Chapter Three

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It's the next week at school and Miguel, Demetri, Eli, and me were in the lunch and we just grabbed our lunch when we heard a something hit the ground. We all turned around to see a tray on the floor and Sam glaring at Kyler. I couldn't hear what they were saying but then I saw Miguel slowly started to walk up to them. I just stayed behind with Demetri and Eli not wanting to get in the middle of anything. "hey guys you know that big billboard with the big ass dick on it, i guess Sam takes after her dad." after klyer said that most of the kids in the lunchroom started laughing. i didn't really find it that funny though.

"hey kyler." i turn my head to see Miguel walking up to them. he drops his tray onto the table and walked up to them. "why don't you shut the hell up and stop being an asshole." Miguel said once he reached them. "want another beat down rhea?' klyer said while pushing him. "i'm ready for you lame ass karate this time." he said pushing Miguel really hard backwards into a table. "its not lame ass karate." he said as kyler threw a punch and he blocked it. "its Cobra Kai." he said then punched kyler in the face. i didn't know what was happening but in the end Miguel beat the shit out of kyler.

As me and Demetri were heading home he said "are you really going to that stupid karate thing Miguel was talking about?" "yes I am it might be fun and your scrawny arms could use some karate too." "well that's really rude." he said acting offended. "like you haven't said anything more rude than that." "Whatever" he said walking faster so he was in front of me. "hey! wait up." I yelled trying to get him to stop but of course he didn't so he just ran for a block or so.

After i chased him a bit I started walk a different way "hey where are you going?" "to the dojo Miguel told us about he gave me the address, you coming or what?" I said not caring if he came with me or not. "fine I'll go." he said while rolling his eyes.

As we got to the dojo called "Cobra Kai" I saw a bunch of kids from the high school and in the crowd I saw Eli "hey Eli I didn't know you would show up too." I said walking up to him. "well I wanted to see this place and Miguel was begging us to come here so yeah I couldn't really refuse. " he said in a quiet voice. "yeah I didn't want to feel bad for him so I came and also dragged Demetri along with me." I said grabbing Demetri's wrist because he was lost in the crowd and jerking him to me and Eli. "oh hey Eli I didn't think you'd be here." Demetri said when he saw Eli. "yeah I thought I'd come come check it out." shortly after he said that some guy pulled up in a red car.

The guy went to unlock the door and everyone went into the building once we got in there is a wall with mirrors on one side and some words on the other side "strike first, strike hard, no mercy" huh funny. "why'd I let you talk me into this, this goes against everything I stand for. It's like extra gym class for no reason." Demetri said. "lets just given it a chance, you saw the fight Miguel kicked ass." Eli said.

I looked around more and saw a punching bag and two doorways. when I looked in one of the doorways and I saw man that must be his teacher or "sensei". " alright today we begin" he said trying to get everyone's attention. "QUITE!" he said making me and Demetri jump at the same time and look at him. "face front." he said Me, Demetri and Eli faced forward. he walked around and then got to Demetri "nice shirt" he said "thanks" "i'm joking it sucks" i let out a sight chuckle while Demetri shook his head and looked down.

As the guy went around the room he made fun of a couple of kids which was kind of funny but Demetri didn't think it was. "When i look around this dojo, i don't see cobra kai material. I see losers, i see nerds, i see a fat kid with a funny hat but my short time as a sensei I've also seen some miracles. So maybe there's some hope for you yet so everybody fall in.

Everyone started to whisper i didn't really know what it meant either so i just stayed next to Demetri and Eli."that means line up." after he said that everyone started to get into two lines behind Miguel and Aisha. "no not line up in a line. lines, get in lines "you mean like rows?" Demetri said.

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