Chapter 5- yes

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I woke up in my bedroom. Huh. Cam must've carried me up here because fell asleep on the couch. I got up and checked the time. 9:00. I grabbed a PINK crop top, white high waisted shorts. I put my phone on the dock and played my favorites playlist. I peeled off my pajamas and got in the shower. I washed and shaved my body. I got out and got dressed. I blow dried my hair and then curled with my wand. I grabbed my phone and walked down stairs. Cam was already up and ready. I asked him if he wanted to go to breakfast. He said yes but he had to run and grab his shoes. Then I got a text. From: Jack J
Hey! I wanted to say good morning and ask you if you wanted to go penny boarding later?
To: Jack J
Good morning!:) sure! Sounds like fun!
From: Jack J
Okay;) pick you up at 6:00
To: Jack J
Okay see you then:D
Then cam came back down stairs with his shoes on. "You ready?" He asked me. I nodded and smiled at him. Cam drove us to Waffle House "I've never been here" I giggled. He gave me a shocked expression. "I'll order for you" he said. "Okay" I laughed. The waitress walked over. Cameron gave her the same fake smile as she was giving us. He ordered for us and then the girl came back with our food. We ate and then goofed around for a bit. We finally decided to head home. It's now 10:30 so we decided to ask the guys if they wanted to go to the carnival. We all decided to meet at 12:00 at our house. Cam walked up to me and asked me "do you want to do the sibling tag with me?" I agreed and he set up his tripod. We asked questions like, what's my favorite color, when's my birthday, etc... We asked a bunch of questions and ended the video because it was 11:00. We decided to do the same thing on my YouTube channel but with different questions obviously. It was 11:30. I went up stairs and made sure my makeup was good. I waisted some time doing absolutely nothing until people started arriving. I noticed there was someone who looked unfamiliar and she was standing side by side with Matt. She had long brown hair and green eyes. She had the same style as me but she was a bit taller. Maybe 5"5. I walked over her and Matt. "Hey I'm aj." I said with a smile, sticking my hand out for her to shake. She accepted and said "my names Lillian but you can call me Lilly." And smiled. I can already see we're gonna be good friends. We all separated into different cars. Sammy and I were arguing over whether "sam" was a girl or boy name when someone tapped me causing me to jump. I turned around to see Jack j. I smiled at him and gave him a hug. "What's up" I asked. "Matt, Lilly and I are going to the Ferris wheel and I wanted to know if you wanted to come with us." He said. "Yeah of course" I replied. We all headed over the Ferris wheel line. They could fit 4 people because they had the basket type seats on this ride. When we got on we sat down and started talking about random things. When we got to the top I looked down and gulped. Jack must've noticed that I tensed up because he scooted closer to me and snaked his arm around my waist. I smiled and lay my head on his shoulder. When we were done at the carnival we went home. It was now 2:30. 3 and half hours until penny boarding. I decided to hang with Lilly for awhile. "Bae grab yo shit cause we goin shoppin!" I yelled at pretending to be drunk. She laughed at me and grabbed her wallet. We waved to the boys and walked out to my car. We got and then I realized that I forgot my phone. "Shit I'll be right back I forgot my phone" I told Lilly. I walked into the door and grabbed my brand new iPhone 6. I love this phone but it's too damn big fo my small damn hands. Anyways. I got I the drivers seat of my car and we were off. We jammed out to shawn and the jack's new music. We pulled into the mall and got out of the car. As we reached the door my phone sang out "I'm a boss ass bitch" signaling that one of the boys was calling me. I picked it up and immediately heard yelling. "Guys shut the hell up I'm trying to talk to Aj!" Gilinsky scolded them. "Hey Aj" he said dragging out my name. "Hey jack" I said mocking him. "Do you think you can grab me something while you're shopping?" He asked me. "Mmm depends what you want?" I said. "Can you get me a new pair of vans because nash ruined mine?" He asked with hope in his voice. "Um yeah sure send me a picture of the one you want and I'll get them for me if they have them." I said cheerfully. We walked and my phone vibrated. I looked and I was the picture from Jack. The vans he wanted were literally completely black. "Wow Jack, how exciting." I said chuckling. We walked towards a big sign that read "VANS" and stepped inside. I found the pair he wanted and paid for them. Then we walked around for a bit until we decided to go to Starbucks. I got a double chocolate chip frap. Lilly got the same. We sat down at a booth and were talking about how we planned on doing a YouTube video together. When we were done with our Starbucks we walked back to the car and headed home. When we stepped through the front door Lilly was immediately hit in the face with a throw pillow form the couch. I covered my face trying to restrain my laugh. She looked pissed. Everything became silent. "Okay who threw that?!" She yelled. Silence. We looked at each other when we noticed Taylor hiding behind Gilinsky. She walked over to him and up to him and grabbed his collar. She legit looked like she was going to punch him in the face but she calmed down and let his shirt go. I stifled a laughing and walked over to gilinsky handing him his vans. "Thanks shortie" he said kissing my cheek. I smiled and gave him a double thumbs up. Me and Lilly walked up to my room and sat on my bed. "So you and matt eh?" I said smirking at her. She blushed and said "I love him a lot" she said and smiled. "Aw!" I coo'ed at her. I asked her If she wanted to walk jaxx to the park. She agreed and we took Matt and johnson with us. I hugged the boys and we slipped out the door. I was having a conversation with Lilly when jaxx's leash was yanked out of my hands. I looked to see if Jack or Matt grabbed him but they didn't. We were currently at the boardwalk so I started to panic. I looked over to see jaxx chasing a bunch of birds down the board walk. I took off running with Jack Matt and Lilly trailing behind. After 15 minutes of chasing, some one who looked awfully familiar picked up jaxx. I walked over to him out of breath. "Thanks so much." I said. He was about to answer when I looked down at his side confused. There was another husky pup similar to jaxx next to him. "Excuse me but what's your name?" I asked him. "Joey graceffa" he said. "And this is wolf" he added smiling at the small dog. We talked for a while until we went back home. (Btw if you don't know who Joey graceffa is, he's a youtuber and he's rlly funny. You should go watch his videos!) we walked through the front door and all eyes were on us. "What?" I asked annoyed. "You guys were gone for like ever." Aaron pointed out. I scoffed and said 30 minutes isn't that long. And plus something happened but it's a long story." Jacob, who was sitting on the couch tilted his head to the side,scooted over and patted the seat next to him signaling for me to tell the story. I playfully rolled my eyes and excepted the seat. So I told them the whole story and by the end everyone was laughing. I looked over at the clock. 5:45. I smiled over at Jack and he smiled back at me. We waited until 6:00 and we said goodbye and left. I grabbed my mint and pink penny board and Jack had a blue and red one. We were skating until Jack asked me if I wanted to get ice cream. "Yeah sounds good." I smiled. We stopped at Ben and Jerry's and shared a chocolate milkshake. We were laughing and having a conversation when Jack stopped and said, "hey AJ can I ask you something?" "Yah fire away" I replied. "I have known you for awhile and I really really like you and I was just wondering if.... Maybe you'd be my girlfriend?" "Jack I...I would love to!" I said. A look of happiness and excitement washed over his face. We finished our drink and headed home carrying out penny boards. I was looking around and admiring the beautiful LA sunset. I was in deep thought when Jack snapped me out of it by lacing our fingers together. I looked down and smiled at them. I'm really lucky to have him. We arrived home and walked through the front door. I walked over to Lilly and pulled her up to my room and told her everything. She was looking at me in awe as I continued. After I told the story I took a breath and checked the time. 7:00. "You wanna go shopping? Again?"I sad chuckling. "Yeah why not. It's not like we have anything better to do." She laughed. We decided to ask matt and Jack if they wanted to come with us. Me and Lilly went to the Apple Store and bought matching phone cases for iPhone 6 (picture in beginning). We bought a bunch of other things like shoes clothes phone accessories etc. and the. We met Matt and Jack in the food court. We ate chipotle and then headed home.

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