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Hey everyone! Thanks for your patience in waiting for this chapter. Hope you enjoy!

P.S. I do not own Young Justice, or any art or music in this fanfic.

"Wait for the Lord. Be strong, and let your heart take courage. Yes, wait for the Lord." 

Psalm 27:14

Uriel's POV

"Superboy?" The name comes out like a question, and the aforementioned boy merely hums from his position, arms holding me tightly and face buried in my hair. 

I briefly think of what happened to lead up to this moment. 



Superboy and I were helping get people to safety since the support beams for the bridge we were on became loose.

It didn't happen like in the show from my last life though. Since Superboy now has the ability of flight, we both gently landed on the bridge and moved the cars that were dangerously close to the edge. We separate, me going for the lone civilians still on the bridge, and Superboy going for a school bus. 

I get all the people that were running on the bridge to safety, but when I turn around, I see another problem. 

Superman is currently talking to Superboy, the bus well away from the edge of the bridge, and Superboy looks downtrodden as Superman brushes him off. 

I take a deep breath in, praying to father that I don't mess this up, and walk over to stand next to Superboy. Subtly, I slip my hand into Superboy's, trying to be reassuring. I'm relieved when Superboy squeezes back.

Meeting Superman's gaze, I steel myself.

"For someone who claims to be a hero, you're not really acting like one right now. Superboy needs someone to help him, he's knew to the world, and he needs a guide. He needs you; but instead of helping him, you're trying to shuck him off to someone else. Like it or not, this is your responsibility, and the way you've been treating Superboy is unacceptable. Imagine how all the people who look up to and admire you would react knowing how you treat someone who is your family?!"

Superman is speechless, mouth open but no words coming out. 

I turn around, gently tugging a shocked Superboy with me as I open my wings. Before leaving, I say one last thing to Superman.

"Not very heroic."


(End Flashback)

Superboy was quiet for the whole flight back to the mountain, but I could feel him staring at me. 

When we land and make it inside the base, he tugs my hand back a bit, stopping me. When I turn and meet his eyes, he looks like he wants to say a million things, but he just smiles slightly at me. 

And now, now, I am being held by Superboy like a stuffed animal, he petting me?

Yeah, he's petting me. 


It feels kinda good actually.

Just as my eyes begin to droop a little, I hear Superboy mumble. 

"Thank you."

"Always." I whisper back. I'll always stand up for what's right. It's my duty.

And I really couldn't stand seeing Superboy look so sad. 

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