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TW/CW: Slight NSFW.


George POV

Its been two hours since we arrived at the party, and I'm super drunk. I have no idea how much I drank, its been to much. After a few minutes of dancing to random songs, that one song comes on.

Because its to cold, for you here.
And now, so let me hold.
Both your hands in the holes of my sweater

This song always makes me feel some type of way. I was screaming and singing the song until suddenly someone grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the big crowd of people

"I think you've had enough." Dream said pulling me into a room.

"But Dream *hic* you don't under- *hic* stand." I said trying to get even a normal sentence out of my mouth.

"I don't want you to get sick okay? I'm doing this for your own fucking good, its not like I care but otherwise Quackity would fucking murder me."

I rolled my eyes and laid down on the bed almost falling asleep. God I feel like shit. I just want to sleep and leave this place.

"HEY GEORGE, DREAM ARE YOU GUYS DOWN TO PLAY A GAME?!" Quackity said bursting through the door. How did he know we were here? I got off the bed and walked over to Quackity, He just smiled and signed for me to follow him. I knew Dream probably didn't want to but I bet he will follow me.

Dream POV

I knew from the start that this party sucked, Quackity always dragged us with him to go to stupid party's. Its not even a real party its just people making out and taking drugs. I wonder how it feels like to make out with geo- wait what the fuck?!

I followed Quackity and George to a room with maybe 9 people sitting in a circle with a glass in front of them. I sat down next to George and gave him a weak smile. He smiled back and winked at me, jesus that boy is drunk. I should have never let him drink this much.

"So, we thought it would be fun to play Seven minutes in heaven" A girl said smirking.

"Ill go first!" A boy with a yellow sweater said. I've seen him before, I think his name is Wilbur. He is friends with George, Oh boy George has got some weird as friends.

He spinned the bottle and landed on a boy with a red/white shirt. I guess he didn't like that one because his smile immediately got away as soon as he saw who it landed on. Wilbur fake gagged showing that he does not want to go in the closet with the other boy.

"Oh hell no, I'm not going in that closet with Wilbur?!! No way. That's like fucking incest." The boy said, he walked away with a frown.

"Ill go then! " George said walking to the bottle and spinning it. 

Oh god please land on me. Wait what?! 

After a few seconds it landed on a guy called Sapnap. I don't know him but I hate that guy always smirking at MY George, wait what the fuck Dream. As soon as the walked out of the room everybody just started chatting to each other while I just said there, mouth shut and mad as hell.

"Hey you okay?! I don't think we've met before, I'm Tubbo!" A boy with a green shirt and little bee clips in his hair said.

"Oh hi I'm Dream." As soon as I said my name his face dropped and just aakwardly walked away. I'm guessing its another friend of George, Yeah they didn't like me that much. I guess I understand because of the fact that I've bullied him quite a lot. I was in my thoughts until I suddenly heard an alarm. Finally the seven minutes were over. George and that dude Sapnap walked out of the closet laughing. What the hell happened in that closet?

"My turn" I said with a mad face. I spinned the bottle watching it as it spinned. When it finally stopped spinning I looked up to see who it landed on.


"No, You have to spin again. George just went in there." Quackity said.

"No way, the bottle landed on him so he needs to go again" I said while looking at Quackity with an annoyed face. He probably got the hint since he just nodded and went straight back to talking to the person next to him. I smirked while pulling George into the closet closing the door behind us.

"So seemed like you had a lot of fun with that Sapnap dude." I said.

"Why do you care Pissbaby?" George said with a smirk on his face.

"Oh get that smirk of your face Crybaby." I said getting angrier.

"What is your fucking deal man, Then you act like I'm your little friend and then you just act like an asshole?" George said while also getting angrier.

"At least I can still talk to my parents." I mumbled while looking away.

I looked back and saw his expression change, it was anger and sadness mixed together, he moved his hand ready to slap me, at least I thought he wanted to slap me.

Before I knew I felt his lips meet my own, I was shocked but quickly kissed him back. My hands moved to his waist. My tongue explored his mouth, he let out a quiet moan. He cupped my face and smiled into the kiss. I groaned when George pulled away with a smirk.

I took me awhile before it hit me.

George just made out with me!!??

George got closer to my ear with a smirk and whispered. "I might have no parents to talk to, but at least I don't lie to myself. You can think and say what you want but this just proofed the fact that you like boys even thought you try so fucking hard to push those feelings away" He just left the closet leaving me confused and mad about what he just said.

Was he right?

George POV (this is when he was inside the closet with Sapnap!!)

"So Sapnap. I need to get something of my chest and its gonna sound really weird and confusing and I would not be surprised if you get mad at me" I started while Sapnap was closing the door of the closet. He just nodded and gave me a confused look.

"I don't know how but whenever Dream acts in this kind of way its making me feel. I don't know, Something? Does that make any sense at all?! I don't know what I'm feeling but I don't want to feel it! Its the guy who bullied me for 6 years for fuck sake and still does by the way! What the actual fuck is wrong with me"




New chapter coming soon!

Art: Kiolite_ On twitter<3333


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