Chapter 7

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(First person pov)

Once the invitations were delivered I went back to the league. "That took you longer then expected" Dabi said "I ran into some issues, but no problems were caused" I answered.

Since we had a lot of time till we encountered the 1A students I went outside to practice one of the my two elements in my quirk. I've already worked on my blood bending, but now it was time to move on to the hardest one. Summoning my wings. Whenever I did summon them they were extremely heaving and weighed my size, I would also bleed from where they would start. It was difficult to fly with them while trying not to crash to the ground.

I was lucky enough to be able to have Hawks as my intern after the sports festival, since I used my wings for the race. But most of the time Hawks made me do his paper work while he trained Tokoyami.

I flexed my back scapulars, I could feel bone structures coming out. I winced in pain. Once they finally came out I got a good look at them for the first time in months. They were black and had a bit of blood dripping off. They weren't feathered like hawks but leathery. You could see where the bones were placed. Quite gross if you took a close look.

I jumped up and started moving my wings. A big gush of wind appeared. Then I moved around a bit. Once I got accustomed to them I did a twirl, it felt nice. Like if i was free as a bird (haha nice pun). Having my wings out made my breathing a lot easier.

Being a bit exhausted I flexed my scapulars again to make my wings disappear. My shirt was a bit ripped on the back. Speaking of my back, it hurt like if I suddenly turned 60. I put my hand where I felt the pain. I felt a warm liquid and some teared skin. Ill have to get some bandages for that.

I walked back in the base. "Wow you look like you just got stabbed" Toga said since she smelled the blood off of me. "I didn't exactly get stabbed.. but do we have any bandages laying around?" I asked "Yeah I think we do in one of the cabinets of the bathroom" She left to go check and soon came out with a roll. "Here you go" She smiled. "Thanks."

I headed toward the bathroom to go rinse off the blood, then went to my room and rapped up the bandage and put on new clothes. The bandages fixed my posture a bit and made me slightly stiff on my upper body.

(Time skip)

Once my back felt better. I immediately experienced a rush of need to kill. I needed to get out my anger. I figured out a nice place to go, there would be near the back allies. There would be a bunch of drunk people would be since there is many pubs and bars at that area. They would be to drunk to realize what was happening to them. It was also the perfect time since the night has finally started.

Walking down an alley where you could clearly smell cigarettes and alcohol. "Well who is this pretty person" (if you don't like 'pretty' as a form of compliment i'm sorry i felt like it was to most gender neutral term.) a drunk bald man wearing jeans and a polo said while walking his way toward me. Wanting no more interaction with that creepy man I stuck my hand out and felt his organs being crushed against my hand. He couldn't scream sinced I first crushed his vocal cords. He fell to the ground like a stone. I got out of the alley before anyone could witness what happened.

Still feeling the need to kill I did it again too a woman who kept throwing insults and three people who witness that event.

(I finally made a longer chapter)

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