A Fateful Decision

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The months passed, and as Mary Jane Watson's new superhero career progressed, her popularity reached new heights as she faced off with some of the greatest criminals and super villains in history

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The months passed, and as Mary Jane Watson's new superhero career progressed, her popularity reached new heights as she faced off with some of the greatest criminals and super villains in history... The armed and deadly Doctor Octopus; the deceptive Mysterio; the insane and evil Green Goblin... The list goes on. But with the love and support of her Aunt Anna, Spider-Girl bravely battled these menaces to society and came out on top, all while balancing her super heroics with her studies at Midtown High.

Peter Parker, meanwhile, found his own reputation amongst his classmates improving, thanks in part to the tale he told them of how Spider-girl saved his and Mary Jane's lives. Unburdened by the responsibilities he would have had to endure in other realities, he was able to focus more on his scientific studies, earning him even greater respect from his tutors.

However, for one young individual, these occurring events were not to her liking...


"Spider-Girl, Spider-Girl, Spider-Girl!" complained Liz Allan as she wandered through the streets on New York. "That's all anyone talks about these days. Flash doesn't even notice me anymore and Parker is too interested in Mary Jane to bat an eyelid at me!"

 Flash doesn't even notice me anymore and Parker is too interested in Mary Jane to bat an eyelid at me!"

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Liz sighed. The plain truth was that she was jealous and envious of Spider-Girl, with all her powers and fame. Liz really wished that she could find a way to become that popular and powerful. But she could not, and that made her bitter.

"If only there was someway I could cut down Spider-Girl a little," she thought gloomily. "If there was someone who disliked Spider-Girl as much as me... Hey, that's it!"

With sudden resolve, Liz turned on her heels and headed straight to the 'Daily Bugle', not realising the dire repercussions that her decision would bring...


In his office, publisher J. Jonah Jameson was busy going through some potential news items to put in his paper, when one particular article caught his attention.

"What's this? Some crazy crackpot claims to have discovered a way of creating artificial mutations in animals, using some technique involving neogenics. What a load of baloney! Now if someone had discovered a way to get rid of that masked nuisance Spider-Girl, that would be something completely different!"

He abruptly stopped in his tracks, as a cunning smile crossed his face. "Say, why not? If this egghead has discovered a way to create supermen, then maybe he could create an opponent capable of taking down that freaky dame! Yeah, that's the answer! Only question is, how do I find someone willing enough to go along with this scheme of mine?"

Jameson's musings were interrupted by a knock on the door by his secretary. "Excuse me, Mr Jameson," said Betty Brant nervously, "but there's a young lady here who says she wants to talk to you."


"...and I read all your articles about Spider-Girl, Mr Jameson," finished Liz Allan as Jameson listened patiently on, "and I want to do my bit to help your crusade to expose that witch as the no-good show-off that she is!"

Jameson gave a sympathetic smile. "My dear young lady, if only more of our fair citizens had their eyes open like you. You're quite right, that masked menace has to be put in her place and I've just come up with a way to do it. And you can help me!"

Liz was a little surprised. "Really? How?"

"I've a project in mind that could enable you to gain powers that could potentially crush Spider-Girl," explained Jameson. "Now I can't deny it won't be dangerous..."

"No sweat, Mr J," said Liz firmly. "If it means getting out of Spider-Girl's shadow, then I'm in!"


And so, a few hours later in an advanced scientific laboratory...

"I must be mad to do this, Jameson," muttered Dr. Farley Stillwell as he finished setting his Neogenic Recombinator, a device that resembled a large laser cannon. "My experiments are still in their early stages. To try and splice human DNA with that of a scorpion could be decidedly dangerous."

"Oh come off it, doc," snapped Jameson. "It often takes risk to get real progress done. And with the $10,000 I'm paying, you'll be able to build on your research."

"I suppose so," said Stillwell, his greed for scientific equipment getting the better of him. He turned to face the young lady standing patiently on the other side of the room, directly in the Recombinator's line of fire. "Are you ready, Miss Allan?"

"Sure doc," said Liz from inside the bulky scorpion costume she was wearing, "but this outfit is way too big."

"Don't worry," assured the scientist. "As your body mass and strength increases, it will become quite a snug fit."

"Well, get on with it then," said Jameson impatiently. "It's time I got my $10,000's worth."

Hesitating, only for a second, Stillwell's trembling finger flicked a switch on the Recombinator and the device fired an intense beam at Liz, bathing her in its immense light

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Hesitating, only for a second, Stillwell's trembling finger flicked a switch on the Recombinator and the device fired an intense beam at Liz, bathing her in its immense light. Liz stifled an urge to cry out in pain, a feeling which quickly gave way to one of sheer power. Her muscles became much stronger and she began to increase in physical size, until, as Stillwell predicted, she managed to fill the whole of the suit.

"There, that should do it," said Stillwell. "How do you feel, young lady?"

A terrifying smile crept over the face of the girl formally known only as Liz Allan and she said with clear anticipation:

"Ready to splat a spider."

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