Chp.7 Who Am I?

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As we left off, Izuku and the rest of his friends turn out to be okay during the battle with (YN), knowing they only had minor injuries and some fatal injuries as well, All Might turn out to be okay not the the respiratory organs are now healing up as well...but soon, a doctor came by and talk to Aizawa and Gran Torino about (YN), the doctor said that the fatal gap wound on his head wasn't all bad and took almost an hour to treat it and turned out to be good...but there was something else that made that hit on his head do something on All Might, Aizawa, Gran Torino, Izuku and Kirashima followed the doctor as he then leads them to (YN)'s soon the doctor leads them towards the room, Izuku and Kirashima then notices their friends, Iida, Kaminari, Todoroki, Momo, Sero and Bakugau waiting as well there as well, knowing that they were waiting as well...

Kirashima: Oh hey you guys!

Sero: Kirashima! Midoriya! Good to see you guys again!

Izuku: Same. We're just glad all of you are okay.

Izuku then notices Bakugau quiet, knowing she didn't even bother looking at him...having her head down...

Kirashima: Say, what are you all doing here??

Doctor: I called them here as well. Don't worry. Now that everyone is here I have to inform you about (YN).

Momo: (YN)?? He's here as well??

Kaminari: Why?! The dude almost literally killed us!

Doctor: Yes I know, Gran Torino here told me everything, but...well I did say that the surgery for (YN)'s wound on his head turn out to be okay and everything...but after that...he soon waking up and...*sighs* it's better off showing you than telling you.

Izuku and the rest were confused as the doctor led them inside the room...soon as they all entered, they saw (YN), sitting on the bed as he then notices them as well..Bakugau somehow got her focus on (YN) as she then sees a bandage wrapped around (YN)'s forehead...

Kaminari: O-Oh man! He's awake!

Iida: Calm down Kaminari. He knows he won't fight back.

Kirashima: Yeah! He can't do nothing about it now that he's here!

...Suddenly...(YN) looked confused not knowing what they were talking about as he soon said in a calm voice...

(YN): ...wh-who are you people...??

Momo: Wh-Who are we??

Sero: Is he serious?? Dude, you don't remember us?? You literally were fighting against us.

Kaminari: Yeah! And you LITERALLY almost killed us all!

Doctor: That's the thing...he doesn't doesn't remember you all. Not even close.

Momo: D-Doesn't remember us??

Todoroki: I don't understand...

Doctor: This is what I mean...Son?

(YN): ?

Doctor: Do you know who you are? And why you're here??

(YN): ...I-I don't know...I don't know who I am...not even why I'm here...and I don't know you people at all...who am I?

All Might: Th-This doesn't make sense...earlier ago he told us his name and now he doesn't know?? Why's that doctor???

The doctor then pulled out some x-ray picture of (YN)'s head and explains why he couldn't remember anything...

Doctor: As you can see here on the x-ray, it appears whatever (YN) hit himself in the head seem to be really brutal, and as you can see close it barely fracture a bit of his skull...and yet damaging his brain really hard, which caused him to have Amnesia.

Everyone gasps in for Bakugau, she felt so guilt the fact her face looked very censurable...

Izuku: A-Amnesia.?!

Doctor: Yes, a general term describing as "memory loss", meaning this cause him to have amnesia of the head injury he had. Whatever he got hit on the head, cause it to have a brain damage. But I don't know if the amnesia will be permanent or temporarily...who knows. We don't know how long he'll have it, but we're not sure.

Everyone in the room felt shocked and bad for (YN), known that he now has amnesia due of his head being hit so hard...Bakugau started to have this look on her face...feeling really more censurable as she leaves the room...

Izuku: K-Kachan!

All Might: Let her go Midoriya...let her have some space. Please.

Izuku: O-Okay...

All Might: So, what now Doc??

Doctor: Well since there's nothing left for us to do, I say he should be fine with those bandages around his and I say he should be good to go. Just give me his parents contacts and let them pick him up.

All Might: E-Eh...O-Oh...shit..

Doctor: Hmm?? Is there something wrong??

All Might: Well...the thing is...*sighs* how can I say this...uh-

Gran Torino: We don't know the young one's parents, nor don't know where he lives or came from. We just...found him in the middle of the snow...alone.

Doctor: ...Oh. I see...Well...I don't know what to say...but I'm sorry but we can't have him here for much longer.

Kirashima: Oh what??

Izuki: ...Oh! I got it!

Iida: Hm? What is it Midoriya?

Izuku: Aizawa-Sensei, I know it's hard for me to say this it okay for us to bring him to UA?

Kirashima: Hey yeah! Midoriyas right! We can bring him at UA and have him live with us! That way we can somehow help him out while we're at it and maybe we can jog his memory back!

Momo: ...You know, that's actually not a bad idea. Maybe he won't be any troublesome after all.

Iida: Well as class representative, I can assure I agree on what Midoriya says!

Sero: That's a tail not bad. I agree as well!

Todoroki: ...Yeah, why not.

Kaminari: Are you all crazy?!?

Kirashima: Oh come on Kaminari, man up! He's not trouble anymore!

Kaminari: Hmmmm...okay fine!

Izuku: So? What do you say Aizawa-Sensei??

Aizawa: Hmmm. Well since there's not enough dorms anymore, he can be able to sleep at the couch if it's okay.

Izuku: Whatever it takes!

Aizawa: ...Okay, I'll allow it.

Kirashima: Alright!

Izuku and his friends started to feel relief that they'll be having (YN) living with them, while helping him jog his memory back as well...soon (YN) yet still confused as Izuku says...

Izuku: Don't worry (YN). We'll bring you to our school, UA High!

(YN): U-U...A??

Kirashima: Don't rush it too much Midoriya, let him rest for a little and then as soon all of us are good to go, we'll be taking him.

Izuku: O-Oh right! S-Sorry. Hehe..

As everyone in the room started to feel relief about helping (YN) out even though he was a threat before, but still they'll manage to help him out either way, no matter what...meanwhile, outside of the door, Bakugau heard everything as she then soon walks away as she then says...

Bakugau Mind: ...I didn't mean it...I only did it cause I had to...but then again...I feel bad for that bastard as well...why?? Tch. Damn it. I hate when I'm starting to feel this type of way! ...but...I'm just glad he isn't hurt that bad...and he's okay...


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