Chapter Eight

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It was time to leave we all got out of the dojo and i waited for Eli to come out to ask him something. When he got out i ran up to him "hey Eli do you think you might want to hang out a little bit later?" i said trying to not show that i was really nervous. "yeah of course where should we go?" he said. "i didn't really think about that." i said. "i know the perfect place." he said. "where is it?" i said "you'll have to wait to see." "okay so what time?" "ill probably pick you up around 6:30 or 7 does that sound good?" "yeah that sounds perfect." i said smiling "okay ill see you then." "okay ill see you too bye." i said walking away fast.

I started getting ready to go hang out with Eli i wouldn't really call it a date just too close friends hanging out. "where are you going?" i turned to my doorway to see Demetri standing there. "to hang out with someone." i said walking to my closest as Demetri followed me. "whoo?" "it's none of your business." i said rummaging through my clothes. "oh come on just tell me." "fine i'm going to hang out with Eli okay are you happy now?" i said finding a perfect outfit to wear. "okay just no kissing or anything more than that."

"Demetrius nothing like that is going to happen. its just two close friends hanging out, now get out of my room." i said pushing him out of my room. "sheesh you don't have to get so defensive." he said throwing his hands up in the air. "whatever" i said shutting the door in his face and getting dressed.

Right as i finished getting ready i heard a car honk outside. i looked out my window and saw Eli in his car waiting for me. I grabbed my phone and rushed downstairs and Demetri was at the door looking outside. i walked past him to open the door and in the way out he yelled "remember no kissing and if i hear you did anything there's going to be a problem." "just shut up Dem." i said running to Eli's car and got in he didn't have his Mohawk in and his hair was down on both sides of his face. he looked really cute like this. "hey i'm sorry about Demetri hes being weird lately." i said looking out the window to see Demetri staring threw the window next to the door of the house staring at Eli. "no its completely fine i understand him." he said backing out of the driveway.

"So where is this place?" i said looking out the window. "you'll see when we get there." it took around 10 minutes to get to the place called golf n stuff. "I've never been here before." i said looking out the window. "you'll love it here then." he said as we got out of the car. After a couple hours of having fun we decided that we should get going. we started to leave the building to go back to the car when i turned to him and said "I had i really good time with you tonight." looking at him. "yeah me too we should do this more often." he said looking me in the eyes.

I started to lean in and so did he. As our faces got closer and closer we heard a car honk that scared both of us apart and we turned to where it came from and saw Miguel and Sam get out of a car. "hey i didn't know you guys would be here too." Miguel said "we didn't know you guys would come here too." Eli said. "hey Sam how are you?" i said trying to talk to her. "i'm good how are you?" "i'm good too" i said smiling and turning back to Miguel and Eli that were talking about who knows what. "so you and Miguel huh?" I whispered to Sam. "no we just came here as friends nothing more." Sam said and I nodded. "so you and Eli or "hawk" huh?" Sam whispered mimicking me. "no, no we're just two friends hanging out just like you and Miguel." I said and Sam nodded. "sure." Sam said dragging the "ur".

We looked at each other then started laughing then looked back to the guys talking. "Yeah well me and y/n were about to get going so well see you at school and the dojo tomorrow." "okay bye guys see you tomorrow." Miguel said waving at us. "bye Miguel, bye Sam." I said i waving back and we walked to the car and got in and Eli took me home.

When we got to my house he walked me to the door and we said goodbye to each other. when i got in and shut the door i saw Demetri standing behind the door. "Demetri stop doing that!" i said slapping him. "so how was it?" he said it like he was interrogating me or something. "it was good." i said and talked about all the things we did except for the kiss we almost had. "that's more interesting than my whole week." he said. "yeah yeah i'm tired so i'm going to bed." "okay but are you sure nothing more happened then what you told me?" "yes i'm sure." i said turning around and started walking up the stairs and got to my room and fell asleep really quick.

Broken Promise - A Eli/Hawk x Reader Book 1Where stories live. Discover now