A colorful basket of eggs

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The blood stained her hands
The grease leaked onto his shirt staining it forever
They were linked but they didn't know
The crows foul play down the rabbit hole they go
Past painful memories
And heart wrenching bedtime stories
He was ordinary
She was extraordinary
They didn't know
They didn't know..
Down the rabbit hole I go..
The rain padded outside her window whilst she wrote a poem to her ex
He was fixing cars
They didn't know
Violet should've known
Marcus could've expected
They would've survived what's next
But no one knew
Not even the owls last hoo
No one could predict the magick coming back
No one but dack but who would trust
A wizard of mind and soul
Binded by blood bonded by soul
He was their last hope
But no one listened
Dack is just a sad sack they said
They said they said they said
She said he said they said
No one said the truth
All liars
Planet earth is dying
We could be buying
It time
But we stink!
And stunk up the whole shop!
We were banned.
As humans.
Humans stink up everything.
Wiping away color
Did I stutter ?
Humans ruin everything
That's what she said
She didn't want to be human
So she no longer was
But he loved humans
So he stayed as one
They broke apart like an old clock ticking down a bomb
Everybody wore a frown in this town
Blackout blackout blackout
Coo coo!
Birds'a chim'in
Time to run
Tie up loose ties
White rabbit, white rabbit
Coo coo!
I'm losing my mind
Is what he said
He was tired
He wanted to be with her
But she left a long time ago
She was gone
And he was bleeding out dry
Not even a loose tie could save his life
He was no longer human
And she didn't care
Humans ruin everything
Humans said
Burying their horrible horrible past
Living on Mars
What's earth you ask ?
It never existed
Says the humans
Now marshians
This is their land now
We will start over
Said no one
Cause they can run
They can hide
But they can never hide from the truth
Humans stink
They ruin everything
They ruined earth
And they'll ruin Mars too
Coo coo!

A/N: ahh I don't know what to say for this one.. I jus wrote whatever was on my mind. Bleh.

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