Chapter 20

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Hello everyone I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, but since I finally updated 'the cat boy' i felt encouraged to continue this one. Lets get on with it.

Why was Uraraka so gullible you may ask. She fell for such an easy detectable lie. That's what you might think.



Uraraka wasn't stupid, not stupid at all. Infact she was one of the top students back in middle school and even in her first year of high school. Sure she might need a little help here and there but that doesn't make her stupid. She had stop her parents from getting hacked numerous times. They would get emails or texts saying press on this link for some cash. Since Uraraka's family was suffering with financial issues, her parents would obviously like take the 'offer'.

Uraraka could be compared to a lie detector. She could identify if her friends were really fine after they've said their ok. It was almost like a second quirk, yet it really wasn't.

When Y/N was sent to tell Uraraka about how the whole villainess shenanigan was all just a test to see what side Y/N agreed on, Uraraka detected the lie and decided to play dumb and play it cool. A weird turn of path, it was now Y/N who was tricked. How ironic.

(Uraraka's pov)

After the meet up with Y/N I decide to go back to the dorms and talk to some of my classmates later on, not all of them since a couple aren't able to keep a secret.

Once I reached the dorm rooms I took my key out of my pocket and unlocked the front door.

The lounge area which was right in front of the entrance had a huge L shaped couch and a couple single person chairs.

I could see Mina and Denki on the closest end of the couch. Mina was doing Denki's eyeliner, Denki recently wanted to start wearing eyeliner but then realized how difficult it is, especially since he has a shaky hand.

"Oh hey girl" Mina spoke when she saw me arrive

"Hi Mina, Hi Denki" I greet back

I go sit down on the couch.

"And..... Done!" Mina says as she finishes putting on Denki's eyeliner

"Ooo I'm gonna go check it out" Denki reply's happily heading towards the bathrooms.

"So... where'd you go" Mina asks me

"You won't believe it" I tell her, then she moves her hand as a signal to continue.

I then whisper "Y/N invited to a bakery saying they needed to talk to me"

"Y/N?!" Mina screeches

"Shhh" I sound while covering Mina's mouth.

"I'll tell you but you need to keep this a secret until we figure out what were gonna do about it" i tell her, mina nods her head then I remove my hand away from her mouth.

"Kirishima look Mina did eyeliner on me" Denki screamed from far away so I didn't have to worry about him coming back anytime soon

"Y/N said that they are sorry and that they want to come back and that they deeply regretted their choices" I tell her. Mina sighs in shock.

"So why can't we just let them back in" Mina says not knowing how ridiculous her idea is.

"Mina, they were lying, the whole thing they said about how sorry they were, they were lying. Y/N's not sorry, not sorry at all." I say

"We have to tell Aizawa" Mina say's while getting up.

"No we can't, well not just yet" I tell her

You forgot about me. // togaxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now