Chapter Five: I don't know about you, But I'm feeling 22 {Part Two}

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A/N: Me writing in Italics symbolizes a flashback. The majority of this chapter {well, part of this chapter} is a flashback. Enjoy.

I had just gotten back from work, as I work with the twins in their shop. I'm a cashier, as I'm good with money. I had gotten into the kitchen to see Mr. Weasley and Percy talking, as well as Mrs. Weasley preparing dinner. I gave the boys a small smile before walking over to Mrs. Weasley.

“Do you need any help with the vegetables, Mrs. Weasley?” I asked.

            “It’s quite alright, dear. And call me Molly! You’ve been here in the house ever since fourth year, you may as well be calling me by my name! You should get ready for dinner. It’ll be ready soon.” She said with a smile. I laughed at her motherly behaviour, and nodded before going upstairs for a shower.

            I dried and curled the tips of my bronze hair with magic, and put on some clear lip gloss. My small frame was adorned in a baby blue lacy, but casual, dress, and I pinned my hair back with the help of a matching bow, and silver heart pendant. I nodded at my appearance before leaving Percy and I’s shared room.

            Once I arrived back in the kitchen I noticed the entire family of Weasley’s were there. Meaning all of the Weasley children, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley themselves. I smiled at the familiar faces that were looking up at me, and took a seat near the head of the table, where Mrs. Weasley would sit, and Percy. Percy had a nervous look on his face, and I gave him a warm smile in hopes to ease the tension. It worked slightly, but not very well.

            The dinner continued without a hitch, and I caught up with Ginny, who was supposed to be at school, and Ron, who was supposed to be with Hermione and Harry. The dinner finished, and Mrs. Weasley summoned the desserts That’s when it happened.

            Percy got out of his seat and knelt on one knee on the floor beside ke. We were together for seven years, but that didn’t mean I expected it.

            “Persephone Arisidia Tate. You’ve stood by me for seven years, even though my brothers have told you countless times of how much of a git and prat I am.” I laughed lightly, slightly nervous. “I fell in love with you the first time we made eyes contact, and even more so when I learned little things about you that I'm not sure you even notice. Like how your nose wrinkles slightly when you don’t like something, which I'm grateful you’re not doing now.” Everyone laughed a bit at that, “The way you’re extremely sensitive, yet you remain strong. The way you fall asleep, and how you talk when you’re half awake. Everything about you makes me love you. Seph, will you please do me the honour of marrying me?” he asked. By now a few tears were rolling down my cheeks {A/N: I feel you Sephie} and I was smiling widely. I nodded, unable to speak as he slipped the ring on my finger, with the biggest grin I’d ever seen him wear.

            The five minutes were up, and I was nervous for the results. Sure, I want a child, but with You-Know-Who back, and getting power, it really isn’t the time to bring a child into the world. But, even though he’s being a complete ass-wipe, I wouldn’t mind having a child with Percy.

            I sighed before looking at the strips of Plastic. I picked up the first one and I took a deep breath before looking at the result. Positive.

            I took another deep breath. It was probably faulty. This isn’t really happening. I looked at the next test. Positive. My breathing became faster and my stomach lurched. This one had to be faulty too. I picked up the last test in my hand and paused before looking at it. Positive.

            That’s it. I'm pregnant.

A/N: Omg hi. This chapter makes me have feels. So does the rest of the book tbfh. Especially what is currently the last chapter. I’m probably going to extend it a bit though, so my feelios will change slightly. I hope you guys like the update!

 Also, If anyone wants to make a cover for this story, make it and message me, and If I like it, IT COULD BE THE NEXT COVER FOR THE STORY.

Belle x

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