Chapter Nine: May The Second

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Chapter Nine: May the Second

            The past five months continued without a hitch. Well there were hitches, but I don't care to elaborate. It was pretty uneventful. The events tended to be me waking at odd hours and throwing up all I hadn't digested in the last few hours. There were quite a few revolving around You-Know-Who, but we couldn't control them. I'd joined the Order, much to Mrs. Weasley's dismay. Nymphadora Tonks, or Tonks as she preferred, was also pregnant when we'd first met. She had her cute son who she called 'Teddy Lupin', who was a light in the darkest of times. I'm about six months pregnant now.

            I have a pretty obvious baby bump now. It's as if someone tried to hide a turtle shell under my shirt. I haven't checked the gender of the baby yet, and I don't plan on knowing until he or she is born. The only peeve I'd had over the past few months is that Percy writes me every day. He never visits, only writes. I haven't opened a single letter.

            Mrs. Weasley has hovered over me a lot in the past few months. Heck, everyone has. I can hardly go anywhere without someone fretting over me. It's like they've never seen a pregnant woman before. It is really annoying and my temper shows because of it. I'm also not allowed to do any missions for the Order. They think I'll lose the baby, or whatever.

            Today, though, Harry, Hermione, and Ron have returned to Hogwarts to find the last horcrux. The order has gone for backup. Tonks, and I, are at her mother's house. I can tell Tonks wants to be there as much as I do. Tonks got up and yelled to her mother.

            "Mom, watch Teddy. I'm leaving for a while" I smiled, almost pleadingly, and she nodded.             "Come on. We've got a battle to fight."

            I grabbed my wand from the table. Threw on my old Hogwarts robe, and apparated into the castle. The fight was about to begin. I saw Mrs. Weasley and ran over to help cover her side of the castle. She turned to me bewildered.

            "Seph, you can't be here. It won't be good for the-"she rambled, and I cut her off.

            "Honestly, Molly, I'm going to stay and fight for my school, world, whether you like it or not." I said, with a small smile.

            The shield broke, and flaming pieces began to fall from the sky. Death eaters came to my side.

            "Stupefy!" one shouted. I quickly deflected it, and sent back the petrifying spell. I also did a jelly leg hex, and used a silencing spell so they couldn't get up later, or call for help. I snapped his wand and moved on to the next death eater. This continued a while before Voldemort announced he'd give us an hour to get rid of our dead admirably.

            I walked over to Molly, and we walked to the Great Hall together. Walls were busted, and rubble was everywhere. People were picking up bodies and moving them into the Great Hall. Molly left me to help Neville, who had a gash on his head. I walked over to him and smiled slightly, to ask if I could help him.

            "Senvi repose." I muttered a spell I had created to stitch skin back together. The skin slowly sewed itself together, and I used a rag to wipe away the blood that dirtied his forehead.

            I got off of the floor beside him, and turned, seeing a tuft of red hair on the floor, Time went in slow motion and I ran towards it. I screamed once I saw the face; Fred.        "No!" I screamed, choking on sobs, tears streaming down my face. Though I've watched people die, I've never been too good with death. After all, I witnessed my parents' deaths. A scarring feat for any one year old.

            "Fred, no." I whispered, as if I was begging the gods that it was only a joke. I felt someone's arms pull me into them, and I let it happen. I knew who it was. I snuggled my face into his neck, still crying. Fred didn't deserve to die. But then again, no one deserves to die. I looked at his body for a second. Fred had died with a smile on his face. Possibly from his last joke. He deserved to go happy.

            "He's gone, Percy. My best friend is gone." I said into his neck. Percy only nodded, not having the energy to speak. I felt the sadness be replaced by something I'd grown to know over the past year. Anger. I heard shouting, and I ripped myself out of his arms, storming outside.

            The death eaters were back, along with Lord Voldie, and Hagrid. He began speaking of Harry's death. Ginny attempted to run at Voldemort, but Mr. Weasley held her back. He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named asked if anyone wanted to join him, and no one moved except for Neville and me.

            "I'd hoped for better." Moldy Voldie joked. I scoffed.

            "We have something to say." Said Neville. Voldemort rambled a bit before letting us talk.

            "It doesn't matter that Harry died today-"Neville started, and Seamus said something along the lines of 'Stand down.'

            "It doesn't matter that Harry died. People die every day. My parents were killed at the hands of you, and I'm still alive. Just because someone dies, doesn't mean their cause does with them. Whether it was to rid the world of criminals," I said thinking of my parents, "if it was to give a laugh," I said thinking of Fred, "Or if it was to rid the world of a pest like you!" I shouted at Voldemort. I distracted him long enough for Neville to kill the snake and Harry to catch Draco's wand and begin to fight him.

            Beams of light collided, and Harry, proving he was stronger, killed Lord Voldemort, his body turning into dark ashes. The death eaters tried to flee, but couldn't as the remaining Aurors and Order captured them.

            The war was over. We won.

An: Uhm, hi again. It is the same day. What the frickle frack? Am I right? We all know I take years to update anything so this is a miracle. The epilogue is really short, so I'll try to make it longer, but guys. The book is over. This short as frick novel is over. What am I supposed to do now? {Readers from RS, F, TON, all yell angrily} Well obviously I'll start updating the other stories more I guess, but this makes me feel pretty sentimental. I'll miss you guys.

I could do a sequel, I suppose, so comment if you'd like for me to start the sequel process.

I love you all, and thanks for supporting me through this process. Shout out to all of you who were here from the beginning. You rawk!

Belle x

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