Battle In The Skies

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A sinister shadow passed over the busy city of New York as the evil Vulture flew through the skies with a wicked grin, clutching his latest prize, a briefcase full of cash that he had swooped down and snatched from an unsuspecting courier on the streets. Gliding gracefully through the skies, Adrian Toomes could not help but feel pleased with himself. His new life with crime had started off well, with the authorities utterly powerless to stop his new reign of terror and his pilfered gains were increasing every day.

"Another few robberies like these and I should be able to retire for good," chuckled the Vulture to himself. "Who said that crime doesn't pay?"

"I've got a newsflash for you, old timer," came a sudden voice from behind him. "It certainly doesn't pay!"

The startled Vulture whirled to face whoever the voice belonged to, only to be walloped in the face by a pair of feet that had just collided into him! For a moment he plummeted, before quickly regaining control to face his attacker.

"So!" he rasped a little dazedly with an indignant flap of his wings. "The famous Spider-Girl has opted to tangle with the mighty Vulture. A very unwise decision, child. It'll take more than a third-rate TV star to get the better of me!"

"That's what you think, grandpa," said Spider-Girl as she swung towards the Vulture on a web-line, preparing to swing a punch at her quarry. "Now how about I give you a helping fist to send you on your way to dream land!"

But just as the young super-heroine was about to complete her attack, the Vulture swooped out of the way and as Spider-Girl went past, he used his sharp wings to slice through the web-line, causing her to plummet downwards!

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But just as the young super-heroine was about to complete her attack, the Vulture swooped out of the way and as Spider-Girl went past, he used his sharp wings to slice through the web-line, causing her to plummet downwards!

"Yikes!" said Spider-Girl as she hurriedly fired another strand of web from her finger, which snagged onto the nearest building, enabling her to swing over and land onto the smooth side wall, her spider-sticking powers preventing her from free falling down to her doom.

"Gee, this dude is tougher than he looks," she thought to herself. Suddenly her spider-sense began buzzing, alerting her that the Vulture was diving towards her from behind, thinking that she was dazed and vulnerable to attack. Deciding to play possum, Spider-Girl waited till the very last second, then, just as the Vulture was about to impact with her, she leapt off the building, somersaulted through the air and landed right on top of the Vulture's back.

"Gah, get off me, you ignorant brat!" said the Vulture angrily as he swerved this way and that, trying to throw off the web-slinger.

"Uh-uh, pops!" said Spider-Girl as she held on tight to the Vulture. "I think it's time I taught you some manners!"

And with that, she fired some webbing at the Vulture's eyes, the sticking substance completely blocking his vision.

"Aggh! You cretin!" shrieked the Vulture in fright. "I can't see where I'm going! We'll end up crashing! I don't want to die!"

"Sheesh, what a totally wet blanket you are," mocked Spider-Girl as she fired some more webbing ahead of them. "Chill out, Vulchy. I'm already one step ahead of you!"

Within seconds, Spider-Girl had managed to form a giant spider web between the two buildings ahead of them, which managed to catch the two figures and break their fall. As the Vulture tried to disentangle himself from the clinging strands, Spider-Girl quickly used more webbing to completely ensnare the winged villain, rendering him quite powerless.

"There, that should hold you, and when the police get here, they'll be able to take you to a nice gilded cage with really strong bars," said Spider-Girl a little smugly, pleased at having successfully captured her first super villain.


A few hours later, Mary Jane had changed out of her costume and got back into her everyday clothes, before making her way over to the 'Coffee Bean' cafe, where she had arranged to meet some of her friends and classmates. When she got there, she found them engrossed in reading the 'Daily Globe' headlines on Sally Avril's tablet.

"Hey MJ, have you seen this?" said Sally. "That Spider-Girl character just managed to bust the Vulture creep who's been terrorizing the city. Gosh, I wish I had seen that, it must have been well exciting."

"More like terrifying," Mary Jane thought to herself, though she could not deny that the whole fight had been a thrill for her.

"Yeah, she must be so brave taking on that jerk," said Flash dreamily. "I bet she's way good looking too under that mask of hers."

"Oh yeah, I'm sure she is," muttered Liz icily with a glowering expression.

Mary Jane opened her mouth to respond, but then realised that someone was missing. "Hey, where's Peter? Flash, you haven't been picking on him again have you?"

"Hey, not guilty, red," said Flash defensively, waving his hands passively. "The bookworm's got himself a new job for the weekend, helping out some nutty professor with some of his gizmos. Parker did say he tried to tell you, but you never seem to be around."

"Yeah, where have you been disappearing to, MJ? You've been playing the vanishing act more and more lately," remarked Sally.

"Oh, uh, just been out partying," said Mary Jane almost too hastily. "You know my motto. 'Never miss a good time'. Anyway, I think I'll pop in on Peter and see how he's doing. So where did you guys say he was working?"

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