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"June? Juniper?"

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"June? Juniper?"

I have to wave my hand a few inches from her face to finally break her from her trance. She blinks a couple of times and lets out a nervous laugh, "Sorry, uh, what was it you were you saying?"

"I was asking what the passcode for the penthouse is."

"Oh, okay. It's nine, nine, two, six." I press the buttons she tells me to and type the passcode down into a note on my phone since my memory is shit when it comes to these things.

The elevator doors open with a flourish, and I watch June silently walk inside the house, and into her bedroom, closing the door behind her.  

We just came back after a long day of school and to be honest, my first day was pretty great. The professors were chill just like June promised, the classes weren't that boring, campus was nice, and the girls were hot— not as hot as my blonde housemate, but still. Yeah, NYU was a good college. It also didn't hurt that June and I shared most classes too, even though she was acting distant and closed off today.

I enter my own room with her sudden change of behavior on my mind while I'm changing into more comfortable clothes. I feel my face pull into a frown, remembering that she's been acting like this since Gen told her that her brother was coming here tomorrow. There's obviously something going on between her and Isaac, my cousin who I haven't seen in years.

Isaac and I weren't exactly what people would consider close but whenever his family would visit we had a lot of fun whether it was playing out in the woods behind my house back in Illinois or trying to beat each other in all sorts of games on my Playstation. Of course, Gen beat both of our sorry asses time and time again but it was nice having any company at all even if it meant getting showed up by my little cousin. 

Still, the thought of Isaac and June together made my stomach churn in a way that I didn't like nor want. Or maybe it was hunger that was making my stomach demonstrate the sounds that whales probably made when fucking— I hadn't eaten since a few hours ago, and I was a growing guy; I needed the fuel.

I exit my room and head to the kitchen, deciding to make a little something for me and June. She'd eaten even less than I had. At lunch she was hardly nibbling on a few fries but then Gen more or less shoved a turkey sub down her throat so she ate that. 

After some searching, I find a suitable skillet and put it on the heat while whisking together a few eggs with bits of bacon and pieces of spinach. 

I'm halfway done making the omelettes and while I'm looking for whether there's any type of cheese in the fridge, June appears, not seeming to notice my presence. 

When I look at her, like, really look at her, I almost drop the block of cheddar cheese in my hand. She's in a pair of very tight Adidas pants that accentuate her toned legs and that inviting ass of hers. My eyes trail upwards and damn near bug out at the sight of the sports bra she's clad in.

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