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Montego Bay, Jamaica

"Our son just killed someone..." Nasir whispered as he walked into the room to see his wife staring out the window. He observed her closely as her hands shook while they held onto the ledge, knowing her well enough; he knew it was a clear sign of her anxiety. "Our son just killed someone and you're here, upset about me letting in to Oshane's request. Do you not see the reasoning behind why I did what I did? Kingston is on a plane back home, the rest of our sons are on edge."

Serena stayed quiet, her eyes focused on the Richards family who were downstairs moving their belongings out to the moving truck. She watched them closely until she found it in her to finally release the breath she had been holding in for far too long. It was shaky, with a tightened chest; it made it hard.

"Serena. Will you look at me while I'm speaking to you? It's the least you can do."

Finally, she turned to face him. Sharing a small smile, she walked over and placed her hand on his cheek. "You will never get it."

"You're right and you knew that from the very beginning. This side of you... it's something I will never be able to wrap my head around. This wanting for power, this wanting to always be in control. I will never understand how it gives you so much satisfaction."

"Which is fine Boog, but don't for a minute act like it's new. You knew this came with being with me and you still chose to continue."

"Yes and I will forever choose until I take my last breath."

"So then why?!" She exclaimed, "why are you trying so hard to stop it. You know this is where I fall short, we've made compromises in order to make this work. I've given in to your requests. Yet you decided it was a good idea to turn around and tell that little boy yes!" Anger began to creep in and Serena knowing herself decided to remove her hand and place it behind her back. "I just want to know why."

"Because you broke your promise."

"I did not!"

"You told me no more violence. The compromise to us starting a family was that you'd keep the peace. We'd give back and create a new tradition far from the one you came to see. We've changed the narrative for the last 20 years. You promised me that that side of you was gone, you hung up your boots."

"My son came to me for help."

"And you could've helped solve this situation in love. Our son killed someone! Over someone that we knowingly know is alive."

"And that's my fault?!" She placed her hand on her chest, "or is it Oshane's?! If I had dealt with this situation the way I always do, Kingston would know that Shai's alive. Oshane wouldn't be marching around this place with such a big grin on his face. If I had dealt with this, things would be different."

"You started the whole situation off wrong in the first place. The moment he came to you, you should've thought to do the right thing. You being Serena Hines could've dug up dirt on Ray and had him sent to prison for what he did."

"Prison or community hours? Let's be real here!" She smirked.

"Regardless, there's a wrong and a right way to deal with things. When Kingston came to you, you saw it as an opportunity to itch a scratch you've had for years. You found it as a way to feed that craving that you haven't been able to get rid of. That want and that urge for violently possessing power." He shook his head. "After all those years of progress, this one situation made you ready to throw it all away. That is why I decided to go ahead and agree to Oshane's request. With you still holding this much power, here in this country. You will never be able to shake this problem of yours."

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