Chp.2 The Present

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Years have passed now, many years I should say, as we then take a look back at Musutafu Japan city, in a school called UA High, where it's a school filled with future generation heroes and leading to become pro heroes, like All Might. One day in UA, Class 1-A were at The Alliance Height building where there dorms are taken place, soon Class 1-A were all in the living room, spending time together on a Friday. As Bakugau, 18 years old, and her friend, Izuku, 18 years old as well, were both sitting down at the couch playing video games alongside with some other friends in their class...soon Bakugau beat Izuku on the video game...

Bakugau: HA!! Take that nerd!! I beat you, again! Haha!

Izuku: Hehe, yeah I know..

Bakugau: You better not be holding back while going against me!!

Izuki: Wha!? N-No! I wasn't holding back!

Bakugau: Heh, you better. Hehe.

Kirashima: Woah. This is like the fourth time she beat you Midoriya, I hate to say it but that's embarrassing. Hehe.

Izuku: I's just I'm not good at the game Kachan picked.

Bakugau: So you were holding back, weren't you damn nerd!!

Izuku: WAH!! N-No I don't mean it like that! Honestly!

Kirashima, Mina, Kaminari, Sero, and Jirou started laughing...

Kirashima: Hehe. Alright Midoriya hand over the control, you know the rules. Besides, this time for sure I'll beat Bakugau, with manliness skills!

Bakugau: Ha! We'll see about that dumb hair.

As Izuku then passes the controller to Kirashima, he gets up as he soons to walk over to the kitchen as he goes and gets a glass of water to have something to drink...but as soon he drinks a glass of water...he then looks out of the window as he then started taking to himself...


It has been 13 years, now that me and Kachan both got into UA. We've been battling villains as well ever since we came to UA, the league of villains as we call them. Over the years of fighting the league of villains during UA, we've been victorious on beating them, Shigaraki, Stain, Muscular, Mustard, Moonfish, and even the one villain we feared the most...All For One. And thanks to All Might, the greatest hero of them all, with his power and everything he has gotten in him, he was able to finally take All For One down for good and take him and the rest of the league of villains to prison at Tartarus, even if their in prison. But that's not all, we ourselves defeated a group of Yakuzas in order to save a little innocent girl, Eri, from Overhaul, luckily we did saved her and defeated Overhaul for good, and was sent to prison as well, and I myself had to drafted yet another villain, Gentle Criminal, alongside with La Brava...and so, all the villains were now no more and soon to be in Tartarus prison locked up for good. Now that everything is now under control and keeping Eri-Chan safe with us, knowing she's with Aizawa-Sensei...everting for us turn out to be fine...but...the only thing that has been bothering me a about that something happen back in my see, not only me and Kachan were childhood friends...but also, there was someone else who was our childhood friend...well, not anymore I guess...even though he said himself he was quirkless...he suddenly and somehow found this anger inside of him, and released it out of nowhere, and soon that anger, caused him to unleash something out from his body I don't know what it is...I can still remember that for Kachan...and then after...we notice from his mom that he ran away home, screaming to her to leave him alone...and never came back after wards, the police tried to look for him...but it was no luck to find the mom cried in tears, missing her son...but as for Kachan...I could tell her face that she felt bad about it...but then again, she didn't care afterwards and just ignore it...and I know she didn't wanted to talk about it afterwards, knowing how she bad she treating him, I felt so bad for him, I wanted to help out...but I didn't even had the guts to do so...but all I can say, is that wherever he is and where he ran to, I just he's okay and alive and somehow he returns back home...his home...

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