Chapter Eight: A Christmas Miracle

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Chapter Eight: A Christmas Miracle

A/N: I changed quite a few things from the books and movies in this whole thing so please don't tell me because I know. Also disclaimer, everything but Persephone's family, Caleb, Rosalie, and Cerulea, belongs to the Queen, JKRowling.
P.S. since I don't know how to dedicate chapters with the new wattpad update, this chapter is dedicated to Cinderella2324 for her supportive and awesome comment on my last chapter! 💕

I had to have been staring in awe at the letter for a good five minutes. At first I was happy, having finally heard from him after all this time {an: always}. But then rage set in. Why did it take him over a month to contact any of us? He has been being a bit of an arse.

What snapped me out of my trance, though, was Mrs. Weasley erupting in sobs. I moved in and enveloped her in a hug, in an attempt to console her. I was about a foot and a half taller than her, so she was crying into my shoulder.

"He's n-not c-coming home. He's not c-coming home for C-Christmas!" she sobbed. My heart dropped. Of course he wouldn't come home for Christmas. Is that all I can expect of him now? Mrs. Weasley composed herself and rushed over to make tea for dinner.

I pulled out my wand and sent the parcel and letter up to my room, in my bag. I took the cutlery and set the table, allowing no tears to fall, no matter how heavy my heart felt. Out of all the useless times I've cried for him, the one time they should come, they don't. All of the sadness I felt a month ago was now replaced with anger.

Why wouldn't he come home for Christmas? Is he really as much of a prat as his brothers make him out to be? {Ginny uses words of her own. Gods, if he were to come he would probably be met by multiple hexes from Ginny alone.} I love him too much to feel anything right now. It's becoming the worst birthday I've had in a while.

I looked at the band on my finger. Mrs. Weasley told me it was her mothers. It meant a lot to the family, which is why I won't throw it at the ground if I ever see him again. I don't think I'd have it in me, anyways. It would hurt him too much.

I smiled at Mrs. Weasley as she levitated the dinner onto the table. She called for the boys, Hermione, and Ginny, before sitting at the table with me. No one sat beside me, as it was deemed Percy's seat regardless if he was here or not.

I was curled up in bed at my new home, wearing the Weasley sweater Percy left behind. My only source of light was from the burning candle on my bedside table. The scent of the candles calmed my worries as I opened the letter.

Dear Persephone,

I regret to inform you that I won't be able to come home for Christmas. I really do want to see you and fix everything, but the ministry isn't giving us a lot of time off, and leaving you a second time would be worse than the first. At least in my heart I believe that.

I hope you don't want to break off the wedding. I still love you, but my loyalty lies with the ministry. I miss you immensely, and I hope to write soon.



A tear rolled down my cheek, wetting a line on my right cheek. His loyalty lies with the ministry. Not his friends, not his family, not his fiancée; the ministry. Not someone he's known for seven years, something that is practically run by You-Know-Who himself. Not even a 'Happy Birthday' or a 'Merry Christmas', just an 'I miss you', and 'I hope to write soon.'

I threw the letter onto the bedside table and huffed. I took the parcel and unwrapped the paper. A velvet red box was in the parcels place. I opened it to reveal a locket. It was a silver oval, with emeralds and diamonds lining it. I opened it to see a moving picture of my parents, the same as the one in my old locket. The new one was of Percy and me from last Christmas. We kissed lightly under the mistletoe and laughed, resting our foreheads against each others.

I smiled at the memory. I removed the old rusty locket from my neck and put on the new one. I looked at it for a few seconds before I blew out the candle and fell into a deep slumber.

For Christmas, I'd received a new scrapbook from Mrs. Weasley, full of the year's memories. She also knitted me a purple and pink sweater to match my hair. Bill and Fleur gave me some fabric for a dress, Charlie giving me new sewing utensils. Ron and Harry both gave me candy, chocolate frogs were my favourite, but pepper imps were a close second. Hermione gave me some muggle books, which I thanked her profusely for. I needed more books to read. Ginny gave me a cook book, a joke from when we almost burned down the kitchen. George and Fred gave me some pranking equipment, to which I said "I know who I'm pranking first" effectively scaring everyone in the room. We also joked about using it on Percy if he ever came back.

We were all sat at the table now, Mrs. Weasley on my left, and Ginny on my right. Screw seating arrangements.

There was a knock on the door, and Mr. Weasley went to get it. We all buzzed about 'Who would come to bother us on Christmas?' Mr. Weasley came back into the room, followed by the bloke of a Minister and my git of a fiancé. The Minister asked to talk to Harry, who agreed, leaving to walk outside with him.

Once the minister left, Mrs. Weasley enveloped Percy into a hug. The rest of us were frozen in place. George, along with Fred, scoffed in disgust. Anger bubbled in me. My body took over; leaving my brain in the dust. I walked over to my fiancé, slapping him across the face. The skin-to-skin contact echoed across the room.

I merely turned around and sat in my seat again, with my arms crossed. I was too angry to do anything else. The anger that bubbled inside of me still remained even after slapping my unsuspecting fiancé. Mrs. Weasley thought now would be a good time to share the news.

"Perce. We've got- no Seph's got- Seph's pregnant!" she squealed.

A/n: Bonjour readers! I basically have weeks where I don't really feel like doing anything because why do I exist? But I decided to be productive today and update this. SO one more chapter and the epilogue. Anyone excited?

Belle x

P.S Thanks for 100+ votes! I appreciate your comments as well. You guys are the best readers ever!

P.P.S Also, if you've got any idea on what I should call you guys instead of referring to you as readers then comment here please! I'd like to figure it out before I update again.

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