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George POV.

I was sitting in a corner of the cafeteria eating my food, I didn't want to talk to them. Ill probably starts crying and then I would have to explain why I was crying. I knew I would questions from my friends why I didn't sit with them but ill deal with that later. I just need to clear my hea-

"Hello!" A voice said interrupting my thoughts.

"Uhm Hello?"

"Why are you sitting here alone?" The person said while sitting down next to me.

"Oh uhm no reason." I said taking another bite out of my apple.

"Oh well im Ella!" She said holding out her hand for me to shake.

"Im uhm George" I shook her hand and gave her a weak smile.

"Doesn't it bother you?" She said with an confused face.

"What do you mean?"

"That guy that keeps looking at you, he looks mad. I don't think he likes you very much" Ella said pointing at someone in the cafetaria and ofcourse it was Dream.

"He doesn't, I think. Never really spoke to him even though he is my roommate. Sooo do you like this school since ur new here" I said trying to change the subject.

"Its okay, ur actually the first person i've talked to." She said witha blush on her face.

"Oh well you seem like a nice person" I said with a smile on my face.


"Friends!" I said.

She giggled and walked away.

Dream POV.

Who the fuck is that and why the fuck is she talking to my George? Wait no Dream, you guys broke up. The girl suddenly met my eyes and pointed at me.


"Ey cutie, you listening or what?" Techno said.

I watched her walk away with a smile and a blush on her face.

"DREAM!" Techno said now pulling my face towards him to get my attention.

"Sorry, I zoned out."

I looked at George, he wasn't wearing a skirt today? I haven't seen him in pants lately so his friends probably already realised he isn't okay. My eyes went to their table, I noticed that all of his friends expect Tommy and Wilbur were looking at George with worried faces. Suddenly Wilbur stood up and walked over to George. What was he gonna do?

"DREAM" Techno screamed again.

George POV.

I finished my apple and opened my phone trying to get my mind of things.

"Hey George."

I looked up and saw Wilbur standing infront of me holding something.

"Hi Wilbur."

"I found the necklace I gave to you, you left it infront of my dorm. Sapnap found it, he is really sorry." Wilbur handed me the necklace he was holding in his head and gave me a weak smile.

"Thank you Wilbur." I grabbed the necklace and I immediatly put it on.

"You don't have to but do you want to sit with us again?"

I nodded and grabbed his hand. We walked by Dreams table, our eyes met but I quickly looked away.

"Hey guys." Wilbur said as we sat down next to eachother.

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