Chapter 9- go away

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Sammy opened the door and there stood, exactly who I didn't want to see. Will. "Go the fuck away will!" I yelled at him running to the door. "Just give me another chance babe" he said. "Don't call me babe. You fucking abused me like I was a punching bag and you just expect me to give you another chance? I don't fucking think so" I said slamming the door in his face. I huffed and went over to Lilly. "We need to have a girls day like soon. " I said collapsing on her. "How about tomorrow?" She suggested. "Ooh yay!" I screeched. I walked over to Jack and cuddled up next to him. "Baby I'm tired." I whined. "Go to bed." He chuckled. "Come with me" I said. He chuckled once again and stood up, offering me his hand. I accepted and walked to the door. "Bye guys! See you tomorrow." I said. I shut the door and heard Lilly yell from the other side, "don't do anything I wouldn't do!" I opened the door back up and flipped her off. I shut the door and we walked to my room. When we go there I got shorts and a shirt and changed. Jack took off his shirt and Laid down beside me. I cuddled into him and fell right asleep. When I woke up Jack was gone. There was a note on the nightstand that read, "hey princess, I went to get us breakfast. Be back soon:) ~Jack" I smiled and walked to my suitcase. I grabbed a black skater skirt and an "on Wednesdays we wear pink" crop top. I took a shower and curled my hair and slipped on my black vans. I sat on the couch and waited for Jack. I went on my phone and heard the door open. Expecting it to be jack, I looked up and saw will. "How many times to I have to tell you to fuck off?" I asked him. He walked closer and tried to take off my clothes. I kneed him where it hurts and he fell back in pain. Grabbing my phone, I ran to Cameron's room. I opened the door and ran to him, hugging him as tight as I could. "Baby girl what's wrong.?" He asked rubbing my back. "He came back" I sobbed. "Who?" He asked. "Will" I sobbed out again. "Shit" he mumbled and ran out. 20 minutes later he came back with a victorious smile on his face. "What?" I asked. "Let's just say you won't have to worry about him anymore." He said. "Oh my god cameron you didn't kill him did you?" I yelled. "No, I called the police. He's going to be away for a very long time." He replied. "How long?" I asked. "He was sentenced life in prison for abuse and resisting arrest " he said. I let out a relieved sigh and Jack walked in the door. I ran to him and hugged him as tight as I could. He dropped the bags he was holding and hugged me back. Just then taylor walked through the door. "Whoa what is going on in here?" He asked. I pulled back from Jack and smiled. "Emotional healing young grasshopper" I said. "Um okay?" He said and laughed. I walked to matts room. I walked straight in and Lilly was still asleep. "LILLY DENISE ROBERTSON WAKE THE HELL UP!" I yelled hitting her with a pillow. "Nooo I don't wanna." She whined. "We can get chipotle. " I said crossing my arms. She hopped right out of bed and said, "I'm up!". "Mhm that's what I thought." I said. I walked over to matt who was sitting on the couch. "Hey matt?" I said. "Yeah A?" He said back. "Promise me that you'll never hurt my best friend." I said quietly. "Aj I would never hurt....wait why would you ask? What happened?" He said. Tears welded up in my eyes. "When I was 15 I had a friend named Megan and... her boyfriend, h-he killed her matt." I said, now sobbing. Matt, being one of my bestfriends, pulled me in for a hug. We sat there for 2 minutes until he said, "I would never hurt her". I smiled and whispered, "thank you matt".

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