Chapter 5: Surprise at School

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I over heard the whole conversation between Jazz and the girls. But whatever its over with. And I'm on my way back to the house. It was quiet when I walked in. Tooooo quiet. Everybody is up to something... I saw a note on the fridge. It was from all the guys.

"Ayeeeeeeeeeeee! Bill. Me(Kellin) and the others went to go cause some trouble down at the club. We didn't wait for you because well. Since your dating Jazz, it wouldn't be right for u too watch girls half naked sliding down poles. hehe. Don't hit me, Tom told me to say that to tourcher you. IT WAS HIS IDEA I SWEAR! Anyway, we will be back around 3. Have fun...doing what you do.

-Peaceout broskie,

Kellin & the guys

OF COURSE! I mean I'm certainly glad they didn't force me to go. I would hate myself..Blech. eh oh well. I guess I have to wait....3 hours until I go pick up Jazz. Aaaarrgghh. Maybe I can just hang out with her there. I might get kicked out, but its worth a try. I got up and back into my car and back to the school and into the office.

"Hi. Uhm. What room is Jazmine Nicole in?" I asked and the girl just stared at me. It was kinda awkward. Then she sighed.

"Your that Bill guy, right?" she asked and I nodded. "Room 120. Second floor." she said and I said thanks and ran to the room. I don't no how long it taking me... 116....117....118.....119....120!!!! YES! I opened the door and almost nobody paid attention to me. The ones who did I was just like Shhhhh! Some girls squealed. I'm guessing they were fans. I waved and walked over to Jazz. She was face down and....snoring. Haha. The teacher just looked at me weird.

"Excuse me. Who are you?" he asked

"Bill." I said and he just grinned

"Ahh. So your the famous Bill. Haha well. Its nice to meet you. I'm Mr. Hannon." He said and I just smiled. Jazz was still completely asleep. Not knowing what was going on. I poked her. No response. I poked her twice. No response. I was about to whisper something to her but when I was an inch away...

"RAWRRR!!!" she screamed and I jumped back and fell on my ass. She couldn't stop laughing. The whole class was kinda giggling.

"Jeez. Why'd you RAWR me? Now my butt hurts...." I said jokingly. And she got up out of her chair and sat on my lap on the floor.

"I'm sorry. But do you know what RAWR means?" she asked and I shook my head. Clueless. "It means 'I love you'." She said and I pecked her lips.

"Awwh, well RAWRR to you too." I said and then we heard a bunch of 'awwwh's and fake gagging from everyone. Jazz looked at them all with a glare.

"What Chu guys looking at? Go back to your math. We are not a reality show!" she said.

"Then go be lovely dovey somewhere else b4 I beat his ass....." we heard Alex mumble. And Jazz was ready to pounce on him. But I stopped her. She pouted.

"What are you doing here anyway?" She asked.

"Well. I got home and nobody was their cuz they all went to a strip club. And so I was lonely....but I can go back if you want..." I said joking around and about set her on the floor but she had a death grip on me. Nope. She wasn't letting go anytime soon.

"Oh your not going anywhere. I'll keep you company!" She said with a huge smile. I laughed. But then remembered she was still in school so she should probs get back to work. I don't want her to get in trouble bcuz of me.

"Okay. I'll stay. But you should get back to work. I won't leave." I said and she sighed.

"Fine. But can I do one thing before I have to get bored to death?" she asked while constantly looking at my lips. Ha. I bit my bottom lip just to mess with her. And it worked.

"Bill don't do no what that does to meeeee..." she whined and I just laughed. I probably shouldn't be turning her on in school. But it was just so much fun. I leaned in a kissed her. But me and her both looked up when we heard the door slam. Literally. The whole room shook. Me and Jazz looked at Mr. Hannon who was just like 'Woooow' and he looked at us and said

"I think Alex is mad.." he said. The class laughed. The rest of the time I followed her to every class until lunch. I met some of her friends. There cool. Then we went to her next class. Modern World History. With Mr. Deschene. And when he saw me walk in with Jazz. He was so confused. Jazz just took me to the couch in the back or the room.

"Uhm. Who are you?" Mr. Deschene asked me.

"Bill Kaulitz." I said and he still wasn't satisfied.

"What are you doing in my class room? You look at least in your late 20's to be a 9th grader. And I didn't get any emails that I was getting a German foreign exchange student." he said.

"I'm here with Jazz. Do I really look that old?" I asked Jazz. I was panicking. I was only 21!! I don't wanna look 30 already!

"No babe, you don't. You look like an angel tho." Jazz said and my face heated up. "Awwh Bill. Your blush is co cute." she said which made it worse.

"Yeah well. Bill. How old are you?" Mr. Deschene asked. And I froze.

"19. I don't go to this school." I said and he just nodded.

"Jazmine. I understand your friend is here but you have to sit in your assigned seat." Deschene said and Jazz groaned. Got up. And went to the front of the room. It felt so empty without her..



I went to the front of the class and I swear. It was cold up here. Either that or its because Bills not in my grasp. I think its the last one. I looked back at Bill a few times and he was either spacing out. Or looking at me and teasing me......ugh. He knows that he's turning me on and I can't go and tackle him. So its killing me. Ohh he's gunna get it when we get home.....


Falling For A 15 Year Old? *Bill Kaulitz LS*Where stories live. Discover now