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(Ok so since some people wanted karlnapity but some people didn't I decided that for now its staying karlnap but it might change in upcoming chapters! Im sorry if some parts are weird but I had to change the parts were I added Karlnapity)

George POV.


I groaned at the sound of my alarm clock, my hand moved to my alarm clock trying to turn it off but instead I threw it off my nightstand. The light that came from my curtains hurt my eyes, I groaned again and got out of my bed to grab my alarm clock and to close my curtains. I took the alarm clock off my floor and closed the curtains, I walked back to my bed hoping I was able to sleep for a little bit longer.

It was another dumb schoolday and my head still hurts from the party, I didn't know I drank that much alcohol. The only thing I remember is hanging with Wilbur and that Techno and Ella showed up, oh and I remember the accident at Dreams house. I wish he would have told me about his father but it was his choice and I accept that.

"Hey fucker get up, don't wanna be late to school!" Sapnap said who bursted to my room.

"The fuck you doing here?" I said with an raspy voice.

"We wanted to head over to the cafeteria with a few other friends this morning to grab some free breakfast" Tubbo said who stood behind Sapnap.

I gave them both a look before I got out of my bed, I walked over to the door and basically pushed them out of my room. I took a sweater and skirt out of my closet and turned the lights on in my room.


"So who is coming with us" I said when I walked into the living room.

I gave Sapnap a look who sat on the couch with his arm around Quackity's shoulder, I thought he was dating Karl? Im sure its nothing.

"Well you know I said a few other friends right?" Sapnap said.

I nodded in response and walked over to the couch, I grabbed an apple out of the bowl and sat down next to him.

"Well with a few friends I mean all of us."

"Oh god, I don't think im gonna survive all of them this early"

I groaned and went to my bedroom to grab my bag until I suddenly felt an hand on my shoulder. I turned around and met emerald eyes.

"Goodmorning Dream, are you coming with us to grab some breakfast" I said with an smile.

He looked me up and down and didn't say a word, I felt a blush forming on my face but he thankfully  broke the silence.

"Yes, Sapnap said all of your friends right and im a friend aren't I?" He said with an smirk.

"Sadly yes, okay well see you later Dream and control your staring please." I said with an smile.

I took my bag and walked over to the living room, I took a bite of my apple before throwing it in the trash. I wasn't even hungry, didn't know why I grabbed it.

"Hey guys where are the rest of the boys?" I said

"They are waiting downstairs I think" Sapnap said with an shaky voice.

"Sapnap are you okay?"

He got of the couch and walked over to me with tears in his eyes, Quackity followed him with an sad expression

"Whats going on Sapnap?"

"Ok so well Karl and I got in a really bad fight last night and I uhm said so many mean things I wish I didn't say, I just feel so guilty."

"I tried to make him feel better but nothing worked, he can't stop crying." Quackity said.

Thats why they sat so close..

My eyes wided when I heard something fall on the ground I looked behind me and saw shocked Dream standing. That idiot just dropped his cup of coffee on the floor. He cursed when the cup fell on the ground, Quackity walked over him cursing in spanish so we had no idea what he was saying.

Sapnap let out a small giggle when he saw those two idiots fighting and yelling at each other.

"Its gonna be okay Sapnap, just talk to him."
I said with a weak smile.

Sapnap and I got on our knees trying to help the mess that Dream made.

"AYO FUCKERS, YOU COMING OR WHAT, WE ARE HUNGRYYYYY" Tommy said who walked into our dorm. His face dropped when he saw us sitting on the floor cleaning up the mess. Wilbur who stood behind Tommy pushed him away so he was able to walk over to us, he sat down next to me and gave me a smile as a sort of hello.

"You okay George?" He said.

I nodded in response and gave him a smile, I looked back to Dream who had an angry expression on his face, I ignored him and stood up to get a towel from the kitchen.

"Oh my god, what happened here?" A soft voice said.

I looked over to the door and saw Karl standing next to a girl with short pink hair, I forgot what I was doing and ran up to the girl immediatly pulling her into a strong hug.

"NIKI! What are you doing here, I missed you so much."

She giggled and pulled away from our hug, she gave me a big smile and handed me a bag, not answering the question I asked her.

"Im here for breakfast today, I can't stay long but I couldn't resist the change of seeing you guys again!"

"What the honk happened here?" Karl said who stood next to Niki, I turned around and saw how weird this sitiuation actually looked, Quackity was just cursing in Spanish, Wilbur was just trying to help, Sapnap had already walked away and Dream was giving Wilbur nasty looks while holding a towel. I giggled at the sight of the boys fighting.

I decided to open the bag Niki gave me later.

"Okay boys, lets just leave the mess here for a while, there are people waiting for us!" Wilbur said.

"Wait, can I talk to Karl for a sec, its will be short just please wait for us." Sapnap said

When Wilbur nodded Sapnap walked over to Karl and grabbed his hand, they walked into a different room.


"Ayup losers!" I said when I sat down on the table.

"Language George!" Bad said who was sitting infront of me.

"Ayyy George, my mannn!" Skeppy said with an smile.

"Hey Sapnap we heard about you and Karl, are you guys okay?" Bad said once Sapnap sat down next to me.

Sapnap nodded in response and had a big smile on his face.

My eyes went to the boy sitting next to bad, the boy had a lot of freckles on his face and he was wearing cat ears? I think they are cat ears..

"Oh sorry, hi im Floris but please call me Fundy!" The boy said with an smile.

"Oh okay, didn't know there was a new kid on this school but hey im George!"

"Oh im not new, I became friends with Dream a while ago and he thought is was a good idea to eat with you guys."

"You know Dream?"

"Yeah, he is cuteee" Fundy whispered.


MORE DRAMA!! *evil laugh*

Just a reminder that you are freaking beautiful, I love you<3

Okay bye now besties ;)

~ S

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