Chapter Three: The Plan

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Chapter Three: The Plan

Cerulea and Rosalie both came up with an idiotic plan to resolve a non-existent problem. They say the problem exists, but I hardly think so, and it all apparently started with something Caleb said. They all agreed that the red headed Weasley in our year, and I, would make a good couple.

So the plan was to make that happen. Step-by-Step. The first step was to give me a makeover. After, it would be getting the two of us closer. I learned that bit as they'd always find a way to get me a seat beside him in our shared classes, and in the Great Hall, just generally everywhere. Even in the normally empty library. But the "steps" weren't the plan. The "plan" was happening tonight, in the ROR. {Room Of Requirement.}

At the moment, Lea, Rose, and I, were all getting ready in our dorm. Or should I say getting me ready? Lea handed me a blue, fitted, blazer that cut at my torso. Rose offered a grey leather skirt that went down to my mid thigh. I was already wearing a ruffled white blouse, and I pulled on what they gave me, along with a pair of black combat boots. I was already wearing natural makeup, and my hair was pulled into a side fishtail braid. With a last flick of a lip gloss wand, Lea spoke.

"Ready?" Rose nodded, evaluating me.

"She's ready." Rosalie responded. I rolled my eyes, still not completely sure on what the plan was. I did, however, know it was something to do with what we were going to the ROR for.

Lea grabbed one of my arms, and Rose grabbed the other. They both smiled at me and we were off to go to the ROR.

"Are you two going to tell me what the plan is or?" I asked, hopefully. Lea shook her head, laughing.

"You'll just have to wait and see, Sephie." Lea said, and I pouted playfully, earning a scolding from Lea for 'potentially ruining my makeup'. We got to the ROR and walked in to see Gryffindor guys and girls from our year. I turned to leave, but Rose pulled me back, yanking on my arm.

Rose and Lea sat down next to Caleb, once again leaving the only spot left next to Percy. I sat down reluctantly and Caleb started talking.

"Okay. So we're going to play a muggle game called truth or dare. The first round is truths, so you ask someone a question and they have to answer truthfully. The second round is dares, so you dare them to do something and they have to do it. The third is double dares, and that's not that much different from dare, only you have to dare two people to do something. Then the following rounds are all random. Oh, and you can't pick someone who's already gone that round. Questions?" No one answered so Caleb took it as a cue to start.

"Seph, favourite pastime?" he asked, and I rolled my eyes, and flushed a bit.

"Well, I like reading." I responded. "Lea, who do you fancy?" She blushed furiously, and attempted to hide her face with her purple hair.

"I, uhm, I kinda like Matt McKiben in Ravenclaw." She responded, looking a bit like a tomato. She glared at me before continuing. The round went quickly, along with the second round where I had to sing the entirety of 'Beautiful Dreamer'. They chose that as I don't like to sing in front of people. We were now on the third round and Percy and I hadn't gone yet. Caleb and Rosalie had just finished snogging, the game had gotten dirtier and Lea had a smirk on her face.

"Sephie, Percy, I dare both of you to do seven minutes in heaven." Said Caleb. I would've rolled my eyes at the nickname, but I was too flushed to do much of anything. Though this was a muggle game, we knew very well what they meant, as it was just as famous of a game in the wizarding world.

Percy got up and I was frozen in utter terror. Sure, I am fourteen, but that doesn't mean I've done anything intimate with a guy. The most intimate thing I've done with a guy is high-five him. {A/N: True story.} I was a proper awkward girl, there's no way in hell that's going to change anytime soon. He stretched his hand down, an offer to help me up, and I accepted. Once our fingers touched butterflies the whole zoo was storming through my stomach.

Caleb shoved us in the closet, and we waited a bit before we heard them start up again. I grabbed my wand {A/N: Pervs please stop. Since I noticed this, I must be one of you as well.} and spoke 'Lumos'. A ball of blue light emerged from the tip of the hazel wand. My wand happens to be made of hazel, if you haven't guessed, 14.5 inches, hard, with a unicorn hair as its core.

The small light illuminates the area, making me able to see Percy's body close to mine. I did not have the courage to share eye contact with him, so I studied his worn shoes. There were a few scuffs on them, but the brown leather was cared for well. My boots were as seemingly basic as his shoes.

"Persephone?" he asked. Out of natural instinct, I corrected him.

"Seph." I said, looking up at him, his eyes boring into mine. For a few moments we just looked into each other's eyes. I looked into his baby blue eyes, and he looked into my violet ones. I found myself, and him, inching closer on impulse. Our lips were mere millimetres from each other when he whispered softly.

"Persephone?" I corrected him, answering his unasked question.

"Seph." Our lips touched together, lightly at first, but soon turned into a rough, but still passionate, kiss. It was like feeding time at the zoo in the pit of my stomach. We pulled away after what seemed like half a minute, and the door opened revealing Lea and Rose.

I excused myself from the rest of the game, using homework as an excuse, and left to the dormitory.

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