Chapter Four: I Used To Bite My Tongue and Hold My Breath

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Chapter Four: I Used To Bite My Tongue and Hold My Breath.

Persephone's POV

        It had been two weeeks since that night in the Room of Requirement. Two weeks of avoiding Percy, the Weasley Twins, the twins, and Caleb. Two weeks of doing months worth of homework in my room, and revising for tests that were weeks away. If I wasnt studying, I was writing poems, or books. I was finding anything that could keep me from over-analyzing the night in the ROR. Its been working so far.

        I pulled out a sketchbook, and some charcoal from yesterdays fire, and started to sketch something that was familiar to me; Beauxbatons. The school from the grounds, to be precise. Every stroke something familiar to me, as I'd sketched it countless times before.It brings back memories, both good and bad, and the sorrows for having to leave the school again. I pushed the sketchbook away when I was finished the piece a few minutes later.

        "It's a friday night, and I'm locked in my room." I said to myself.I decided that I was going to go down to the common room and wait for dinner to arrive with my friends, thats if theyre still talking to me.

        I pulled on a pair of hightops and walked down the stairs. Looking around the common room I spotted Caleb and the twins sitting by the fire place. I ran over and sat on Caleb's lap. It happened to be a quite normal thing for us. 

        "Guess who finally left their room?" teased Cerulea. I rolled my eyes.

        "Was it the Grudge?" Rosalie taunted. I nodded.

        "I am the grudge. At least, I look like I am in the mornings." I said in a mocking voice, laughing afterwards with the group.

        "It's nice to know Seph's back." said Caleb, laughing along with the rest of us.

        "What even happened in the closet, causing you to ditch us for schoolwork?" Rosalie questioned. Cerulea raised her eyebrows, saying in a mock gangster voice 'I got 'cha back, sis'. I blushed furiously, nervously laughing.

        "Oh my gosh, shes blushing!" squealed Cerulea. I glared at her, my face slightly red.

        "Did you guys.... kiss?" Rosalie asked. I buried my face in my hands, silently answering their question. The girls awed and  Caleblaughed. Screw you, Caleb.

        "So are you guys like, a thing?" Rosalie was the first to speak.

        "No. Not technically. I mean we did kiss once, but I dont know if he liked it." I responded, frowning.

        "Well, its okay, Seph. How about we get you all dolled up for dinner, so he can see what hes missed over two weeks." Cerulea said, with a wink. The twins drug me up the stairs, and started dressing me, and straightening my pink hair. When they were done, I had voluminous side parted hair. I was wearing a pair of black leggings, a shirt with a lion roaring in the 'o' of the word ROAR, and my signature blazer. Of course, it wouldnt quite be me without a pair of hightops. I sighed, and we went down for dinner. 

        Once my face was seen in the Great Hall, whispers started and I sat next to Oliver Wood from my year, I gave him a small smile before filling my plate with food, and looking at Percy through the corner of my eye. He looked at me in awe, which brought a small smile to my face. I started eating the potatoes on my plate, still aware of Percy's gaze.

        "So will you be trying out for the Quidditch team, Seph? I've heard you were a chaser at Beauxbatons." asked Oliver. I shrugged.

        "Im not really sure. I mean Im not that busy, its just I want to enjoy my free time. But I'll think it over." I responded. Oliver nodded, understandingly, and we began talking about our favourite Quidditch teams. I learned we both like the same team; the Balleycastle Bats. We were laughing about an incident that happened at Oliver's first practise, when Oliver stopped.

        "Perce, are you going to just stare at her all day, or what?" he joked, signalling Percy, and my face to go red. He began to stammer out a response which made everyone but me laugh harder.

        "Its not really that big of a deal, guys. He could have been spacing out, for all we know." I said, feeling bad for Percy, as he must've been embarassed. I smiled slightly, before excusing myself, to do my extra-credit work for McGonagall.

       Once arriving in the common room, I saw it was empty, presumably because everyone was at dinner. I walked up the stairs and into my dorm. It was empty, of people, as well. I picked up my textbooks from off of my desk, and extra parchment, ink, and quills, before going back to the common room.

Once I got there, I noticed the portrait door was open, setting my supplies on the table, and pulling out the chair.

Just as I was going to sit down, I was spun around, and I was greeted with the familiar feeling of lips against mine, The familiar tast of peppermint greeted me, as my lips effortly worked with his. It lasted a few seconds, and we pulled away, as I rested my head on his chest. 

        "Im sorry for not saying anything after ROR." he said, his chest vibrating with every word. His heart was beating fast, keeping time with mine.

        "Well to be fair, I was rather MIA after ROR. So, Im sorry for that." I responded, laughing lightly. He took a deep breath before speaking again.

        "Can we court?" I laughed lightly at his choice of words.

        "Like Romeo and Juliet, court?" I responded, laughing at the literary connection I made.

        "Yeah. A secret for now, Persephone, but we'll tell people later." he responded, slightly laughing. {A/N: wELL EVERYONES LAUGHING ARENT THEY}

        We sat on the couches in the common room, simply talking, until everyone got back.


A/N: So I updated! YAY! I may update again tomorrow, depending on how hard my math homework is, and how long it takes to complete. Peace out, homies.

~ Belle x

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