(FINALE) i make them good girls go bad🐹🌄⛱📀

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"trent...what the fuck do w-we do?" this was the first time angela saw trent like this. he ponded for a second. "well? are you going to say anything?" "i don't know, angela. why don't you fucking think of something for once?" angela's heart sunk at the words that escaped trent's mouth. both sat in silence for a couple of minutes. "i'm going to go take a shower. when i come back, we'll talk about this some more" trent said. angela nodded. what're we going to do? i can't go to jail. my mom would be furious. i'd never have a good future. angela's thoughts overwhelmed her as they overlapped to the sound of the shower running.
trent's pov
i shut the door, isolating myself in the bathroom. i take a look at myself in the mirror. what the fuck am i going to do? ever since my parents died in a car crash last spring, everything's been different. i wasn't always this cruel. i actually had a solid life, before you know, being chased by police for murder. we don't even know if that lady's dead or not. maybe she faked her death in order to give us a hard time. i really shouldn't have been mean to my angel earlier. what if she leaves me? what if she doesn't like me? what if she didn't like me all along? also maybe the woman actually died and i'm a horrible pers- shut up. stop overthinking. i look at myself once again. to my surprise, i had the urge to cry. don't cry. don't cry. don't cry. the lump in my throat was getting too much. my eyes were red and ready to explode with tears. a soft sob came. i turned on the shower to drown out the noise of me starting to cry. i lay on the shower mat and let it all out. why, why, why, why, why. after a few minutes of crying, i feel the need to get naked and i start taking off my clothes. i place them on the toilet seat as i step into the shower, which was already cold from running too long before. i sighed in exhaustion. i run my fingers through my hair as the cold water seeps down from my head to my face covered with my salty tears, and to my lower parts. i hear the bathroom door open. "angela?" i question. no response. i was just about to open the curtain until i see angela stepping into the shower with me. fully clothed. my face got hot with embarrassment, seeing that i'm fully exposed to her. "what're you-" she pressed her lips on mine before i could get word out. she placed her hand on my cheek and stroked it. "angela...i'm really sorry about ear-" "i know." there was a few seconds of silence and all you could hear is the shower running. she didn't even look down. not once. she only looked up to my face. i kissed her again and we started kissing rough yet passionately for a couple of minutes. i placed my hand on her hip and bit her lower lip as an entrance to go further. she nodded. from there, we were both bare. "are you sure you want to do this?" i asked. "i'm sure."

angel's pov
i really didn't think love was a real thing. but ever since i met trent, that theory's been proven wrong. after our shower, he told me a lot about himself. both his parents died in a car crash last spring. ever since then he's been using a lot of bad ways to cope with it. it's been really hard for him. i guess life works in strange ways. he told me his favorite color is blue, and he wants to work in law when he gets older, which was ironic. we completely forgot about our crimes. it seemed like time stands still when i'm with him. i feel safe around him. "trent?" "hm?" "your eyes are such a pretty honey color." trent smiled. we cuddle in bed for a few until i look at the clock and realize it's 12pm. "fuck" trent said. "what?" "we forgot to check out." "oh...well shit" i chuckled. "we can go to my house" trent said. "i only live with my aunt and she's never home. always with some guy and drunk." "we could've done that in the first place!" i said. trent laughed. we packed all our belongings and went down to the lobby only to find a whole swat of police.
3rd person
"what the fuck do we do" angela muttered. trent looked around for an escape. "back to our room. it's only a couple levels high. we can easily jump from it and land in the old deserted parking lot and make our getaway." angela nodded and they both rushed to their previous room. they went inside again and carefully jumped down from the balcony. trent grasped angela's hand and they both went to find their car. it's been taken. "trent..?" trent had that pondering look on his face as she's seen many times before in situations like this. before he could get a word out a whole swarm of cops came into the parking lot. they all looked in their direction. "THATS THEM!" trent ran in the other way, grabbing angela's hand until a cop suddenly shot him in his lower back. "TRENT!" angela screamed. her heart was pounding, her legs were weak, and it felt like her whole world was just shattered right before her eyes. trent instantly fell to the ground, with angela cupping his head in her lap. she looked up to the cops with tears in her eyes as they were about to take him into custody. "please, no. please don't do this. please..." "angel" trent said in a low huff. "trent? oh, my baby please tell me you're okay" angela cried. "i love you...so much" those were the only words he had while passing out from the wound."i love you more" she sniffled. "miss, i'm going to need you to come with me" a female detective said. "o-okay." angela hesitated and kept looking over her shoulder to see trent's body being carried and pulled into a cop car.

years later...
as angela gathered her belongings for her first day of university, she looked at herself in the mirror and noticed what a powerful and amazing woman she had become in the past couple of years. ever since then, she's been working from the ground up to build her career by taking internships, harder classes, and overall pushing herself to do better. she had completely moved on from the incident years ago. it really turned out for the better. trent only got a year of juvie and community service since he was a minor at the time. after, he even got into a really good program at school where we was the star of their grade. "have a good day, sweetie" her mom said. "i will! thanks mom." when she arrived at her first class, she was in awe at how prestigious this lecture hall looked. the ceilings, the chairs, the board, and the students. they all looked so fancy. this is where hard work gets you. angela took a seat in the second row, and waited for the professor to begin the lesson. the professor entered the room, and immediately all heads were turned to see a tall man in a black suit, a watch, hair combed to be just above his eyes, and strangely familiar honey eyes.

the end.

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