Endings And New Beginnings

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Down by the bank on the streets below, the Scorpion was unleashing her full power and fury upon two hapless security guards, who tried valiantly to defend the armoured car that she had chosen to attack. Realising they had no other option, they drew their weapons and opened fire, but the bullets bounced harmlessly off the laughing Scorpion's super-strong body.

"Nice try, losers!" she said. "But you're going to have to do better than that to get the better of me!"

"Holy smoke!" gaped one of the guards before the Scorpion swatted them aside with her tail. Satisfied that both men would no longer try to bother her, she turned around to the armoured car and tore the side open with her bare hands! Inside were loads of bags of money, just waiting for her to snatch away.

"Don't mind if I do," sniggered the Scorpion as she wiggled her fingers greedily. She was just about to jump in and grab the loot, when a scarlet-suited figure swung down and grabbed her around the neck.

"Not so fast, ugly!" said Spider-Girl, and before the surprised Scorpion could react, the web-spinner had torn off the villainess' lower mask and thrust the top of the beaker of antidote against Liz's mouth, forcing her to gulp down the serum. Choking and spluttering, the Scorpion finally threw the attacker off her back.

"Gah! So, you're up for another round are you, bug-girl?" spluttered the Scorpion indignantly. "Well that just suits me fine! This time, I'll make mincemeat of you and splatter your remains all over the city!"

The Scorpion angrily swung her tail at Spider-Girl, who just managed to leap clear before the unnatural appendage smashed into the pavement. Spider-Girl quickly retaliated, firing a web-line at the Scorpion's foot, and with a sharp pull on the line, sent the villain falling flat on her back.

"You played dirty, girl," snarled the Scorpion, leaping back onto her feet. "Now I'm gonna make you pay the penalty!"

"Oh, this is bad," thought Spider-Girl in alarm, bracing herself for the next assault. "What if I got the antidote to her too late? What will I do then?"

With a roar, the Scorpion shot forward, but as she did so, Spider-Girl suddenly realised that Liz was now moving much slower, making it much easier to dodge the attack. Confused, Liz turned about and tried to throw another punch, but again, Spider-Girl was able to duck clear.

"The serum's working!" realised Mary Jane delightedly. "She's turning back to normal!"

Sure enough, Liz Allan was returning back to her normal size and as her mutation was reversed, so too was the wave of madness that had clouded her mind.

"Wha... what am I doing?" she managed to stammer, looking about her in confusion, before the full realisation of what she had done sank in. "Oh dear god, what have I done?"

Tearfully, she collapsed to her knees and sobbed into her hands, only just comprehending the consequences caused by her petty jealousy. She barely even noticed a comforting hand appearing on her shoulder, a hand belonging to the very person she had to tried to kill.

"It's okay, Liz," said Spider-Girl soothingly. "It's all over now."


From his office window, J. Jonah Jameson had watched in dismay as the Scorpion went rogue and made her attempted heist, and he was further disappointed to see that Spider-Girl had once again triumphed. He was so engrossed in viewing the scenes playing out below, that he almost did not notice the three policeman who had just entered his office.

"Eh? Who are you?" demanded Jameson, trying to put on his best innocent act. "What are you doing in my office?"

The detective in charge stepped forward, a grim expression on his face. "Mr Jameson, I am Captain Barbera, NYPD. We've received a call from a Professor Cobbwell, implicating you in illegal genetic experiments and a conspiracy to commit assault. I've a warrant for your arrest. In other words... You're busted, pal!"

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