Get on with it then.

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"Get on with it then!" Esme exclaimed whilst waving her finger in disapproval.
"Esme- how are we to proceed when Olaf nearly murdered us all, and you just shot him, you're a murderer." Violet said,with a hint of caution in her voice, which wavered slightly as she spoke, as this occurred, she took a step back.

"No need for all of this questioning, Jacqueline says she's good, so I believe her" kit said, standing proudly whilst giving a look of disapproval to Esme.
Esme waved her hand, as to say get on with it.
"There's no one to marry you though?" A minor wash of concern came over olivia.
"Well, you're a librarian, surely you know something about marriage?" Esme spouted, rolling her eyes.
"Well yes, i do, i suppose i could give it a try!"
After the wedding, they all say their goodbyes and go on their way. However not before Jacqueline throws the flowers.
"Urgh, they're mine" Esme exclaims before Jacqueline had the chance to let go of them.
As the bouquet leaves her hand, and it slowly travels back down to the earth, only Esme seemed to be interested, diving towards them. Kit wasn't bothered at all, in fact she didn't even realise she had even thrown them, she was to busy messing around with the children. As for Olivia, she believed in sorcery, and tea leaves, and she was superstitious, however, these sorted particulars did not faise her. She Looked over to her left, to see jacques standing next to her, oh I'm oh so lucky! She thought to herself, she smiled. He smiled. However suddenly she turned to face her front, still captivated by the thought of her happy life, and was met with a rather large flower arraignment inches away from her eyes, she seized the flowers, just in time.
Oh my, i caught them! Well, this isn't at all how i thought today would turn out. But this is all just an old wives tale, surely this doesn't actually mean anything! But if it does then- oh stop Olivia! Stop procrastinating and getting your hopes up. She thought. She smiled to herself as everyone cheered for her, she smiled.
"You stupid two faced cow, you have ruined everything! Good day... no... bad day, have a rubbish day, all of you, I'm leaving" esme squealed as she turned her back, and walked off into the distance. Everyone began laughing at her.
"So who's the lucky fella?' Jacques winked at her and smiled.
She was at a loss for words, how was it that her life was so perfect? After years of neglect and miss-fortune, things were finally going her way,, finally working out alright for her. She blushed, and tried to speak but nothing came out, so instead she hugged him and handed Jacqueline her flowers.

They all proceeded towards their cars, smiling. Today's unfortunate events were over, and things were looking up for the children and for the happy couple. Yet to be married couple.
"So, where to next?' Olivia questioned getting in the car.
"How about old Campbell's? Are we still heading that way?'
"Oh goodness gracious, It completely left my mind, of course we shall head there! But is getting dark, we will have to make a move!"  
"For sure!"
Jacques said, as he handed the children some books to read, for the journey and water, for all 5 of them.

The further away the taxi travelled, the safer the children felt. Their new parents! A new life, a new beginning, a much safer beginning. Olaf dead, and all of their worries gone! Life couldn't get much better than this, they thought.

Hi guys! Blimey, not been on here for a few moths! Sorry, i know this is short, i would have dragged it out for longer, however, i just had this sudden desire to write! I have some REALLY important exams coming up on Monday! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I haven't proof read this, and i really hate it !! But i needed to update, otherwise i would probably leave it another 8 months like last time haha!
Anyway Hope youre all well, until next time!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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