saving the world. I wanted to be like them; not only that, but I wanted to be apart of what they had with their teammates. The bond that held them together.

I wanted friends; I wanted FAMILY.

I always thought, if I could be apart of that, I would be strong. I would fight alongside them, support them, and heal them from their wounds. I would be valuable to them, or maybe even...SPECIAL to them?

Someone would finally NEED me. 

I never had any hope for that happening though. I mean, me, being needed by heroes like those in the Young Justice team?'s just...impossible.

That's what I used to think.


I was floating. 

It was calm.

I was peaceful.

For a while, I don't know how long, I just floated there, enjoying the tranquility the place I was in had to offer. However, after some time, I decided I needed to open my eyes and find out where I was. 

I slowly let my eyelids flutter open, and realized the place I was floating gently was pure white and sparkling, yet somehow, I was not blinded. Everywhere I looked, the space I was in glittered with an ethereal beauty. As I was admiring my surroundings, I suddenly heard a powerful, yet kind voice speak out of the shining white void. 

"Hello, my son, and welcome. The place you now reside is a holy place, from where I send my most pure and loyal children far and wide to spread the word of God. Here, is where you shall receive your covenant, and your name, from which you will be born anew. Do not fear me, my son, for you know me well, as I know you."

My eyes were wide as I listened to the voice, and in my soul, I knew who was speaking, and what this meant. I felt as if my insides were bursting, as if my being was swelling in the presence of the voice. Unconsciously, I began to cry tears of joy and longing. 

"...Father," I whispered softly. In that one word was so many emotions, and so, so much love. 

"You have faced many hardships, my son, and in this new world you shall face many more. Have faith, my son, for I shall be with you always."

Not a moment after those words were spoken, did I see a glowing silver orb engraved with angel wings floating in front of me. I felt the orb calling to me, beckoning me towards it. I took a deep breath, reached out, and accepted it. 

When I did, I was engulfed in light, and I felt raw, divine energy flowing through me. I felt new, I felt strong, and I felt so much more connected to God in that moment. 

When the light died down, I knew I had changed. The flawless, sterling white wings on my back proved that. I was now dressed in a gold trimmed, hooded robe that covered my body, and hugged my skin. My hair had become slightly longer, and silkier. My skin was porcelain and  without a blemish, and my eyes gleamed like rubies in the sun. 

"Spread my word. Heal and protect my children. Overcome evil and sin; this is thy covenant. Carry thy covenant and thy name with humility and grace. Once known as Aren, go forth with thy new name and covenant, Seraph Uriel."

At those words, visions of a new earth flooded my thoughts. However, I realized that I recognized this earth, though it was not my old world that I was seeing. This was the earth with superheroes, supervillains, and the Justice League. This was the earth with Young Justice. 

My mission, my covenant, is to protect and heal the people of this planet, and to prevail over evil. This is my duty as a Seraph of God. I shall do the Lords work, and follow my dream as well. 

I am ready. 

I gracefully dropped down to one knee, brought my hand to my chest, and bowed my head. 

"I will follow you and do your work with all of my being. I will make you proud, Father."

As I say this, the void begins to disappear around me, and I feel my spirit being transported to my new world. Before leaving, I hear Fathers final words to me. 

"Good luck, Seraph Uriel."

I smile softly and close my eyes. 

"Thank you, Father."

And I know no more. 

Well, that was the prologue! I know it was a little short, other chapters will be longer. So, the bold sentences in quotations was God speaking to Uriel(which is the OCs name BTW). I don't really have a reason for bolding it, other than I just think if God was speaking and his words were written down, it would all be in bold. I know Catholic beliefs are against gay relationships, but this fanfiction is going to be a boyxboy anyway. 

The next update will be a profile for our OC, Uriel. Mostly for those of you who want to see what he looks like(the front cover of this fanfiction), or those of you who want some insight into his personality, likes, dislikes, etc. 

So, what do y'all think is going to happen next? I have a little twist in store, so keep reading to find out;) Hope y'all enjoyed! See ya soon!

Deepest regards, 


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