Chp.24 Epilogue

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2 months have passed...everything has changed now, the city buildings were getting repaired as the citizens now lived in peace. As for (YN), he was now changed as well, now that he got his memory back. But not just that, he and Bakugau made up as he forgave her apology...and now, the two became friends again, and this time, nothing will ruin their friendship...but then again...Bakugau had a little talk with (YN)'s mother between them back when they were kids...Bakugau told everything of how she treated and behaved towards (YN) back when they were kids...she apologized to Shira for what she has done to her son...and the reason why he ran away home and leaving her alone all those years...after that, Shira at first was kinda upset and disappointed...but she can't stay mad at Bakugau...knowing she was so honest to her...Shira forgave her and accepted her apology...which made (YN) relief as well...even Bakugau's parents, knowing that they also know about it...they were also too upset and disappointed at her for her behavior and what she has done to (YN)...but they forgave her as well, knowing that they kinda spoiled her a little, so they'll take some of the blame as well and apologizing to Shira and (YN), both of them forgave them...especially (YN)...which made Bakugau happy and relief too...after covering all that...(YN) started visiting UA High to meet up with his friends...especially Bakugau as well, knowing them two started to get along way much more and a lot than before...and that's not all...(YN) was also relief that he's able to meet little Eri as well, knowing she started to like hanging out with (YN) as well, and so he too...every time (YN) comes to visit UA, he'll either visits his friends, and spend time with Bakugau, or have play time with Eri, or do both, spending time with Bakugau while hanging out with Eri, alongside side with the big three, Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire...everything was going so great so far.
Not quiet though :3
One day, in a Saturday evening, it was 5pm, as (YN) was in UA, hanging out with Bakugau as they both were watching TV, Izuku and the rest were spending time with their parents back home like they usually do in the weekends, but as for (YN) and Bakugau, they both always hang out in UA on the weekends, and they always remind their parents that they'll be in UA or outside to hang out...and so, the two were hanging out, watching TV as a show they were watching ended...

Bakugau: Man, the shows over.

(YN): Hmm. Now what??

Bakugau: I mean we already played video games and watch a lot of TV all that's what we mostly did.

(YN): ...We can go hang out outside if you want? I heard the pier at the beach is open.

Bakugau: Hmmm. Yeah, it's is, and sounds pretty fun to me. Okay, we'll go.

(YN): Cool.

Soon they turned off the TV as they put on theirs shoes as they both started to exit the building heights alliance and soon leaving UA to head over they stared walking down to head over to the pier at the beach...Bakugau looked at (YN) a she blushes, and started to remember the day she and (YN) kissed at the hospital...and she thought to herself...

Bakugau Mind: ...Did that kiss...actually meant something...or did he...did it just to make, it can't. I mean...did he...Tch. No. I wanna know if he did mean it or not.


20 minutes later, they both arrived to the pier as they both paid in order to enter the pier and have bracelet to go on every ride...and so their fun hang out began. The two started experiencing the awesome rides they have and fun games as well, they started getting on rides as they had a blast, they even got on a Ferris Wheels, which Bakugau was scared knowing it rolls around from the ground to the air, as she hoods onto (YN)'s arm tightly...which made (YN) smile and blush a little, and so as Bakugau as well...soon they continuing getting on more rides, and after, they started going to the arcade games and also playing some carnival games on the pier, and so buying themselves some snacks as well...they started to stay at the pier for almost all evening...

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