Chapter 2- New

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After several hours a day spent packing we were finally ready to leave. I took a minute to just take in my empty childhood home. It was sad, it really was. "Are you ready?" Cam asked me. "Yeah, I think so" I said smiling. After about a 2 hour drive we finally arrived at the new house. "Holy shit" Taylor said with his jaw dropped. We walked inside and I went upstairs to make sure I got to pick my room before Cameron could. I obviously picked the biggest one. You snooze you loose big bro. I started to unpack. I took my toiletries into the attached bathroom and organized my closet. After about 2 and 1/2 hours I was finally done. I flopped onto my bed and opened up my MacBook. Cameron finally decided to come upstairs to pick his room. He opened the door to my room expecting it to be empty. He just glared at me. I bursts out laughing. "You snooze, you loose." I said to him. He slowly closed the door while narrowing his eyes at me. I watched some Netflix and before too long my eyelids started to get heavy. I woke up the next morning and walked into my bathroom.I grabbed some jean short shorts and the Magcon shirt cameron got me. I peeled of my pj's and hopped in the shower. I washed my body and hair and then got out. I blow dried my hair and then straightened it. I did my makeup which was only mascara and minimal eyeliner. I walked down the stairs to find my living room full of boys. I just stood in the doorway waiting for one of them to even realize I'm even there. No one noticed. "Ahem" still no one noticed. "Ahem!" I said louder. "AJ!!" Matt yelled running at me. He picked me up so he didn't have to bend down to hug me considering he's about 6"0 and I'm only 5"2. "Hey matty" I said ruffling his hair. He put back on the ground and I yelled at them. "HEY BITCHES IM GOING TO IHOP ANYONE WANNA GO?" No one replied. "K then...I guess I'll just have to go, alllll by my self. "ILL GO!" The jacks shouted. "Me too!" Yelled Matt. I nodded and grabbed my car keys. "Shotgun!" Yelled johnson. We arrived and got our table. Some slutty waitress walked over to us. "So what can I get you?" She asked with an obviously fake smile. "I'll have a chocolate chip pancake and water please" I said. "How bout you babe?" She winked at johnson. He made a disgusted face "um I'll have the same please." He said. "We'll have that also" said gilinsky. We messed around for 15 minutes until the slut bag walked towards our table with the food. She put down everyone's plates and picked up mine. She dumped the plate onto my lap. "Holy fucking shit!" I yelled. It was really hot and I was so mad. "Hey what the fuck is your problem?!" Johnson yelled at her. "It was an accident" she said twirling her hair and made a pouty face. "I'm fucking leaving." I said and stormed out. I got in my car and waited for the boys. Not a minute later the door opened. "That was uncalled for." Said gilinsky. I didn't answer and just drove home. I was so pissed. I stormed through the front door and in to the living room/kitchen area. "Woah what the hell happened to you Aj?!" Nash asked, shocked. "Slutty waitress, hot pancakes = pissed off Aj." I said. I went upstairs to shower once again. I got a different pair of Jean shorts and a crop top and put them on. I went downstairs and sat on the couch and turned on the Xbox. I put in GTA 5. "Damn. Not bad for a girl." Taylor said making me jump. "Sexist much?" I said not bothering to look up. He just laughed and took the controller from me. "Are you serious?" I said. "C'mon don't be so pissy" he said. That's it. I've had a bad enough day already. I slapped him as hard as I could and went up to my bed room. I curled up into a ball and fell asleep. I woke up with a cramp In my neck. Dammit. I showered and put on white short shorts and a galaxy shirt. I curled my and did my makeup which was eyeliner and mascara. I walked downstairs and got some cereal. When I was done I grabbed my penny board and walked out the door. I was riding down the sidewalk when somebody grabbed me from behind. I turned so I could see their face and it was....

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