Chapter 1

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*beep beep beep*

My alarm clock went off and I slammed down on it to stfu. It was a Monday, school day. And also a day were tonight me and my mom have to go and pick up two or three other bands. Meeeeh. I am not excited for this one bit... more old famous people my mom will be stuck drooling over. But whatever.... I got up and pulled out a T-shirt that was pink and laced up in the back and on the front it said "Bitch, I am limited addition!" in gold letters. Put on black leather skinny jeans with a black and silver studded belt. My 3 inch stelettos which, were a bubble gum pink. My many band bracelets. BOTDF, BVB, SWS, BMTH, Tokio Hotel, Pierce The Veil, Marilyn Manson and many more. My make up was all natural today. And just a thin line of eyeliner and pink lip gloss. I walked downstairs to see my mom smiling like an idiot. Gah...its cuz of those bands that will be staying here for god knows how long.....

"You okay ma?" I asked. waving my hand in front of her.

"Yes. I am. just excited, that's all. You look beautiful today hun." My mom said handing me a plate of waffles.

"Alright. So who are the bands that are coming tonight?" I asked and she just shook her head.

"Nope. I'm not telling you this time. You'll find out tonight after your talent show." Ma said and I just rolled my eyes. I then remembered I had waffles and boy do I love waffles!! You could say I stuffed my face. Then had to redo my lip gloss buts that's okay. Once I was all ready I walked out to get the bus. All the guys at my stop staired at me. Like usual. I just ignored them. Once the bus finally came I got on and sat down. Instantly putting my headphones in and ignoring the world. I had to wait until after the damn talent show to see the 3 bands that are gunna be at my house!? You know how much that's gunna bug me!? Even tho I probably don't know who they are. But whatever. I'll just continue it like a normal day. I have to figure out what song I'm singing.... gah.



Tonight was our last show for this tour. And after were getting picked up by some people. They own the house that we are vacationing at. For...a month or two. I say it will be awkward. I mean. its also someones house ...but i guess it was made for this. idk I really don't want to but Tom says it will be good for us and the G's. So I'll go along with it.

"Hey Billa. You ready? Were heading to McDonalds for lunch. You coming?" Tom asked me. I just nodded and went to the car. Once we were at Mcdonalds we order our food.

"Guys. Do u hear that?" Gustav asked. We all shut up and listened. There was music being played. Really aggressive music. And then a car pulled up to Mcdonalds that the loud music was coming from. About 5 Gothic teenagers emerged from the car. A black 1960's mustang to be exact. Huh. Interesting....

"Wow...they have an...interesting choice in music. And clothes......" Georg said. I can tell he didn't like it... But I found it cool. It was kinda like my style.

"Hey Bill. It looks like you blend in with them a lot more than us. Your practically dressed the same way. Just not as....vulgar..." Tom joked. I just slapped his arm.

"Yeah. If I tried I'm afraid they would beat me up...and we all know I'm not a fighter...or very strong." I said and they just agreed. WELL! Pfft. Fine...ha. They started a conversation but I just kinda zoned out. Looking around the room. And my eyes landed on one of the teens. She had long dark hair, leather skinny jeans on, a bright pink shirt that laced up in the back. I couldn't tell what her shirt said tho...she had pink heels on to and a bunch of band bracelets on. And if I'm not mistaken. One was a Tokio Hotel one! But I'm probs just imagining things. I didn't notice until after awhile she was looking right at me. I felt my face get all red and she waved at me and laughed. I slightly waved and then turned back to face Tom and the G's. I acted as if nothing happened.

"Bill why are you blushing?" Gustav asked and I immediately covered my face.

"I am not!" I said and they just laughed.

"Oooh is it one of the Goths? Does Bill have a crush on a girl he doesn't even know?" Georg teased and I kicked him under the table. "Owwa!" Georg screamed. I just smiled innocently. I could hear the girl laughing again. And for some reason my heart sped up and my face went red again.... Tom laughed and I slapped him.

"Go talk to her Bill. I no you like her a little." Tom said and I shook my head no.

"Awwe why not?" He asked and I looked back at her and she was talking to one of the Goth guys. He had his arm wrapped around her. I sighed

"Because she has a boyfriend by the looks of it. And he looks like he already wants to kick my ass ....." I said and the guys looked over at them. They sighed. Then I could hear the girl in the background saying no a billion times. I wondered what was going on. Then I felt I tap on my shoulder. I looked up and it was that guy and some of his friends. They didn't look to happy....

"Uhh..hi?" I said nervously.

"Why are you staring at my girlfriend!?" the guy said. no he yelled it and I kinda just sunk in my seat. The girl looked like she wanted to punch someone.

"ALEXANDER I AM NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND! Leave them ALONE!" She shouted. The guy groaned...

"Jazmine! Do you want him to keep looking at you!?" Alexander said

"I don't give to shits if he is or not. Your making a fool of yourself!! Now go sit down before you get us kicked out of another place!" Jazmine yelled at him. Pointing to the seat. He sighed and started to walk away but turned back at me and said "Your lucky this time, fag." My eyes widened and I could feel them start to water. I looked at Jazmine and she looked pissed and speechless.

"ALEX! SIT! NOW!" She yelled and he went to sit down. Then Jazmine looked at us. Mostly me. "I am sooo soon sorry about him. He's uhh.....well a jerk. And I'm sorry for that." She said and I just nodded. If I said anything I knew I would spill a few tears...but I guess I didn't even have to slid out. I tried to hide it but that didn't work cuz she gasped.

"Ohh. No no don't cry." She said and then Tom made me look at him. He just hugged me. I felt like a kid...... gahh.

"Again I'm soo sorry...." She said and then kinda just walked away. She sat back down next to Alex and he tried to put his arms around her again but she slapped him and scooted away. Then said something to him. Like yelling at him.

"Well I think its time for us to go...Billa you ready?" Tom asked and I nodded. We all got up and left. Although her friend was a jerk and called me a fag. I couldn't stop thinking about her. She was just so....I don't no. Tom could tell I was still thinking about her. She was all I could think about the rest of the day. And during the concert.

Falling For A 15 Year Old? *Bill Kaulitz LS*Where stories live. Discover now