Ask #1

816 19 16

@LuminaNeko ClawStrike: Uuuuuhhhh....I saw nothing....just i'm asking that whoever did that be spared...ok my ask what is every bot and Con like to do in their spare time and I mean off screen! No matter what I wanna hear it

Sidescreen: *Staring at Sideswipe intensely as his gaze slowly narrows then* 

Sideswipe: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *thump*

Sidescreen: *smirks as he holds a Cybertronian paint ball gun* AHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!

Sideswipe: *groans slowly sitting up looking over his shoulder-plate he glares at his brother* OH YOU ARE SO FRAGGING LUCKY CARRIER'S BACK ON CYBERTRON!!!!!!!!!!!

Sidescreen: *glares at his brother* WHY? BECAUSE YOUR A LITTLE SNITCH!!!!!

Sideswipe: *growls lowly and pounces at his brother*

Sidescreen: *wrestling with Sideswipe on the ground* GET OFF ME YOU LITTLE FRAGGER!!!!!!!!

Sideswipe: *wrestling Sidescreen on the ground* YOU SHOT ME IN THE BACK WITH A PAINT BALL THEY FRAGGING HURT YOU KNOW!!!!!!!!!!

Sidescreen: *smirks* THAT WAS THE POINT!!!!!!!

With Bumblebee

Bumblebee: *dressed in a cowboy outfit while sitting on a metal horse* YEHAW!!!!!!!!

Metal Horse: *bucking around like mad knocking junk over*

Denny: *walks around the corner and gasps* MY ANTIQUE 1980 16th-C FRENCH RENAISSANCE CUPBOARD!!!!!!! (1550)

Bumblebee: *stops the metal horse and stares at Russell who's next to Denny* Uh~ You didn't see anything!

Russell: *eyes widen and nods*

Bumblebee: *runs out of the scrap yard on the metal horse*

Russell: *watches him* Wait? Where did Bee get that metal horse!?

With Fixit

Russell: *walks into the alchemor* Hey Fixit what are yo- AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fixit: *cutting open an old Cybertronian arm he found*

Russell: *horrified*

Fixit: *looks over at Russell and smiles* Hello Russell can I help you! *starts wheeling over to Russell covered in energon*

Russell: *mouth opening and closing* I-I Uhhhh *faints*

Fixit: *blinks down at him* Russell?

With Strongarm

Strongarm: *slowly placing a bucket of paint over a door before running and hiding behind a wall to watch*

Jazz: *humming as he walks out of his room only to have his vison turn pink* WAAAAAA WHAT'S GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!

Strongarm: *laughing her aft off*


Strongarm: *runs off*

With Drift Slipstream and Jetstorm

Drift: *places down a red 4*

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