Ask #4

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@LuminaNeko ClawStrike: HOW DID YOU KNOW I HATE GREEN IN UNO!?......sigh ok ok.. Now I got an ask for Optimus and I hope I survive! I ask to spend the day with my parental units...just...don't traumatized me more than I am already...thanks!

Sidescreen: *Glaring at his brother as he talks to Slipstream and Jetstorm* What is he saying to them? *feels a tap on leg and looks down* Oh! Hey Undertone...Why aren't you with Ratchet?

Undertone: *looks up at Sidescreen and hands him his data-pad*

Sidescreen: *surprised* Oh!? *takes data-pad and sees an ask looking back at Undertone he smiles* Thank you Undertone!

Undertone: *nods and walks off*

Sidescreen: *watches after him* I wonder why he never talks?

Optimus: *standing next to him* I have also wondered that

Sidescreen: *jumps* OPTIMUS!!!!! 

Optimus: *looks at Sidescreen* Yes Sidescreen?

Sidescreen: *huffs* Don't scare me like that!.......But while your here ClawStrike has asked you if she could hang out with you and Ratchet for the day but don't do anything traumatizing!

Optimus: *smiles* Of course she can spend the day with Ratchet and I *whispers under intake* Ratchet's gonna kill me

Ratchet: *behind Optimus glaring* Got that right!

Optimus: *jumps and spins around* AHHHHH RATCHET!!!!!!!! *runs away*

Ratchet: *chases after him with a wrench* GET BACK HERE PRIME!!!!!!!!!!

Sidescreen: *sighs* Ah.....What a lovely not so yet couple! 

Drift: *walks past*

Sidescreen: *smirks* Oh~ Drift~

Drift: *looks at Sidescreen with wide optics before darting off*

Sidescreen: *darts after him* 

1 Hour Later

Ratchet: *cleaning a tool and once again growls as Optimus slaps his aft* STOP SLAPPING MY AFT PRIME!!!!!!

Optimus: *pouts* But I want it

Ratchet: *growls* Oh I'll give you something but it's not my aft 

Optimus: *confused* Huh? Then what is it?

Ratchet: *pulls out giant wrench and throws it at Optimus*

Optimus: *gets hit in the helm with giant wrench* OWWW!!!!!!

ClawStrike: *standing in the corner right optic twitching*

Undertone: *walks over and side hugs ClawStrike*

ClawStrike: Uhh~ *slowly looks to Undertone* Your Undertone right?

Undertone: *nods*

ClawStrike: *tilts helm* Do you talk?

Undertone: *shakes helm*

ClawStrike: Can you talk?

Undertone: *nods*

ClawStrike: *blinks* Then why don't you?

Undertone: *looks into ClawStrike's optics then walks off*

ClawStrike: *tilts helm* Ok~

7 Hours Later

*ClawStrike Ratchet and Optimus are all sitting infront of a giant screen as Sidescreen puts in a movie*

Sidescreen: Alright you three need to spend time together so~ *smirks* I put in a movie that was a really big hit with my brother and Jazz~

ClawStrike: *has a feeling she knows what it is and moves closer to her adoptive Carrier*

Ratchet: *narrows optics* What is it?

Sidescreen: *smirk turns evil* If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise~

Ratchet: *crosses arms and huffs*

Optimus: *has a blank look as his servo moves to the side then*

Ratchet: *yelps then glares at Optimus* I TOLD YOU TO STOP SLAPPING MY AFT!!!!!! *brings out wrench*

Optimus: *yelps and falls forward from being hit in the back of the helm by a wrench*

Sidescreen: *looks at them blankly* Yea~ I'm gonna start the movie now.....For ClawStrike's sake *presses play then runs off*

1 Hour Later

ClawStrike: *wide optic clinging to her adoptive creators* C-Clown...K-Killer clown!

Ratchet: *yawns* I think it's time for recharge

Optimus: *shaking has he hides behind a shelf* Clowns....I hate clowns!

Ratchet: *sighs and gets up* Alright you two come on *grabs both of them and drags them to a berthroom*

5 Hours Later

Inside ClawStrike's Berthroom

ClawStrike: *optics closed*


ClawStrike: *optics shoot open*

*snap creak*

ClawStrike: *whimpers*

*evil laughter*

ClawStrike: *jumps out of berth and runs* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH KILLER CLOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Optimus: *runs out of his own berthroom* KILLER CLOWN!!!!! I SAW A KILLER CLOWN!!!!!!!!

Sideswipe: *screams from his berthroom* KILLER CLOWN!!!!! WHERE!!!!!!!???

Jazz: *sighs and walks out of his berthroom and over to Sideswipe's*

Ratchet: *comes out of the shadows with a clown suit on smirking* AHAHHAHA SUCKERS!!!!!! *hears whimpering from above confused he looks up and his optics widen slightly* Sidescreen? How did you get up there....Wait better question....HOW ARE YOU STILL UP THERE!!!!!!!!!!!

Sidescreen: *Shaking and whimpering as he looks down at Ratchet* I-I DON'T KNOW!!!!!! *looks around* WHERE'S THE KILLER CLOWN!!!!!!!!!!!

Ratchet: *gives him a blank look* There isn't one

Sidescreen: Oh? *smiles nervously* Hahaha I knew that!.....But uh on a totally unrelated note.....I can't get down!

Ratchet: *confused* What? Why?

*Sidescreen is seen standing on the very top of a very very unstable pile of junk but the strange part is......Only one of his pedes is actually touching it.....The rest of him......Well......Is in mid air why gravity hasn't taken him yet.....He hasn't got a clue!*

Ratchet: *looks at Sidescreen and scoffs* Just jump!

Sidescreen: *wide optic* Um *looks down at the ground and shrugs* Ok if the medic says to jump...You jump! *jumps* LOOK OUT BELOW!!!!!!! *falls on his aft with a grunt.....But he didn't land on the ground*

Ratchet: *faceplate first in the ground* Sidescreen get off my back!

Sidescreen: *scoffs has he stands up* I said look out below *crosses arms* It's not my fault you  didn't listen!

Ratchet: *lifts helm up* You young bots are annoying

Sidescreen: *looks at the frantic Optimus, ClawStrike and Sideswipe as they run around like helmless cyber-chickens* No....That's my brother.....And Strongarm *pouts* She isn't much fun!

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