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"Exactly how much of that did you hear, Tristan?"

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"Exactly how much of that did you hear, Tristan?"

I glance down at June who sits stiffly in the seat next to mine. We were already five minutes late to class, so we didn't say a word to each other about what just went down out by the lockers and rushed over here.

"Pretty much all of it."

"Oh, so you're stalking me now? Cute," she bites out.

I wait until Professor Dean has his back to us before indignantly hissing back, "I wasn't stalking you. I was taking the same route since we happen to have the same class and when I saw that asshole grab you, I stuck around."

"You really didn't have to. I was doing fine without you."

"I know you were. That's why I didn't step in until after he tried to fucking kiss you without consent."

Color slowly rises to June's cheeks, and my defensiveness tampers down a bit for her sake. She was obviously horrified that I had to witness whoever the hell that was harassing her, and rubbing salt in the wound wouldn't do me any favors.

But she's not finished. "Oh, and you just had to mention the fact that we're living together didn't you?"

I can't help but smirk a bit at that part. Seeing that guy's fill with disbelief and jealousy was almost as satisfying as it would've been to feel his bone crunch beneath my fist. It was still crazy to me that someone as worthy as June would have dated such an entitled piece of shit.

Unfortunately, upon seeing the smugness all over my face, she takes it the wrong way, probably thinking that I was intentionally trying to stir up trouble.

Forgetting to use her inside voice, she snipes, "You asshole! God, you're so fucking insufferable!"

I don't get a chance to defend myself because Professor Dean swivels on his heel to face us with a bland look. "Langsford. Walker. Get out of my class. Take your little lovers spat elsewhere."

Cringing at the phrase 'lovers spat' and at all the eyes watching us with blatant interest, I follow a fuming and red-cheeked June out of the classroom. My eyes reflexively drift down to the legs carrying her away, and I almost trip over my feet at the flash of inner thigh I get peeking out from under her tiny skirt.

She couldn't be taller than 5'3 since I towered over her by a whole foot but in that skirt, her toned tanned legs looked fucking endless. It should be illegal for legs to look that good, because now all I can think about is having them wrapped all around me while I—

My deliciously filthy train of thought gets cut off as June turns around and glares up at me. "Happy now? You've succeeded in humiliating me more than once, I'm sure you're work here is done."

I frown down at her, telling myself to be patient. "What are you so pissed for? I didn't even do anything."

Then, a realization dawns on me and I eye at her cautiously before saying slowly, "Oh, I know why you're being so moody... are you on your period?"

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