Chapter 4

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18 years later:

26 year old Mac Griffin, who was now a full time charity event planner at a corporation called Sky Events in New York City.

He was inside the tall skyscraper building, wearing a professional brown suit with a gray undershirt and brown dress pants with a tie attire,  packing up his paper documents in a suitcase.

He had taken an assignment that will be located in Springfield, Massachusetts.

The very city that he grew up in and loved.

He had already booked a flight and was finishing putting up everything for his trip.

"You ready to go home already?" A male coworker asked him, who was standing by the doorway of his office just as he was about to leave.

"You bet. Its been what? 8 years since I returned home? It'll feel very nostalgic seeing the place again." Mac said smiling a little.

"Okay I understand that you're still a bit homesick but, why did you want the Foster's Home Orphanage event project when there are plenty of other events to choose from? That place is only just for the kids when you can always go to awesome parties anytime. They're filled with hot chicks and you get to drink. Why waste your time there?" The co-worker asked curiously. 

"I don't know, I just need a change from my crazy hectic schedule. That orphanage however, holds a special place in my heart. Its because of their Pen Pal program, that I got to have a best friend for the first time in my life but it only lasted a year." Mac said frowning. 

"Jeez, what happened?" The co-worker asked curiously. 

"I didn't really know exactly why. But I figured it had something to do with him finally getting adopted and he probably had to move away afterwards. The last thing he ever did was mailing me a special birthday present and his last letter to me as a thank you for being a friend to him with the little time that we spent together." Mac explained. 

"Ouch that harsh man." The co worker said. 

"Its not a big deal it was a long time ago." Mac said, trying to brush it off.

"How close you were to the guy?" The co-worker asked, not buying his expression of 'moving on'. 

"You could say that we were... almost like brothers." Mac 

"Well if its too personal and you feel uncomfortable at any point in time, you just let me know and I can convince the boss to switch projects for you." The co-worker said sympathetically. 

"Thanks but I think I'll be okay. Plus, It'll give me a chance to go visit my mother since she's been alone all these years and I'm the only son she has left that she can talk to at this point." Mac said sadly. 

"Didn't you have a brother?" The coworker ask.

"Yeah, but he's still in prison and she only gets to see him once a week that is, if he'll even show up on the visiting hours. All he wants is money from her and its just ridiculous. She works too hard to take care of us both. She doesn't deserve that kinds of treatment." Mac said in a mad tone. 

"Wow man, that's tough. Well it seems like you have a lot to catch up on so I'll let you get to it. Have a good flight and stay safe" The Co-worker said as he walks out of his office so he can catch his plane departure which will starts in 30 minutes. 

"Bye" Mac said waving as he heads out of the office building and calls up for a cab.

He manages to make it to his plane within a 5 minute time spot and sits in a first class seat by the window. 

Several hours later, he hops off the plane and takes an airport cab to go see his mother. 

He figured that after he's settled in and gets enough rest, he can take a bus to the orphanage the following morning to start organizing the event.

30 minutes later, he makes it to his mother's house, which was now a nice new one story house, since both of her boys are grown and she was able to make enough money to finally get herself a better place to live. 

He knocks on the front door as she immediately opens it wide.

"Mac! Its so good to finally see you again. My little Mackie all grown up and working hard." His mom Wendy exclaimed as she hovers him in for a big hug.

"haha hi mom. Its good to see you too." Mac said, half chocked by her hug.

"Now you must be starving come on in and lets get you something to eat." Wendy said as she lets him in.

"Okay" Mac laughed as he heads inside. 

They were having a spaghetti and salad dinner and decide to chit chat a bit to catch up while they ate.

"So I hear that you're going to be hosting a charity event for child adoption at the orphanage. That sounds very exciting." Wendy said cheerfully. 

"Yeah I really wanted to do something to help make a difference for those kids." Mac said smiling.

"Well that all sounds fun, but you young man are going to have to sleep early tonight. I don't want my baby to be drowsy and out of it for his first day on the job." Wendy advised motherly. 

"Haha, okay mom. I promise I won't stay up too long." Mac said, laughing. 

"I'm so proud of you. You've become a wonderful fine young man of yourself." Wendy said holding her son's hand dearly. 

"Thanks. It really means a lot for me to hear you say that. Thanks for the dinner I'm going to lie down now, good night" Mac said as he got up and gave her a hug. 

"Good night Mac" Wendy said smiling as she cleans up the kitchen and settles down herself. 

When Mac got to his room, he sat on his, would be now, new bed. 

His mother presumed that he would visit her frequently so, she have save the guest bedroom just for him.

She had it decorated to his taste and it all looked like a nice comfortable area to rest.

Even some of his old stuff manages to blend in with the room.

His old stereo was there, his old clothes and...his old personal belonging chest still sat in the corner of the room. 

He wanted to look inside but knew exactly where it would lead to and hesitated. 

"Nope. I'm just going to rest and that will be it" Mac said as he slowly closed his eyes and sleeps slumberly in his bed. 

Pen pals (MacxBloo): a request by MaoMao_GumballWhere stories live. Discover now