A Seraph Through Time, Part 2

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Hey y'all. In the last chapter, I forgot to add Aquaman to the list of league members that went through time to see what was happening in Egypt. Just wanted to let you all know that Aquaman IS with the rest of the league and team members when they go back through time. 

Also, songs are going to be placed throughout this chapter to help with the mood setting. You don't HAVE to listen to them, but I would recommend you do.

 Hope you all like this chapter!

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. "

Psalm 23:4

3rd POV (heroes)

"The seraph wasn't alive during this time. He was using time-travel."

It was quiet as the heroes took a moment to process this. Batman speaks up. 


Still with his head down and hair covering his eyes, Zatara vocalizes his thoughts on the matter. "The aura surrounding that burst of light the seraph appeared and disappeared in suggests he was using time travel to go back to this point in time and interfere with certain events, as we have just seen. Meaning..."

Robin interrupts him. "Meaning the seraph isn't as old as we originally thought. But then, how old is he? He's only been active for about a year in our time, so there must be some kind of time dilation from when he time traveled from here back to the present, or future in this case. Right?"

Zatara hesitated, and that hesitation along with his lowered head had the heroes begin to feel unease curling in their guts. 

"Yes," Zatara says slowly, "but from the amount of power that this spell is taking, and the number of events in which the seraph seemingly participated in referencing the Catholic readings, the accumulated time the seraph would've been gone from the present only amounts to..." Zatara pauses at this, and the other heroes grow increasingly worried. After a minute of waiting, Black Canary softly calls Zatara. "Giovanni." 

The man sighs. 

"A year. A year was spent here in the past, and a year in our present."

 Realization is slowly dawning on the heroes, but what Zatara says next confirms their fears. 

"The seraph is only two years old."

Silence. Then, 


"What do you mean he's only two years old?! He looks like a teenager! And how could he do all the things he did if he's only an infant?!"

"Giovanni, this is crazy, are you sure..."

Everyone began talking over each other at once, shouting in disbelief and incredulity. 

"Enough." One stern word from Batman had everyone quieting immediately. 

"Zatara, you're sure?" Batman questioned, though it sounded more like a statement. 

Zatara simply nodded. Batman turned his attention to the rest of the heroes and spoke. 

"This new information only solidifies our need to find the seraph. We'll finish reviewing the seraphs involvement here, then return to our present time and approach him. Once we do, we can get the answers we need and figure out what to do from there." 

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