Chapter 5

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The next morning arises as Mac gets up from his bed and fixes himself up some eggs in the kitchen as he turns on the stove to cook them. 

A few minutes later, His mother Wendy, also got up from the burning oil of the eggs as she joins her son in the kitchen and pops in several toasts in the toaster to help go with the eggs. 

"Good morning Mackie, are you ready for your first day on the job?" Wendy asked sweetly. 

"Of course Mom, I'm not 18 years old anymore." Mac said chuckling a little. 

"I know, I'm just glad that you're back home, I miss having my little baby around." Wendy said as she pinches his cheek and kisses his forehead. 

"Don't worry I'm going to stay here a while. I just need to figure how to get this event in order." Mac said. 

"Well I'm sure that what it is you decide to do, I'll be great." Wendy said in an encouraging tone. 

"Thanks Mom" Mac said as he finishes cooking up the scrambled eggs as he grabs 2 plates and pours the eggs on both of them along with the freshly cooked toasts that came from the toaster.

He places the food on the table and grabs milk from the fridge as he pours it two in cups, for him and his mom as places the cups on the table as well and sits with his mom to join him. 

"Man, I don't know if I can get used to my son cooking for me. Its very thoughtful though, you didn't have to do all of this." Wendy said modestly. 

"Well, you've been taking care of me for a long time, so I thought it would be nice to return the favor every once in a while." Mac said smiling as two ate together peacefully. 


When Mac finished his breakfast, he waved goodbye to his mom as he walked out of the apartment and headed towards a bus stop.

From there he waited until a bus arrives as he got on and paid the small fee.

He took a seat and told the driver to head to the destination needed to reach the Foster's Home Orphanage. 

After 30 minutes passed, he finally got to the place as he got off on a nearby stop and walked up to the place. 

It was an old Victorian like 3 story brown house with a black gate surrounding the area. 

Mac lifted the easily opened gate door and walked towards the front door as he knocks on the door.

"You can come in." a voice from inside said as Mac opens the door and walks in the house.

Inside, the mansion like place has serval rooms on the left and right of the area along with a staircase that led to the west and east side of the wings of the house.

 A small front desk stood in front of it by the entry way. 

The person sitting in the desk, was an ugly older woman wearing too much makeup and zebra like clothes with red jewelry as if she came from upstate New York. 

Mac shivered a bit by the sight of her look, but tries to still be polite about it as he gives a small welcoming smile. 

"Can I help you?" The woman asked in a thick fancy German accent, who Mac assumed, was the secretary of the orphanage. 

"Hi I'd like to see Madame Foster. Is she here?" Mac asked the lady. 

"Yes she's here and the purpose of your business is?" The lady asked. 

"Oh my name is Mac Griffin. I'm representing from a company called Sky Events in New York City and I'm here to plan for a charity event that 'll be coming up in two weeks to help foster kids get adopted." Mac explained. 

"I see. Ugh, kids are so gross, I d be glad to be rid of them any day. If you're looking for someone to talk to for that particular matter, I would suggest talking to Frances 'Frankie' Foster over there in her office. As you can see,  Madame Foster is very busy at the moment." The lady instructed as she points her finger to show the way.

"Okay then, thank you so much." Mac said as he left and heads to the office. 

Gosh what a horrible woman! Who hired her to be the secretary of this amazing place? Mac though disgusted, as he walks over and knocks on Frances's office door.

The door opens as a tall, red haired girl with a green jacket with a matching green outfit appears in the doorway.

"HI I'm Frances but you can call me Frankie. come on in." Frankie said as she lets him to the office and shuts the door as they took a seat.

"So what can I do for you?" Frankie asked. 

"Hi, my name is Mac Griffin.  I'm the head charity planner representing from a company called Sky Events in New York City. You're secretary told me that you were the person to go to for this type of event" Mac explained. 

"Oh yes, thank you for coming, Mac. Welcome to Foster's home. I hope that we can be of any help to you and uh... I see that you've met Duchess Diamond." Frankie said with a first perky tone and then a dull one as she rolls her eyes at the word 'Duchess'.

"Yes I have. She seems like a nice old lady." Mac said, lying about her personality. 

"Tuh. I highly doubt it. Secretly though, I have been trying to get rid of her for months but she just won't leave." Frankie said in a whisper, so that the secretary won't overhear. 

"Haha. Wow, for a person who hates kids, she sure loves her job." Mac said laughing.

"Well you know what they say. If it pays wells, its here to stay." Frankie said as she laughed with him. 

"Come on I'll let you meet with the others." Frankie said as she leads him out of the office and walked with him towards the backyard.

"Oh you guys have more organizers for the event?" Mac asked curiously. 

"No, I'd say they're more of 'volunteers'. The group that you're about to meet are believe or not, foster children themselves. Their appearance to the event will help inspire potential parents to consider adopting these wonderful kids to help make them successful just like them." Frankie explained as they opened the back door and walked into the sunny playground like park of the place. 

"Oh wow, how sweet. I can't wait to meet them." Mac said smiling. 

"Well, I think that they'll be excited to meet you too. Hey guys! Come over here" Frankie called out as she waves her hand at a group of people, whom all look young but are around Mac's age as they walked towards Mac and Frankie, eager to meet their event planner. 

Pen pals (MacxBloo): a request by MaoMao_GumballWhere stories live. Discover now